Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

I don’t remember if I reviewed the Sour I grew and someone was asking me about it so here’s a review. :slight_smile:

Sour Diesel (Karma BX2) X Sour Diesel (Rez Original Release)

This Sour though… smells meannn. It’s the kind of Sour that makes you make that yuck face, that milk got left in your gym locker for a few weeks yuck. And then it’s followed by a diesel fuel.

Vape test; tastes like the smell. The sour smells more yuck, but the sour taste has a bit of a sweetness to it. Hits instantly, very sativa, euphoric, mental focus is all over the place (but not racey, and not anxiety driven). Settles into the body, arms and legs as well. Good muscle relaxant. Good pain killer. Feel it in my face and cheeks as well. Eyes sitting low. Things around me seem like they’re moving really fast. Hard to stay focused on one thing. Kind of energizing, euphoric, but also relaxing.

Joint test; It pretty much tastes how it smells, you get that sourish diesel on top of old school weed terps. Instantly feel it on the first exhale, very cerebral/heady. A few more tokes and you start to feel it in your body, and then it settles in your legs. All while still remaining nice and euphoric and mentally pretty alert. But your body will prevent you from running around like you would with most typical sativa strains. It is very very long lasting, easily twice as long lasting as some of the longest lasting smoke I’ve had this year.

Theses pics were from a seeded plant. It also took 80% RH days in mid-late flower no problem. And was one of the least affect plants (thrips).


Here’s an Eutierria at 8 weeks, in a 1gal. She’s supposed to be partially seeded but I can’t tell ughh… I used the same pollen on a different female/cultivar and that one looks very visibly pollinated. (hate when that happens and I’m on edge the whole run waiting to find out lol.)

I will try to reveg her because I lost her clone unfortunately.

Smells very much like the mother - dirty socks, wet basement, moldy weed, earthy kush, with a slight orange peel in the back. I pray she smokes like the mother and that I’m able to reveg her successfully! :pray: (The mother was the most medicinally potent strain I’ve ever smoked.) I went through probably over 150 seeds the last couple years and finally found something that reminds me of the mother.

Eutierria = ((UBC Chemo x P98 Bubba) X Mac Stomper).
I hit her with a mango bubba = (Bubba Kush X (Moonwalker OG X UBC Chemo F2)).
…hoping for some very highly medicinal off-spring! :pray:


Just caught up again, I am always amazed at everything you manage to have going.
Nice work!

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That means a lot! And thanks for following along on my adventures! :pray: :100: :green_heart:

Here’s 8 Weeks on the rest of the party :partying_face:. (Everything here is mostly seeded with something.) All in 1gal containers. Living Organics. :slight_smile:

Cookie Bubba (Thin Mint X Katsu Bubba)

Eutierria ((UBC Chemo x P98 Bubba) X Mac Stomper).

Indiana Bubblegum.

Indiana Bubblegum another pheno

Monkey Bubba (P98 Bubba x P98 Bubba X Deep Chunk/Monkey Balls).

Monkey Bubba another pheno

Moon Medic Og (Moonwalker OG x UBC Chemo f2).


A beautiful jungle of frost! :astonished:

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Everything is looking awesome and frosty!
Have you done pure Ubc chemo?


Thanks brother! :pray: :100: :green_heart:

@Emeraldgreen I have. I made the Moon Medic OG from original/pure stock. Beautiful Medicine! :pray: :raised_hands:


Good looking garden!


Thank You! :smiley: :pray:


That’s great to hear. I just got Ubc chemo, hard finding info on her.


The UBC Chemo is some of the finest I have ever had. :+1:


I’m super happy to hear that! I’m assuming effective for pain.


VERY GOOD for pain :raised_hands: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

It was made by Dr. David Suzuki at the University Of British Columbia for Cancer Patients. (Pain, appetite etc.)


It was originally developed by David Suzuki in BC at UBC to help cancer patients with pain.
Edit: Danny beat me to it. :laughing: :v:


That just moved it up the list. Any idea on terp profile or bud structure.
Sounds ideal for rso

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Not the terpiest. It’s a straight medicinal strain as I like to call it. Kind of floral earthy woodsy is the most predominant terp. More of a hybrid sativa structure with a slightly longer than average flower time.

I used to get it as an extract sometimes and it is amazing for pain. Doesn’t quite knock you out but def on the indica side. I’d imagine it would make some amazing rso.


Best way to describe it in my opinion. :100:
I honestly love the taste of it.


Thank you for your response. A lot of my friends have entered the never never years. Meaning my back never hurt like this, my neck never bothered me :joy:
Sounds like some outcrossing to terpy stinky strains might be in order


I love that it makes me feel normal… or at least as close to normal as one in a lot of pain can feel. :innocent: