Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis



Successful spreading of the cuts! :tada::tada::tada:


Lights came on, had a quick peak.


girls are looking Bless :raised_hands: :pray: :green_heart:


Really wishing my setup could allow me some clones. Hopefully in the future. Heck maybe even santa might help out.
Supper jelly, everything looks like they survived the cold Canadian north.
Great job Danny :+1::100:


One week since transplant :raised_hands:

Sour Diesel (Dt cut) X Panama Haze BX2 (@lefthandseeds ) They fell out the reveg plant and were growing in the same pot. I threw them in a solo when I transplanted instead of killing them. Might throw all three in a 1gal and just see what happens. :man_shrugging:

#1111 (Current strain I’m working. Shared a couple packs but haven’t released the lineage yet.) I bred the father and grandfather of this one. Will be hitting it again with one of my selected fathers for a BX of sorts.) @Pigeonman @Thetravler ya’ll can follow along and see what happens with these too! :pray: :slight_smile: :v:


I’ll be popping some for a 1 gallon flower run once I know how many cuts take in the month. :ok_hand:


Wicked! I should have a decent idea of what you might find in them by then! :pray:


Sour D keeper. Think she just got settled in the 5gal. A little hungry.

Limed Orange in a ONE GAL… Vigorous AF! (still have a couple cuts of these. :ocanada92: only) She needed to be transplanted like yesterday. I might not make it to the hydro store for another week or so…

Bubba Kush mb . Very tempted to run her without topping or anything just so I can get that sexy bubba structure picture :stuck_out_tongue: .

Clones. They’re hunngrryyy. I don’t want to over water though. I could foliar but cba atm.

The #1111 looking good :pray:

The hunt going fineeeee. Only straight tap up to here. Need to start phing and feeding but I really need a new hose… Just realized a submersible pump doesn’t work with an expandable hose fml.


For my daily update, the “Sour Pigeon” is still a little bent, but everything is still alive.


They looking nice! Awesome stuff! :100:


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Said so, right on the bag. :joy: :rofl:


That’s a good one.lol

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This sweet Pigeon has similar to report.


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Daily report. No victims yet.
The Sour Pigeon is coming along.


Glad they got here before ice hash making season!

Mine are also so far so good: :+1:


love it @THCeed :100: :green_heart: :seedling:

That’s a lotta’ ice trays! :sweat_smile: :ice_cube:

Today’s report, boss. Don’t want anything happening to the little girls, so I got them a couple of body guards. All is well in the playground.



Wonderful! A couple more days and you should have some roots! :wink: :raised_hands:

Mothers looking good! Thankfully I still have a few ft of head space above that light, but she’s only at 60% strength and she’s plenty strong for these girls. This light is wild strong!

Eutierria still revegging

Limed Orange, (this one is still in a 1gal). She was definitely ready to be transplanted a week ago lol.

Sour Diesel DT cut, She’s just an absolute unitttt… I can’t tell where she starts/ends. She’s still hungry but I’ve been feeding her full strength Remo (which is known to be HOT). I should prob top dress her with Gaia soon, just been coasting though.

Bubba Kush matt berger… looking gorgeous!

They’re growinggg :pray:

#1111 … I realized these have insanely HARD shells. If you get them, extra, extra scuff these, and possibly be prepared to crack them. Simply throwing them in water might only get a 50% germ rate. (see the end of this post…)

Biker Kush F2 - these girls seem to be verrryyy finicky. :crazy_face:

Blue Kush F2 - rockin’ and rollin’

Eutierria - doing what she does! :pray:

GTR F2 - looking good too!

Mango Bubba F2

#1111 - day 4 of germination (minus all the ones that naturally popped that I already planted.)

Right after manually cracking the seeds

24 Hours after cracking the seeds…They were pretty much all viable. Just extremely hard shelled. I even struggled manually cracking one LOL.

I’m often asked how I manually crack seeds. Like this (video below) and I probably make it look easier than it is. (I recored the whole thing, I’ll upload it to YouTube or something when I have some spare time.) :slight_smile:

I average 99% success rate at about 30seconds per seed (some crack a lot quicker some are a bit picky).