Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Very cool, I’ve seen this on my ancient OG all bud pheno! Not ever on another though. Wonder where it originates from?


Damn bro I got alot of catching up to do hope all is well !

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@FieldEffect @Tejas @blendmedmedman @Smoklahoma @OhNo555 @Bayarealivingsoil @NDNCHILD @firehead @ix3u @TopShelfTrees1 @Coda @Sodapop @OldGator

Week 1 Island Crippy

The top has split into 3 shoots now, and even sides

I estimate around 4” of stretch

Thick stalk, just like Maui. Extremely rigid

Probably 2-3” thick

Tops splitting off

Here’s a side splitting too

Btw all packs are on the way, except Topshelftrees. Going out tomorrow though


Interesting the way shoots are developing. Love the red stems


It’s definitely not ordinary or average from what I keep seeing :face_with_monocle:


I’m excited to see what it can do in full outdoors!


Looks like going heavy on the nitrogen. Love how this project is progressing and changing to your will. Just got into my b3 I had forgotten about in the tote under bed, yes I keep my stash under my bed and close, and opened grove bag. Hit in the face with pine and slight undertone of pepper. Broke up piney smoked piney with slight pepper taste after inhale and cooling exhale.
My A reveg

She’s kicking out five fingered leaves already!


Yup, that’s like mine ironically, pine/peppermint. She’s a good pheno too, but B4 is the replica of the original, more pine/mint/funk than the peppermint. I like em all, but have to be choosy. Too many and never enough space :crazy_face:

Yeah they get a general tea feed that’s amended, right now just an early bloomer before I kick it up, dilute and add more P and K. I slowly cut the N so it won’t be long before I make it use the stored N :wink:

Revegg looks fantastic! I’m glad you got 1 :grin:


Ya one got saved from the burning death sun lol. Once I saw 1 week flower figured had a boost for first 3-4 wks for stretch growth. This is first intentional reveg for me.:joy:

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Well you did right, sometimes it doesn’t always work out. Leaving on more buds than desired helps. It why I like to take cuts before flipping, you just never know with nature and trying to simulate :smirk:

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I’ve got a bid in for some Island Crippy, so I love this update!

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Yes I see it got bid up, all for a good cause so I’m happy for that :grin:

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So I noticed what looked like bud rot on the old buds left on plant. I went through and removed all plant matter that wasn’t leaf or stem is this something I should have done earlier? Is it normal? My accidental reveg was after full flower was about 5 wks in

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Yes, I do this with mothers that are shaded out below where light can’t reach after stems and shoots truly die off, some can regenerate back shoots. It helps to remove dead parts from below

Dam that is really looking good now, good side growth too. :+1::facepunch::partying_face::sunglasses:

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Summer Santa just came to see me and had Honeywell 2000 cfm air cleaner…good bye cat hair for sure now. I think I underestimated room size w my Ledroit


I love a new toy! Especially grow room shit! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don’t feel bad my Rottweiler leaves hair everywhere, that is bullshit they don’t shed! :roll_eyes:


@OhNo555 :rofl: I once read a grower wore a Tyvek suit into his grow room and still got in there. The screen over the front covering does help a lot to reduce it but generally I’m not bothered, I just pick it out after breaking/cutting up, just unsightly for live bud porn :scream:

BX3 finally finishing up its slow dry and looking great now

What I just laid out on the tray TRASHED me in 3 rolls. Face feels all numb :no_mouth:


Haha that’s me, if I go in my rooms/tents with the plants I throw on my tyvek suit and booties, no joke lol
EDIT:On second read , not me as hair did not get in mine, although I did find a big ass blond hair of my wife last harvest but no dog hair, and I don’t have any cats


Looks great btw, love the growth on that pheno above, just wants to explode