Deficiency of what type?

Hi guys,I am opening this thread because the last One was so confusing.This Is the deficiency that Is progressing from bottom leaves up.

The plant overall shows dark green to Blue shades in New growth.

Looks like Phosphorus deficiency to me

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I don’t see any blue shades.

Can you share some more information:

  1. What are you feeding? (Product line)

  2. How much are you giving at a time?

  3. How often are you watering?

  4. How much water do you give at a time?

  5. Pot Size?

  6. pH of water with nutes & pH without nutes added.

  7. How far into flower are you?

  8. Was that leaf touching the soil surface previously?

  9. What have you tried to fix the problem already?

  10. Room Temperature & Relative Humidity levels?

It’s really hard to diagnose a plant without a bunch of info. I see a few things but it won’t be too specific without more details. :slight_smile:


I see you have this posted in the “Organics” section. What soil are you using and did you add any additional nutrients to it?


Problem:The main issue with the plant was my amended Lightmix soil.I put too much Bat guano and Humus.I Guess.I did a test of PPM 10 days ago cause plants weren’t growing.Soil cane out as 5000ppm.Did a flush with phEd water.Mineral water.Stopped at 1600 ppm ph7.
Then She started recovery and growing so much until the last 5-6 days.She started showing dark green blueish hue on New growth and stopped growing again.Today Is day 23.
Meanwhile all that happened,the two First leaves started getting those whiteish patina,like crust or rust,and became dry.I snipped.Today,the plant shows those spots very rough and tiny that look like trichomes from the picture taken by my phone microscope.Since the flush I did give only One watering,with biobizz stimulants,activera and Alga,root stimulator and bioheaven.I am starting to see the bottom leaves (3 fingers) becoming Yellow.The rest of the plant Is unaffected.Also,those White spots are growing,like growing on older leaves but by brushing Them they do not come off.It s not powdery mildew

Medium/grow method: Lightmix+50-60 grams circa Bat guano +humus

Feed: and supplements used:
As started before,I used only stimulants until I had to flush for hot soil.Since then it’s been One week roughly and Fed only stimulants once.

water source:mineral water 148 ppm pHed 6,8-6,5

PH in the root zone:when flushed I read 7,6-8

Strain/age:royal green gelato.23 days old

light used: Lumatek 200 watt

Climate:Hot-27-28° day,23-22° night.

I’m not convinced you had hot soil from adding the bat guano and humus, but that’s just an opinion. My soil has lots of guano in it and I haven’t run into that issue. Older leaves will slowly die off because they aren’t getting enough light way down there and overall your leaves look healthy. It’s possible the guano caused a lockout but in this cause I have my doubts.

PPM: 5000ppm is really high but if I’m being honest I don’t know much about ppm, I never check mine and I grow organic as well. Good call to flush it tho as that number is pretty darn high.

FLUSH: The flush worked initially and your growth started taking off before suddenly slowing which makes me think there’s possibly a nitrogen deficiency, but that shouldn’t halt growth entirely and since there isn’t any excessive yellowing elsewhere let’s rule that out for now. Flushing in soil does wash away some of the nutrients so it’s possible they’re hungry.

Nutrients: I’m hoping someone else can dive into the BioBizz nutes your using. Unfortunately I know nothing about these and can’t offer any advice. It’s possible you’re light on nutes but I don’t see anything that stands out. Rule this out for now (until someone can offer insight)

pH: Sounds like you have it between 6.5 and 6.8 for your input. I don’t see any issue with that. Rule that out for now.

Strain: Green Gelato (Auto flower?) @ 23days. I don’t know anything about this strain but considering the timeframe and size it looks about right.

LIGHT: Lumatek 200w - This could be the problem or at least part of it. I’ll have to do some digging on this light but it might not have enough intensity for the flowering cycle. Light problems can show up in some weird ways. I ran into this with a no-name light that came with my grow tent… It was fine for veg but caused all kinds of weird problems in flower. If it doesn’t run too hot you could try lowering it closer to the plant.

Dark Green Growth: When I first read ‘dark green’ my mind went directly to excess nitrogen but after looking close at your pictures I don’t see anything like that. Rule out excess nitrogen unless they get really dark, you’ll know the difference right away it’s very distinct.

Blueish Hue: I don’t see it. I believe you but I can’t tell. If it starts becoming more and more apparent let us know. Couldn’t tell you what that is even if I did see it lol

Take all that into consideration and see where you can make some adjustments. I’m not familiar with BioBizz & Light Mixx but it sounds like they go hand in hand.

This isn’t my style of organic cultivation. I didn’t know there was a liquid version of it. My soil is amended with dry ingredients

Are you following this feeding schedule?

Nutrient-Schedule-EN_2021-1.pdf (719.7 KB)


Yep.The guano formula Is 3,15,4.I think something happened there because I have not Fed any nutes,Just gave the stimulants in the official schedule before and After flush.
The patches are large and looking more brownish at the Moment,so I thought somehow I lockout potassium by too much Phos,or,they are Simply hungry in nitrogen and got also some potassium hungry,the pale Yellow lime green Tells me there could be a nitrogen deficiency
It s an autoflower yes.The led Is One of the best lights,It s dimmed at 60%
Now,I am considering another lighter flush,and then giving half strengt nute solution with Bloom and veg, stimulants included

Is it Lumatek ATS200?

it says max umol is 460 which is low for flower and if you’re dimmed to 60% it’s not enough

Flower needs 900ish I believe


I got a seedling besides, that’s why It s dimmed,Maybe I can lower the seedling and put the light at 80-100%
Max umoles for a bigger tent than mine,It Is meant for 7070 or 8080 tentI have 60*60

Worth a shot!

With some TLC I think you’ll get a nice lil harvest!

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So…I Need to narrow those symptoms.Would you agree with a light flush,and then watering with half strengt nutes?
Flushing would unlock lockouts

Yeah, bloom nutes tho

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I guess that feed chart is only for flowering?

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Nope, it’s the complete schedule

Flushing report:
Watering After a Little flush with a 490 ppm solution and pH 6,5
First runoff before feeding:492 ppm pH 6,7
After feeding runoff:766 ppm pH 7,1-2

I think you’ll have a lot fewer headaches if you wrap that pot in plastic wrap, leaving a little gap at the bottom. I grew in small pots with organic soil for a while and it was always a fight, but I never knew why. Finally I transitioned my cannabis into a larger grassroots pot but the ghost pepper plant I had going I kept experimenting with until finally I wrapped it to essentially make it stop losing moisture all the time. Instant improvement, stopped dropping flowers and I got 2 flushes of peps.

Looking at your pictures, the plant looks alright, but you’re in the garden so I’ll take your word about the hues you’re seeing and the stunted growth. (edit: the leaf at the bottom looks like a leaf that’s getting shaded and slowly dying to me). If it were mine, I’d wrap that pot in plastic wrap and then make a worm casting or compost extract (literally just swirl one of those materials in dechlorinated water and water it in, top dress the sludge that’s left after squeezing out the excess moisture). I always go for microbes first, and if that doesn’t fix the problem, then I give them more time and/or food to work (a light dose of molasses & malted barley powder for example).


My last attempt was today little flush,and then the Little feeding.I Plan to dim the light at 80% from 60%.
The pot Is now saturated and I have to let It dry.After that,if the deficiency or excess Is not solved,I can try the worm casting tea-like you are proposing.

The plant now.

The plant looks fine to me. That one leaf looks like it just getting old and dying. It’s normal for the plant to shed a few lower leaves in favor of new growth, where the light is.

If you see problems in the newer growth then I would be alarmed. Or, if more of the lower growth looks more sick than just age, same. But, just one leaf or two, and from the bottom, just keep an eye on the plant, heh, hard not to, and stay to the lighter side of nutrients whenever you’re wondering.

It’s always best to stay cautious with your nutrients until you’re sure they are hungry for something. It’s much easier to have to add nutes, than to react to a situation that was caused by too much.

And, I’m just going off of the one leaf you’re showing. I could be wrong as well, but your plant looks healthy with nice looking green color so I would just pick the bad leaf and move on. It’s best to have some airflow at the bottom of the plant anyway, to avoid fungus/mold/mildew.

I’ve had some Septoria fungus on my plants this year but it starts with small brown spots and the leaf slowly dies of but, if you don’t pick the bad leave as soon as you see it it will continue down the limb and kill the whole limb with time.

Just try to not over think it. You could start growing a pot plant with no nutes at all, and it would still grow if in real dirt. If it’s in just peat moss alone it won’t have anything to help it grow much. But, put a seed in the ground and it will grow to finish and produce a harvest without nutes or watering, unless you’re in a bad drought.

Make sure you grab a bottle of LITFA, and use it whenever you’re tempted to add something to the plant. peace


:heart_eyes: thank you,Yes,at the Moment litfa Is the schedule,at least,untill It goes dry,or,I see the damage spreading.


Yeah id have to disagree with deficiency. I think you have good healthy plant there showing no concerns. I personally would take the couple damaged leaves off n push forward the way you been doing. Theyre not over or underfed by what i see.


This sounds like good plan. Make sure she gets to dry out and litfa. Id remove the couple leaves but thats just me.

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