Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Happy Holidays Brotha Man! Great news! One of the LO is showing nubbage today at the base of the cube, should have hangers by tomorrow, I’m positive the others are right there too! Thanks again homie


wicked awesome! Great news! :raised_hands:

Excited to see how those turn out in your hands! :100:

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Drum roll, please.
And for today’s update…

Looky, looky.


Awesome! Did you top your sour d? Def looks like beast mode.

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These showed up today @DannyTerpintine thanks a ton for all you do. I’ll tag you once these hit the earth! Which really shouldn’t be all that far away :seedling::earth_africa: big thanks and bigger love


WHOOO! HECK YEAH! :muscle: :100: Nice work!

@DirtySlowToes Wicked! :raised_hands: Look forward to it! :100:

@IKEA22 Honestly don’t remember but probably aha :sweat_smile: edit… I cloned off her so yeah she was topped multiple times… stoned me :stuck_out_tongue: .

Here she is today (Sour D DT Cut). I was transplanting so I moved some things out of the way. She’s wild. And she’s still hungry LOL. I’m scared of what’s going to happen when I flip her!

These are the seeds that fell out of that sour. (Sour D X Panama Haze BX2) Seeds.

Limed Orange in the 1gal… She was almost taller than me! (Behind her… yay supplies!) Time for a much needed transplant! :pray:

GMO clones. Man these are strettchhyyyyy. :eyes:


@DannyTerpintine have you flowered any of the GMO? Have you smoked any?
I’ve got one . I didn’t like the big stretch it had. Cut it down made clones.
Is the stretch a characteristic of the GMO?


First time running her myself, but I believe she’s known to be a stretchy 12week flower.

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Same here… was curious if you’ve run her before.
Thank you for the answer. :v:

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@THCeed !! JELLYY!!! I’m still staring at cubes and my greens have started to wilt a little :worried:

Day 8, 21-25c, 99% RH. :man_facepalming:


Showed up today :grin:

Thank you :pray:


oh no! Prayers for the little ones! :pray:

@Emeraldgreen YESSS! :100: :raised_hands:


:slight_smile: :v:
Mothers/Reveg Room

Pink Kush (Legacy Van City Island Cut). Bounced back nice and healthy! (Well almost! :pray: )

Sour D (DT Cut)

Bubba Kush (Matt Berger Cut)

Limed Orange (DT Cut)

Euterria Reveg :raised_back_of_hand: SOOO GLAD THIS ONE MADE IT!!!

Moon Medic Og keeper reveg… F@#& YEAH She made it too! Last night nothing, this morning little green leavessss! :raised_hands: :pray:

Babiesss. 16 Days since going into soil. :pray: (Don’t know if you can tell but I am having ohhh sooo muchhh fun in here now! :smiley: )

Some Little Ones I’m Eyeing :eyes:

1111 (secret lineage)

Blue Kush 14

Eutierria 5

Eutierria 6

Eutierria 39

Eutierria (keeper) X Mango Bubba 1

Eutierria (keeper) X Mango Bubba 2


GTR 11

GTR 14

Mango Bubba F2 1. Smells STRONGLY like the mango bubba male I used. (Strong ripe box of mangos on top of kush.) Debating if I should go in for an F3 or if I should hit the same mango bubba male (the father) and try to pull more mango phenos… :thinking:


Your veg room is rockin @DannyTerpintine ! The new starts look great! Are you still watering by hand, with a solo out of a bucket? If so, holy shit, that’s a lot of work.

If your end goal is all mango phenos then I’d say going back to the male with like wise female progeny is a good way to reinforce those traits that produce Mango. Could also strengthen any negative traits that you may have observed in the first generation, so there is that to consider too.
I’ve use the male back cross on lines known to come from a strong male. ie: Studley Spewright and that Appy male that Bodhi used. The idea being to have inbred seed, based on that male, to draw strong males from for future seed making endeavors.
Anyhow, sorry to go on. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do with the mango!!


Thanks brother! Aha yeah still hand watering with the solo cup LOL. Might steal the backyard garden hose for my next watering though, won’t be needing that out there for a few months.

…honestly the solo cup watering I can manage, but IPM with a hand pump sprayer is a PITA. I so need to invest in a backpack/automated sprayer again!

Nice that’s kind of what I was hoping, to work back towards the father’s traits. I’m not sure how dom the male traits are yet, but I’m seeing a fair bit of mix in the small sample progeny I’ve got going so far. But that #1 pheno is very very close to the father. I ended up getting rid of the father (space constraints) so I’m trying to make the pollen count while it’s still relatively fresh.

…that all of course assumes the mango bubba #1 seedling ends up being a female. If it’s a male then I have some mixed mango seedlings in there I can continue to line work.


Man you are really putting in WORK. Keep it up. I’m super excited just to follow along. Bet you’re having fun with those babies. :partying_face:

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Thanks, appreciate you following along! :pray: :100: :green_heart:

Oh yeah this is when the fun really starts for me… When I get to starting know the different phenos and seeing how they develop and mature! :raised_hands: :pray:


Paint sprayer is the cats ass . That’s my weapon of choice .

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oh neat idea!

I know Ac Infinity just released (or will soon) an automatic bottle sprayer. That would be nice. I went through 2 of flora flex bottle sprayers but they didn’t last long - on a plus Flora Flex does have absolutely amazing customer service.

I saw one of the “better” auto sprayer brands saying how their sprayers bead the water particles much better… but I wasn’t sure how much of that is scientific and how much of that is just marketing.


I just received some of your Eutierria. Pics I’ve seen of her… she’s beautiful!

What are her favorite growing conditions?
Average weeks of flowering time?
So I’m doing more Suga Suga again this year. Even the male was gorgeous of this one!