Dequilo's 2021 grow some indoor fun:) closed 3/32021

if she trimmed :slight_smile:


my brother how many plants you got going total? how do you have time to sleep? lol The plants have been very distracting to my work lol… not that i mind… love checking in here and see the numbers… keep popping seed, let the wife help pick out the runs… its one of my wife’s favorite hobbies, checking out the packaging, googling the strains for info, and watching them flower…


My wife trimmed all of our last harvest herself. My hands were too sore, and she just kept saying she loved doing it. Hope that never changes. :crossed_fingers::wink::crossed_fingers:


Does she want more trim work? :grinning:


She’s gonna get more in a couple months. :joy:


me and my wife bond over the plants… when we got married, we decided to go to oregon. So we could get married in the beautiful mountains, honeymoon on the beach in brookings, and shop for seed and nutrients at way lower prices… we ended up touring 3 grows in the rhododendron area… covid had it locked down but a few dispo owners in the area pulled some strings and snuck us in some back doors… when shes mad she tells me im not growing another plant in this house lol, when shes happy shes researching new strains… the moral of this story is, if you want a happy marriage, grow some weed


Have my own scissors willing to travel !


Wow! what a list of strains, you’re killing @dequilo! (rhyme intended)…
Just topped two clones in your honor!


Its awesome you guys have tolerant wives. Its the new girlfriends I worry about. Cant even bring one home. “Hey what’s that glowing box over there” I don’t know how that conversation might end up in the long run. I guess when Maryland goes legal and can start shopping for one. Lol


@ReikoX, don’t give him ideas, he might like’em! Well, do give him ideas!


In my case it was a glowing room. Ironically, the glow was from a regular light. I have since fixed it so that light isn’t always on when my basement light is on. I also fixed the 3" gap under the door. :grin:


lol well that can kind of be your litmus test with women… if the glow and ph pens/nute bottles everywhere dont scare her off… shes a keeper…


when me and my wife connected after dating all throughout high school about 3 years ago, she actually messaged me randomly… first message asked if i remembered her… i laughed because she was the one that got away… her next message was “do you still smoke weed?” lol i was dancing with excitement lol… weed brought us to marriage…


That’s awesome @tc198414 my wife and I also bonded over plants, but not specifically cannabis. I’ve smoked pretty much my whole life, starting at 12 years. Too young if you ask me. We bonded over prairies, and ephemeral wetland areas. We’ve been collecting and spreading native seeds to improve diversity in areas where invasive plants are taking over. We actually started a business rehabbing areas where invasive plants are over taking the natives. We have over 250 varieties of plants native to the Midwest in our lawn. She’s leads the business while I still enjoy being a tradesman. Currently a carpenter, formerly welder, electrician, and solar design/installer. We’ve been together 15 years and married 8. We got married on 4/20. Can’t believe she agreed to that. I’m jealous of your Oregon trip. I need to visit some nice grows. And congratulations on getting hitched!

She isn’t a smoker, but enjoys edibles, and all aspects of the Cannabis plant. And yeah, she’s always telling me I need to slow down on sprouting seeds. Never!


i love hearing those stories man. true inspiration… we were high school sweethearts, we split after school and went to college, lived a little life and by chance reconnected… we ran into each other at the smoke shop lol… neither one of us spoke but we met eyes… thats all it took to get the spark lit…


inside for now lots as I do not have a flower room for now :frowning: and all my inside plants will be started here

but in the end I will build a 8 foot by 8 foot flower room to do 12 or 15 plants a run

and keep the 16 by 8 to veg and keep moms, clone etc.

than a 8 by 8 to do sea of green seed runs

or that is a my very fluid

plans at this time

up at 4 am not a real sleeper

I get paid to post here all day every day my job is one of the best :slight_smile: I have always worked remote

three days a weeks and they let me come and go as I please

so much better than working 12 hour shifts 13 days straight in the steel mills

sadly I made a lots more money in 83-84 at Inland Steel than I make now

and I get paid well

when she buys the beans I will run whatever she would like

one my wife’s hobbies is reminding me this is a no grow state :frowning: so to help keep that

in mind I plant way more beans :wink:

all the best and plant seeds



Fantastic looking plants Brother. What are you feeding besides dirt?

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I use for veg Jack’s 20-20-20 at 1/4 teaspoon for a gallon of water very third of fourth

watering and Jack’s 10-30-20 for flower at the same rate

I do add Silica Blast to my fertilizer as I am in a peat base mix which help to give you

tougher stems

but that is it :slight_smile:

be safe and plant seeds



Love how you just show your whole room
Like that’s nothing and you got 3 more rooms.

Have you thought about going commercial “legally” soon maybe you can save New York’s tax problems.

When I retire I’ll probably work under someone else’s license and produce a few bangers for recreational.

But until then gonna keep packing making dank that cant be bought.

In outdoor usually start a few thousand in garage under fluorescents, transfer to green houses, then into the woods/fields.

Looking forward to your outdoor


give me time I am working on more rooms :wink:

not I sadly New York would never let me grow legally commercially being a three time felon :frowning:

if they would let me just grow a few for my head or on my medical card

I would pay a fee every year and comply with the rules :slight_smile: but the choose not to so

well I choose to grow

that is it I grow for the head for me and The Chimney I married

I would love to, I grew guerrilla style for years in the Adirondack State Park but in the end back in

1995 I stop as I had to put out 3000 to get 500

between the Police and The Ripper I was just going to Dynamite my spots but my wife the voice

of reason sat me down and explain how they would stick a needle in my arm if I was to

blow up the Police so I stopped

I found OverGrow in 2000 and joined in 2001 and started growing inside and here we are in 2021

you wait it will be off the hook :wink: my wife is going to have a heart attack before the season ends

like I tell her you are not scared when you are smoking all those bud that I grew and trimmed

do not get scared now :slight_smile:

I always tell her do not look at my grows and you can say I do not know anything about what he

is doing

I need her on the bricks as always if I was to get dropped

me I will take the risk as I am old and not a good inmate , I do not sell weed

I have no scales, no cash, no guns

all the best and plant seeds
