DenverDoggy Seeds

I was browsing the web earlier this year and I came across the site ( ).
While looking around the site they have good prices and some good crosses that piqued my curiosity.
I did search here first to see if any mentions before making this thread.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them?


Well since it seems no one has had experience with them.
I’ll test them out with one order and let you guys know.
If it works out nice, If not I’m only out 40$.
I will get either Ranger Dog or Mango D (Sinai landrace x Chemfish)


I haven’t heard of them unfortunately. Interested in how your experience goes

I’m shocked no one from Colorado on here has chimed in. As they may have heard of them before in passing.
What I find cool is that they have peppers too. So if all goes well, I’ll snag a pack or two too because I like spicy peppers.


Imma say it could get overlooked. There’s just sooooo much cannabis stuff in Colorado, I feel like you really need to stand out.

Still, I’m interested. Colorado beans are good beans

Thats what I’m thinking. I haven’t been to CO but I know its oversaturated from what I hear.

I just sent a message to a grower friend out there to see if him or anyone his circle has heard of them before.

Also sent a email to them for an order. I’ll keep you posted.


Hey InTheWoods, Thanks for asking, I really enjoyed their offering prices, and they love dogs, 2/3rds of a sealed deal for me!! LOL!

I have not. I did however, do through the offerings, and grabbed a Spanish Bomber.
I really liked their more off beat offerings, and if these prove out for me, there is a couple others I’d like to tangle with.
The peppers look amazing also.
10-15 years ago, I’d have bought some of those also. As I get older, I realize my level of enjoyment with hot peppers, are the ones, way down at the bottom of the Scoville rating!!


Nice! Someone that has some beans from them. So, they are real not just a webpage lol.
Yea for 15-17 beans per pack and unique offerings. I couldn’t help myself.

The cherry creek og - (deadhead og x faceoff og bx2) x chemfish also another one I’d like to try.

Haha I like spicy but not a every meal type thing. I’m going with the Thaipenos as I think it would make really good twist on Jalapeno Poppers. Sneak in a couple of those ones and watch peoples reaction :joy:

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Hey InTheWoods, I did not feel while on his website it was a scam or anything like that. I did connect to his love of dogs, and I read him, on the About Us, page, and i got the feeling they are good folks, they may have fallen down for while, then picked themselves up, and got rolling again.
Pretty much the same for me, over my 4 separate lives I’ve lived through out my 66 years on earth.
So, yeah, I’m glad (so far) to see if their work a runner or a keeper.
All the best to ya!!

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Yea I didn’t get that vibe, but I wanted to do some due diligence on them before placing an order.
My friend got back to me from out there told me they’re legit. Smaller shop, but good people.

Spoke with Colin, Very quick reply to my email.
Order is placed.
:vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Got my confirmation of my order, so yeah, seems just fine to me. I really hope all goes well for them!!


Just an update.
The confirmation number did not tell me, or show me much at all, I got on the 7/3.
Nothing of when it shipped, or anything like that. Just a generated confo number.
In the past, I’ve had that happen with many items, not just the bean bangers, many items.
So this morning, I get another confo number update, and the seeds should be here by 9:00 pm.
Anyway, just want to be upfront, not criticizing, nor bashing!
Will post up their arrival.
Now, I got to schedule some space for 4 beans from the gripe.

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@InTheWoods I’ve got seeds from ~100 different peppers if you want to try some new stuff. Ranging from the whole spectrum no heat/sweet - hottest there is


Thanks for the updates. Hope you are having a great week.

Money got tight for the past couple weeks,but will be putting in my order soon.

Dang thats awesome! I wouldn’t mind trying some new stuff. I cant promise that I can plant them this year, but will get them grown.

Thank you :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


@InTheWoods Grow them whenever you feel like it. Kind of late in the year to start em anyways. Pick a couple things from my list and I’ll send you some. There are probably some duplicates.

peppers2 peppers4


Damn :exploding_head: those are all peppers? :laughing:


Message sent, Thanks again! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

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Got my denverdoggy seeds.
Extremely well packaged! Cool little boxes, inside a usps box!
AND a freebie!! I did not expect a freebie, as his prices are very decent.
If the germination rates are decent, then this may be my best deal of the year!
Now I have to really soul search as to when I can work them in, maybe a month from now, is my plan.

Spanish Bomber is Lt nuck x chemfish 15 seeds
The freebie, Danny Boy’s Poison also 15 seeds.
So there you have it.


Very nice! Stoked to hear they made it safe and very cool he put in the Danny Boys Poison.

Haha I know your pain, I have to wait till December to even think about popping any more seeds.

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Finally got em packed up :muscle:t2: I’ll toss em in the mail this afternoon @InTheWoods