Deeptown Farms - A MO Grow

I lost 6 plants in the fall due to these fuckers, had to harvest some Maui Haze early and make bubble hash too tho i got 50 grams of great quality hash she could’ve been something really special. tek not them directly, they carry aphids and spider mites. just found some spider mites on my MAC plant. Lady bugs are already taking care of them but its still annoying. It’s been about a month of finding a half dozen a week, before it was 5 or 6 a day I was squishing. I was using my flower tent as an air freshener…


Those fuckers attack weed!?

I find them in my house every spring/summer, never had them try and take over my crop l though.

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indirectly. they carry aphids and mites and such onto plants. I had 3 plants outside last fall that didn’t get bugs until I moved them inside and those fuckers infested them so I threw them out and cleaned out my tent and brought my last 3 plants inside only to have them get infested. I had a beautiful blueberry HP about a month into flower I had to throw out. It was my 2nd blueberry hp to get thrown out, never got to run it… That’s how I ended up with the Zkittles x Chillz and anaphylaxis clones, very generous fellow MO grower on a KC grower discord gifted me them. I didn’t have room for the anaphylaxis so I cloned her and gave her to a co worker who was getting re setup along with a purple chem clone. I got the MAC1 trading a purple chem clone to Year Round Garden in Lee’s Summit after I got it tested and they liked the results


Oh are we sharing harvest pics? Recent harvest chemtek breaking my 1 lb per plant record coming in at a bit shy for 1.5 lbs (actual weight 675.56 grams). Very nice sativa head high. Also chopped down much smaller yielding plants golden tiger, banana daddy, and sunset sherbert and waiting on the dry still


damn dude I’m crazy jealous of your setup buddy… you grow some fine lookin nug there, and a whole fuckin lot of it lol you ever make any sort of concentrates?

Ok so I’ve got mixed advice when it comes to the best time to chop. I was told first by the grow shop guy 20% amber trichs, reddit told me 40 milky, and this book I read says when majority are clear and a few have turned milky… I could really use the space in my veg tent and my fog dog auto is starting to get milky so what do yall think?

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@hooddirt I have a nugsmasher xp that I use to make dab when I get an abundance stockpiled. I also have a levo C and infuzium 420. I need to get to making some more butter, oil, tinctures, and dab. Also I like to harvest when my trichomes are just about completely milky very little clear and up to 10% amber. The amber is totally your call. I like to harvest for a head high moreso than couchlock so I pull at 10% max amber


Here is my recent harvests and where I like to pull at


I just go by the hairs. When they’ve all turned brown, top to bottom, and at least half have receded, they’re good to go. This is also about the time side branches will start buckling from the weight like here


Its been a min due to some spider mites makin their way onto my MAC1… I gave her a week with preditory mites and lady bugs then did a wet trim and vaccumed each nug before going into the dry tent. Its been a week and no webs or mites crowding up the stems so I think I got to it in time.
MAC1 has been harvested and is drying rn. I had some bleaching issues and some tops not bein as frosty as the bottoms on a Zkittles x Chillz plant that shares her light and I think I might’ve turned it down a bit too much because her nugs just aren’t as tight as I think she could’ve been. heres some before and after shots

Next up is my Zkittles x Chillz, I’m going to harvest her any day now

She smells better than she looks…
I won a Runtz Muffin clone at my local grow shop, she’s kinda a mess training wise, I might give her away I’m not sure I have time to give her the love she needs… I have a co worker who keeps taking my neglected plants and turning them around so she’ll be in good hands cause mine are full…

RM top left, Swamp Butter bottom left is a beast, Apples and Bananas and Ice Cream sundae needing to be repotted middle top, TK x Donny Burger top right, 3 anaphylaxis bottom right… I’m going to need another tent to finish everything I have, think I’ll go 4x4 this time. I’ll have a 4x2 veg and 4x4 flower I’m using a 3x3 with a broke zipper as a dry tent now but I’d switch with the 2x2 and use the 3x3 for mushrooms, this is me dreamin big lol


Another Missourian here. Good looking grows! You and I are similar in that we’ve both got something different growing in every grow bag. One day I’ll do something crazy like grow all of the same thing :slight_smile:


Thanks and welcome, I don’t have a whole lot of exp so I’m amazed what I grow is good. Genetics do most of the work for sure…

lol I tell myself the same thing. I probably will when I get some more harvests under my belt and variety in my stash.

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Haha that’s me every grow! I really like my variety so I grow 8 plants per flower run (my big plants that is) each a different strain. Sometimes it can throw ya for a loop with certain strains needing different nutes and what not but for rhe most part it always goes well for me


Yeah, I sort of ran into some problems with my current group. One of them didn’t reveal it’s gender (no pistils) and I tossed the lights over to 12:12. It took off height-wise and it is just now starting to flower - almost 3 weeks behind the other girls. So yes, you can have some interesting problems crop up.


MO role-call! Yep. We’ve only got a few grows in here, but we settled on autos this year, and we’re starting that plan with a monocrop.
We fended off some of those complications last run (multiple strains having different needs/structures) with cutting down to mid strength recommendations from General Hydroponics and scrogging the girls.
Then again, we’re in RDWC. Anyone doing much hydro?

Keep up the great looking work, @hooddirt !
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


See ive tried autos before they just aren’t my cup of tea. You can run an auto and have your plants flip in 6 days earlier than usual sometimes (based off a 30 day period to show pistils) but id much rather grow photos I can flip whenever. If you run from a clone and keep a small clone tent running photos then you can shave a month off your overall grow time start to end. Ive been perpetual growing for a while now and my buddy recently turned me onto that idea early last year and when you think about it it makes total sense. For my next run im running exclusively fast flowering seeds which are photos mixed with autos for a faster flowering time but still a photoperiod. That run all the plants will be 45-50 days flowering time


I’ve been running flood and drain with rockwool for a while. Been thinking about switching it up with DWC or just going organic so I can run multiple phenos a little easier.

Got a freezer full of genetics and I am pushing my limits just growing multiple phenos from a single pack in the same flood tray. This is to say nothing about my height constraints, with the bottom 3 feet of the tent being taken up by res, table, tray, and medium.


The smaller size of autos starts to make a lot more sense if a table is needed or wanted. When I inspect or trim a plant, I have to haul it out of the tent and take it to a table with a good lamp.

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I liked running an auto in my veg tent while my flower tents full, only done it the one time. I’ve been real curious about those fast flowering plants, I’d love to know how they do for you.

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Its harvest day again and I gotta give thanks to crustyluke from a KC discord server for some great lookin zkittles x chillz plants he donated when bugs ruined mine. I don’t have drying down quite yet it was a bit hot so it’ll take some cure time for those terps to really shine again but they’re beautiful nugs.

I took some cuttings a week before the chop on both cause I’m impatient as hell and even tho I suck at drying it was some potent tasty nug.

I gotta thank another KC grower kaptianhook for filling up my veg tent with a good selection of strains. got some Apples & Bananas, TK x Donny Burger, Ice Cream Sundae, and Swamp Butter to run with the anaphylaxis I got from luke as well and some Runtz Muffin I won at my grow shop raffle