Delay in mail and best practices for trading

Well I’ve decided I won’t be trading seeds with any new members here after getting ripped off for seeds by a member here,fucking nerve of him

This member has just killed anyone on this page getting
Free seeds off me or trading unless you have at least 5 blocks under your name,and a photo of the mail with my address on it


What happened bro? Shitty seeds? No show seeds? It would be good to know so we can seek justice.




No seeds said he sent them over 10 days ago didn’t arrive he got the ones I sent
Fuxking scumbag

It’s not about the seeds it’s about trust,if I send some one seeds in trade I would like to get the seeds I traded for


@anon98660487 it could be the mail - I have been waiting over 10 days for some seeds from some trusted members that I have traded with many times. hoping for the best for you.


Did he/she not provide a tracking number


4 days from Arizona to Cali
I just sent seeds to someone else there,not over 10 days


Mail is still sucking it up. Unless it’s tracking/priority mail, it may be a while. But I get it, if you got really scammed, a respectful warning to others before they get to do more “trading” here might be a good idea


Nothing he did the lol when I ask him has he any proof he sent them


I have been burned on here a few times by noobs in the past when I was feeling generous, and I figure it is their loss in the long run. They get a few seeds but that’s it - the bounty of seeds that I have gotten from members here or as a result of time spent here is almost embarrassing, not to mention the friendship and connections I have made, so it is their loss if they want to be the grab and go type I figure. Those losses of mine compared to the gains are not even worth thinking about.


This is true ,like I said it’s not about the seeds,it’s the trust,you have to have a bit of respect for fellow growers were all in the same boat here,

Without pulling shit like that ,


Amen! I’ve sent a few out to some newbies with no expectations of anything in return, just like it was offered to me. I just said, stick around and pass it forward. But don’t try to offer a trade for something and not follow through.

Also, I think that since there’s a separate free seeds and a trading thread should be enough, why try to scam when the free seeds thread is usually more active than the trading one. I hardly ever see a request for seeds get ignored, and more often it’s people offering them up for grabs! So common!


Man, that sucks if they really did scam you and its not just slow mail. Ive been approached by brand new members recently, unsolicited really. And even responding to posts almost a year ago where I was offering up something for free and they’re expecting it to still be available.

I’m open to trading w folks who haven’t been around long, but id be more prone to send them something that isnt too special to me, with little expectation of a return. Ive politely turned some down recently as well…cant be too careful imo. Idk, id like to be less skeptical/more trusting, but there’s just people you see on here frequently and they’re gonna get my attention a lot faster than the people grovelling for free shit and not doing a whole lot on here otherwise.


Yes, exactly. I had one noob that I sent off about 3 or 4 different strains of seeds to (with no expectations of anything in return) msg me claiming they didn’t get the seeds I sent them, and they msgd me about a dozen times. I think they expected me to send off another batch. The last msg from them was saying that they think their father in law stole them - sorry to hear that if it is true, but it’s not my problem.


These seeds were in trade he posted looking for this strain ,I happen to have what he was looking for,there’s no way it takes 10 days even snail mail,because that’s what I use to send seeds by

I did send some one free seeds the other day funny enough but I’m not expecting anything in return I was just helping someone out with a few free seeds


Maybe we setup a “members not to trade with” in the seed trading section so others don’t make the same mistake. There is really no reason for what happened to you @anon98660487, generally most of our members are very generous and it is never an issue. But for those few scoundrels, a bit of shaming would do them good.


Wall of shame! But it would have to be kept respectful and civil, even if we’re talking about disrespectful and unruly characters. Since we all know those people won’t put up a trades feedback post.


someone may need to check the server and make sure no one is making several accounts for the same ip address once they have done someone wrong on a trade


I think that instead of being negative and getting between trades or policing IP addresses that we should just use the feedback forum that we already have set up here to point out who the good traders are.


I agree and I wasn’t suggesting bad vibes, but not everyone has a feedback page and just like we have a page dedicated to seed vendors to avoid, why not a page dedicated to members not to trade with? That, hopefully, will be a very short list. If someone disagrees with being posted on the list, postee, they have the opportunity to address that with the poster, offline.


I don’t have any feedback here but I have traded seeds and gave some freebies and always throw in a few extra