Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Thanks! That Eutierria is very special to me! I’m actually finally down to my last couple packs of it! (And it feels like quite the journey I’ve had with this strain, and such lovely stories from people that’ve grown it! :pray: :heart: ) I am currently line working it to f2s, but the progeny will actually be very different from that of the Eutierria (hopefully).

I’d say peak harvest on the Eutierria is right around 9 Weeks on the dot. You can grow her like any other plant, she’s not too picky. :pray:

This was my Eutierria Keeper;

This was the original mother I used in the Eutierria cross;

…cool to see them side by side, mother and daughter :smiley: .

oh yeah that Suga Suga male you found looked absolutely phenomenal! :100: :raised_hands: I’d have taken pollen of that if you didn’t cut him down! (That male was dom towards the mothers structure. The father’s structure is much more indica-dom/kush/short… For the Suga Suga.)


If I had him indoors I would have taken pollen. But… it was in ground outside…:woozy_face: sooo… nope. I didn’t, sadly.
Trying to clear out my rooms. I have everything in flower except my clone tent.
Starting seeds in about 4 weeks to do selection.


yeah I feel you on that. Can’t keep 'em all!

Look forward to seeing your next run! :100: :v:

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These are my Eutierria babies from this run. Some of the most vigorous in the bunch! :raised_hands:

Who’s the master at underestimating space? ME! ME! ME! :raising_hand_man: (In all honesty I think everythingggg should justttt about fit like a can of tuna. :sweat_smile: )

Also got a little transplanting in. :pray: (Tahoe, Giesel, Irene, ECSD, GMO, Chem D). There’s a couple in here like Giesel and Irene I haven’t had to opportunity to try before so I will be keeping those Sensi. A couple in here I already have some plants for!)

… I’m really curious to see how this ECSD turns out… because right now I’m heavily favouring my Sour D (DT cut) based on the stem rub, growth, resilience.


Happy New Year To All!

Happy New Year! :tada: Here’s to fresh starts, exciting adventures, and a year filled with bountiful harvests of frosty flower and more seeds than you know what to do with! Cheers and Big Smoke! :clinking_glasses::dash: #HappyNewYear


Happy New Years Danny! :partying_face:


There’s a few more places to squeeze a handful more in lol
Happy New Years! :partying_face:


STOP IT! don’t give me any ideas! :sweat_smile:

… I still have to get my extraction fan installed, and then move my entire mother room there… :eyes:

@Loggershands Happy New Year brother! :raised_hands: :fireworks:


Happy New Year DannyT! Can’t wait to see what you grow/breed in 2024

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Happy last day of this year!

See you next year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Whoo-hoo! :raised_hands: :pray:

Next year… ROOOOTTTTTTTSSSS :smiley: .


I sure hope so !!!

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Here’s from last year



Lovely way to ring in the new year… A beautiful shot of The Orbiter! :ringer_planet: :heart_eyes:

Do you remember what the terps were like on her?

She’s definitely on the piney side !

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Day 18. :pray:

Was going through some old pics found this monster fan leaf too :sweat_smile: . That’s the Remo Chemo (mother to the Eutierria) :pray: .


Jeez Louise that’s a pretty sight. :heart_eyes:

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Just beautiful. Happy New Year brother.


Thank You! :pray: :green_heart: :hugs:

@DougDawson Thanks brother! :100: :pray: Happy New Year! :fire:


Mother room got a muchhh needed and over-due clean up! :pray:


Clones (well all grown up now! :stuck_out_tongue: )

Pink Kush (that’s before clean up)

Sour D (DT cut) (that’s before clean up)

Sour D (DT Cut) X (Panama Haze BX2)

Mother Room Post Clean Up. About half the size now :sweat_smile: … Ideally I should flower them in a couple days, but I might have to do a root prune and veg a bitttt longer. :pray:

Kind of getting into flower and breeding mode now… so this might be last call for Limed Orange cuts if anyone wanted, hit the dms (:canada: only, no charge for the cut)… will be flowering/resetting them in a bit.

Here’s some of my Mac Stomper (I think they’re my f3’s - line b.) A buddy grew out;