Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

There seems to be a repeating theme with these reviewers…


:+1: :laughing:



This one is smart enough to know not to over do it like the bucks who choose to attempt it. I’ve got some more suggestions to look over as I climb to BIGGER heavyweights in the space. We’ve got more harvest ready. Now you can see the cut mom next to the seed pheno. I told you all this plant is HER, and seriously I know every expression this line puts out.

2 cuts and 1 seed

CripXmas A F3

CripXmas A2 seed CripXmas A pheno

You know you have her when you get the SHORTEST plant :face_with_raised_eyebrow: The cuts are done, I think she needs a few more days

Can ANYONE count how many harvest I’ve had this year alone, at least 20-30, maybe more


That’s awesome I have that same pic from my old high times book.


Found this on the site as well,I was like that looks familiar :grin: I have that same tray,I just broke mine and found this last year. Great minds think alike!


That’s hilarious :joy: I saw that tray in the back section of Giant on a sale rack, I was like PERFECT tray to put finished trimmed buds on, although not too much being shallow. Also for shucking seeds sitting in my sofa.


Chocolate Haze Xmas review

Another hit! He even says this is that 1 hit wonder that was super expensive back then, and he’s right! I believe he was starting to tweak out. That creeper is front and center, the more you keep smoking compounds strength and effect. Ditched the number rating for specific descriptors, which I like :+1: I’m definitely making a solid old school take me back impression with what I put out. Remember, if I don’t believe it’s good enough for me, it’s NOT good enough for YOU to get/buy seed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


wow there’s chocolate haze? cripxmas a fems popped 3/3 and pretty quick


Yup, it’s a Chocolate Thai/Chocolope pheno crossed to my champ Xmas C male. I’ll put in a few to trial out before envelope goes out :facepunch:


Here’s the Maui A and because I sent him this to trial I discovered a name for her in the process…TimeTraveler, since Timewarp is already taken

Maui A pine phenotype

Part 2…TimeTraveler

The long and short of this is he only thought 30 minutes had passed when it was a whole hour, but the reaction got me hysterically going :rofl:

I also put four in for you @Gadarien


Hell yeah! Gonna watch that one too. Really enjoyed him getting blitzed off of one run at that one hitter. :rofl: That’s the good shit!


Just chiming in as to right about what i just did and have experienced thus far. I had cut down the Island Crippy male I had in the backyard. I had all his leaves and pollen sacks tossed into a brown paper bag drying out since then and today my curiousity got the best of me as I wondered “Would it get me High?”

All this leaf material had no visible resin on it but I figured it was still smelling Dank and carried quite a strong smell so stuffed some leaf matter into the good ole pipe hit it with the torch 3 times and lets see where this goes…

Did I feel anything? Fuckin Eh I am. First it was subtle, a bit of mental clarity, Bit of a energy increase. Now HE’s starting to creep in with whats turning into a great body high and my face is starting to go numb. Heart is starting to beat fast.

You cant truely know what your getting into of your not willing to test every facet of the plant.

Did I expect to feel anything, honeslty Not in the least. Do I regret doing this NOPE. I’m actually very happy I tested the male flower as I can report on something that I believe shouldn’t be overlooked. Which is the males potential of potency.

If I dont move I start to steep into a deep heavy body high but still with the underlying electric energy of the Sativa.

A Absolute Stunning High from this MALE plant.

Since I’ve started to write this Ive only gotten higher and higher. I’m honeslty Gobsmacked with how high I am from this plant.

If this is any indicator of what I’m going to experience with the female plants I’m going to have to wear a helmet and a seatbelt.




See, now you know HOW I determine the male plant being used or tossed. It MUST show potency by testing the flowers as a primary criteria, among other factors. Every word of this SHOULD show others, yes testing male flowers is part of the process to breeding properly, otherwise it’s assuming. I don’t assume with any male plant I’ve collected from, even though a small lucky number each have proved potency, terpenes and effects. Now you know HOW to properly select in small populations :trophy:


Well its a test on the plants tonight under the tarped section

After this mornings cold it should be ok for the next few days but after that Im going to have to chop the crop. I was hoping for some snowfall so i could let the plants experience it and also cause the last hormonal push for resin/flower production but its not looking that way.

I feel quite lucky to have gotten this far with them.

But all good things must come to there end at some point.

Also on a follow up of todays earlier experience.

Duration of effect: 4 hrs
Duration to peak: 2-1/2 hrs

Effects felt: Motivated and energetic when moving with clear mental function.

When seditary: progressive heavy body stone which built upto its peak which matched the creeper qualities of the Crippy lines Ive read about.

Impression: Extremely pleased with the experience considering how little I consumed. I found this plant to create a very productive high when consumed in a lower dose.

That bag of male plant material is going to be dipped into more and varied amounts to test different concentrations to see how the effects vary which I’ll report on those experiences as they happen.


It’s time to watch him get demolished and punished by bong hits. The bong hits alone should tell you how ruthless this bud is! :smiling_imp:

Popcorn Crippy


Hope dude is ok lol


Actually he got high after eating caramel :rofl:


Just chopped 2 cripXmas a, transplanted 6 pressure skunk, transplanted 5 cripXmas clones, and set up a mother plant for the cripXmas and Dankmasters crippy. No pics, my hands are too sticky.


That trim session I had, my fingers tips were BLACK in layers. I had to use a shit ton of isorphyl alcohol to clean it off :rofl:


Should use butter to remove the resin. Works like a hot damn and if you want to use it in something to eat there ya go too. Just put a helmet on for the ride thou!!!

Organic bonds with organic. I wouldnt have believed it if I hadnt tried it many times.