Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

What light are you running?

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That’s a HLG Scorpion Diablo :pray: .


nice one! thats a good method. Ive been doing it with my teeth lately, its ok, 60% of the time, it works everytime!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

…well I like the mind set :pray: :sweat_smile: .

My way only worked 99% of the time 60% of the time too the first 100 or so seeds :wink: .


Can’t beat stoner math.

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I put some ice containers out for the bubble hash too. :sweat_smile:


Had to pop in real quick to make some calls. Someone can call me out and tell me I suck in about 12 weeks or so if I’m wrong. :wink:

For the record, it’s day 10 from planting into soil.

Mango Bubba F2 - pheno 1, 2, 9, 14, 11. (Specifically pheno 1 :eyes: )

Blue Kush F2 - pheno 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 14. (Specifically pheno 14 :eyes: )

GTR F2 (these were almost all very nice, going to be hard to decide.)
GTR F2 - pheno 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 17. (Specifically pheno 8, 9, 14 :eyes: )

Euterria - pheno 6, 15, 11, 27, 24, 33, 34, 39. (Specifically pheno 6, 14. :eyes: )

Biker Kush - too small to tell yet. I may just end up holding them all and doing an open pollination…


Looking perky lol Can’t beat an aero cloner !

I keep eye balling that vial of EUTERIA I have in my collection !


If the keeper I found last run didn’t push you to run them, I don’t know what will! :wink:

Even this run, I already got a few seedlings that got my head turning at 10 days! :eyes: :pray: .


I’m confused about why we’d say you suck?
Some nice selection coming from what I see

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oh I was just joking… if I totally missed on my early calls :smiley: . It’s just fun making guesses and seeing how accurate I was at the end! :pray:

Anyways I’m off for the night, gotta be up in 6 hours! Goodnight! :sleeping:


Told you I was confused :joy:


Does letting that tap root grow out longer before putting to soil help them start better?

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Imo yes. I personally find it to be slightly quicker and less worry about seeds not coming out their shells. Theirs is a trade off, that you risk damaging the tap root. (Not really an issue for me anymore, I guess you get good at whatever methods you practice regularly.)

YAY ME! Van City Pink kush :raised_hands:

picked her up this morning lol. A little beat up, I’m going to isolate and ipm her for the week. Then I’ll nurse her back to good health.

She smells freaking FIREEEEE. like pink-ish but then kushhhhhhh


You got my attention !

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I have a mystery plant that smells very “pink” to me. what I mean is it sort of smells like pink baby lotion, or an old Avon tube of lotion. soapy, sweet, and perfumey.
I was wondering what you mean when you say pink smelling :yum:


yeah kind of along those lines… artificial bubblegum meets cheap baby lotion but it’s quickly overtaken with a strong kush. I haven’t spent enough time with her to give a good enough description of her yet. Super excited to run some legit pink and see how it really smokes! :raised_hands:


That’s exactly what I’m getting with mine, but kush is in the background. I wonder if it’s related. Thanks for the response, I’ll be waching the grow. Merry Christmas!


Distant cousin :joy::joy: