Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Damn! Good thing you didn’t take me up on that bet :joy:!


It’s my first time using Gaia Green. Seems to work great so far!


yeah, it’s really great. Mostly just about getting used to when and how much to apply.

p.s. Anyone expecting any mail… I’m all caught up on mail now. Keep an eye on your mail boxes the next week or two. :slightly_smiling_face:

@chronix what I really want to do once I have everything setup and can start really experimenting, is mix up my own soil with diverse but redundant ingredients. I hear it’s the bee’s knee’s :wink: .


Dammit all to heck :frowning:
Work, eat, check quickly, get caught up on mail and stuffs, sit back, relax, take a leisurely read and now I find myself 2 hours late and stressed lol


Sure is lots of work but a labor of love made up my first 100 gallons about 2 years ago have a real hard time using bagged soil other then maybe some seed starter mix just keeps getting better need to make up another big batch here soon

Crushed it for being 1 gallons don’t think I’d be able to pull that off good stuff they look killer!


aha you’ll have more chances! Gotta’ get that notification bell on :wink: .

@DesertHeartGardens Oh man I bet. I went coco and hydro for a little bit, and when I finally dug my hands back into some pro mix … man that smell was so nostalgic it took me back to the co-op warehouse where I was mentoring when I was 17. But yeah it’s work but I loveee it. :sweat_smile:


Pro mix is where it’s at. Has been for ever ,one time I felt brave and bought rock wool and it’s still sitting on the shelf. Also got 32 bags of Growpito for a Mapito run some day.


Have you tried coco promix blend?


Tried and true right! :pray:

@Emeraldgreen I have not. I usually just buy the smaller expandable bricks (Canna Coco Blocks) because they’re easier to transport. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes. absolutely yes.

Only variation from this is when I use air-pots which are root pruning non-stop so they can’t get root bound.

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oh very cool! I’ve never actually tried air pots myself… Do you prefer them over regular pots?

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YES. 1000% yes. BUT they are unforgiving if you fuck-up.

Here are the Yogi’s (co-op seed run) in 3L air-pots… the plants are 5’9" as they are taller than me now. :man_facepalming:

Because of the air-pots, I need to give each plant around 22 oz of nutrient salt solution a day.

And here’s the Jew Gold 1974 testers in 1L of coco/perlite with drip + undercurrent hydro.

This system allows me to “set it and almost forget it” as there is 24+ litres of solution available at all times for the plants + the top feeding every 4 hours for 15min.

It was: flush and replace solution every Sat, add PH balanced water every Mon and Thurs.



wow very nice! The system sounds pretty life saving too! Is it just drippers or a pump on a timer?

Those yogi look wild! :100: :fire:

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@DannyTerpintine they also make it FUCK EASY to up-pot especially if you need to reveg as they peel-off the rootmass.






Drip stakes via a pump located in the reservoir with it’s own timer.

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hmm interesting. But you’re running it like kind of a hybrid coco/dwc? The storage tote is your Rez for your drippers and pump, and the roots just grow into it as well like a dwc?

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@DannyTerpintine yes.

Above res:

6x 1L airpots filled with cocoa/perlite
6x 1/4 tube assembly top feeding each plant-site via a single dripspike.
1x 3/4 “return” tube which is where the solution gets pulled out the side of the storage tote up and over the lid and back into the far end of the tote creating a recirculating fall-ponics system.

Below res:

6x netpots attached to the bottoms of the airpots, each filled with hydroton supporting the cocoa/perlite above.
1x small waterpump on timer feeding the top-feed assembly.
2x medium airstones being fed cold air from outside the tent.

The top-feed drip keeps things going until the roots find the solution like with DWC where then it all combined creates “exploding plants” lol.


ahh got it! Very cool setup!

The coco bits don’t fall into the water? (I guess it’s not a big deal if it does though because it’s not a RDWC so no worry of clogging lines.)

Nope cause as mentioned they are sitting on a netpot (3") filled will hydroton. :ok_hand:

I always have Dripclean on hand since I started using RDWC! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Do smart or fabric pots do this as well? Does it not hold up to the airport?