Dequilo's 2021 grow some indoor fun:) closed 3/32021

are you in Mass.? We fought to get an obscure clause in our law that eliminates plant limits if/when the feds allow interstate commerce - it could happen this year!

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an update 2/19/2021 no photos now maybe later

so good news the 52 clones are gone to a new home :slight_smile: and Mark’s plants have

hit the bin :frowning:

so for a little bit I will have some room to move but not for long I am sure

I will at some point need to think of what my plans are for this space inside as to

growing inside no just vegging

I have plants I want to work with as inside stock and keep some genetics

around to use

I need a flower room so I can grow some flowers, I am drowning in bud but

I still love to grow flowers just to grow them

I have three different feminized seeds that will start three of each to grow inside

over the summer

all the best and plant seeds



I have some photos to up soon but I may need to seek help :frowning: as I am looking to buy

yet more beans

for the price I need more

40% off plus 6 freebies with each pack it is like a no brainer

I need these

Big Bud/Open Skunk F1 edit like this better

Moonshine haze/NL5 edit need more haze in my diet

NL5-NL1/Super Skunk

Skunk #1/Super Skunk

Blue Dream/TK NL5 Haze (blue meanie)

for 36 bucks a pack how can you go wrong

plant seeds and be safe



Maybe a meeting will help.


more than likely not but 36 bucks a 12 pack plus 6 freebies is a gift for known good work :slight_smile:

I have paid that for crap

peace and stay free



Yeah. Seeds are crazy expensive. There is nothing wrong jumping on good deals. The way you pop beans you’ll get around to them soon I’m sure.


that would depend on what you buy :slight_smile: these beans I am looking at will come in with the freebies

at 2 dollars a beans or 24 dollars a 12 pack

for what those beans are they are a gift I do not buy names or the hottest new beans on

the market as killing 10 or 15 dollar a piece seeds would kill me :frowning:

at that price buy clones or unrooted cuts

I will show that to the Misses because she my think other wise

I am only popping 5 or 6 of each a full pack here and there it just looks like I am planting lots

of seeds it is an illusion

all the best and be safe



an Update 2/21/2021 this is inside I will work to keep it on track

so I will not be flowering inside for awhile :frowning:

I may buy a tent after it gets a little warmer or just build as soon as I can just need to find


so here we have 7 Monster Cookie x UBC Chemo in the black pots they will be grown and flowered

inside over the season, in flower outside most year they would just rot

the one plant in the blue pot is a Purple Diesel Feminized seed from Greenpoint

it will stay inside also

the 6 plants in the green pots are a cross of mine that is good inside so it will stay inside

to make seeds with

mother plants I will pick one of each to be my mothers and give 14 of the 29 away to

a patient in need

I will be keeping

bubba gum kush, bruce banner 3, blue and black, hash passion and Ganj-nam Style

for now but that can change very quickly around here

what i need to do is drag my ass and collect pollen

be safe and plant more seeds



Damn bro your My idol :sunglasses:I wish I had that type of space
So many beans so little time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: so little space


It sure is an illusion, don’t see a ton of plants in front of me, must be stoked! :expressionless:


My wife say the same things haha


Whoa! That’s a lot of jingle balls! With excellent candle opera branches for display… Magnificent! I read back to bad influences @ReikoX :rofl: I have questions for you @dequilo , first what is your dream car and or mode of transportation? I’m asking this way because this same question requested to another OG came back motorcycle, so anything can be the answer. Next, your character in the original OG jam is a black cat playing harmonica, would you like to change your character to something else? TastyJakes and Floyd are being added along with 4 others.


so I was looking at the bulbs in my lights yesterday when they were off

and they look old also I cannot remember when I last changed them out

for new bulbs :frowning:

the time is now I have 4 - 1000 watt Double ended and 2 - 600 watt Single end

fixtures in room so I will replace all of the with Metal Halide 5600 - 6600 k

I always hear how much it costs to relamp HIDs blah blah blah

so does it really? so 6 bulbs to the door will cost me 160 us dollars

4 - 1000 watt MH 6000k 114 dollar , 2 - 600 watt MH 6000k 46 dollars

so to relamp 5200 watts 160 dollars not a deal breaker

all the best and plant seeds



I don’t think anyone can argue the facts. HID’s are super cheap to buy and maintain as well as their proven effectiveness. All the best my friend.


Yeah mainly its them damn hortilux cost $100 a bulb. I recently bought $20 bulbs and wont buy the hortiluxes again. Not worth that kinda price difference.


I have many leds flouros ect agreed i feel none compare to hps in cooled hoods in flower.


Are HIDs better? I always thought they were. Especially for veg. I would like to do a grow under something other then LEDs when I can expand my grow space.
That male looks like he’s ready to explode!
What is he again?
I love the band @Heliosphear . I think I may have seen some of your work in the past.


Eh, we mainly use LED’s to keep the heat and power usage down, and even out the spread of light as we don’t have as much penetrating power as a HPS does, especially compared to 1000w’s.

So ideally, the way you grow would be different between the two in order to maximize their use-cases. In doing so, it’s hard to say the HID’s are better. If you’re not training or anything and can deal with the heat, HID’s will likely give you a better crop. But if you like to scrog or sog, you’d likely have a much more uniform, rock solid crop, with led boards.


that is the point of the 160 dollars in ballasts that have of dates of 2005 and 2007

and the 20 bulb will grow the same weed as the 100 dollar ones

it would depend on how you are using either one :slight_smile: the both are used differently

as to how the plants need to be grown

so true on the heat thing 5200 watts of HIDs in a 8 x 16 room AC becomes

a must

kinda like running woodstove and an AC unit at the sometime

for me and my setup and room they work but I have plans to do SOG on 2 by 4

shelves so I will build a couple of LEDs to try

all the best and be safe



So when you run sog how many plants you put per sq ft ? Ill be putting clones in pots soon trying to figure how many is overkill for 1 light. Googling says past 16 per 4x4 there is no gain says 1 per sq 2 max per sq. Whats your opinions? I started thinking 48 but now 24 seems better. Idk i got 30+ clones kicking roots now trying to plan my rows.