Diagnosis Help, New Grower

Hey man they look good to me.

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Thanks man, I added more perlite already I forgot to mention that. Like 10% of each pot.


Ahhhh ok gotcha. Was very confused, thanks.

Thanks! Appreciate that!

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Wow! Someone has way too much time on their hands and clearly a vendetta towards OG and itā€™s membersā€¦. This stuff never makes any sense to me, utter stupidity for the sake of impressing themselves , while everyone is laughing AT not WITH them . :man_facepalming:t2: I remember @pesticidewarlock jumping on threads pissing people off, had no idea anyone could be this invested lol


ā€œEveryone is stupid except for me.ā€


Only pay attention to what you do like.

Your plants are looking very healthy Habibi, during flowering itā€™s likely that there will be some more yellowing of the bottom leaves, thatā€™s natural.
Iā€™ve had a Secret Dragon and it dropped lower leaves that were still green!
They may do that to feed the soil, and thus themselves.
Leaves that donā€™t get any light are kinda useless anyway.
They know what theyā€™re doing, ganja is very intelligent. :wink:


Some yellowing is ok, but to much can be a cause for concern and may be some evidence u have a hungry hungry feeder on your hands, la confidential was like that for me each day I watched it consume itself more and more and finally went a lil heavier hand on my compost tea feedings and it did slow a bit


Thanks man, appreciate that. Much love!

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Lower leaves may speak about problems you had many days ago, just concentrate on new growth and overall looking of the plant, sheā€™s fine, I am going to move this thread to the Image Gallery ā€¦ frech|nullxnull


Like this:

It means boost feed a little


The soil is the feed.
Itā€™s not hydro!


Soil needs recharging with nutrients or microbes, thereā€™s eventually a point whatā€™s available to the plant has been consumed, thatā€™s where compost tea feedings come into place to add more soluable and microbes to put in more work to make that soil give up them nutrients. If u are able to have a 6 month grow with only water start to finish then Iā€™d be blown away at the methods.
Healthier microbe charged soil is always gonna show more plant vigor so the more ur boosting em the better things are gonna grow. I donā€™t grow pot, I babysit microbes, the pot is just the by product :wink:


Thatā€™s perfectly possible with a large enough bed and covercrops, especially if you only harvest half of your cannabis and let the rest go back to the soil.

Donā€™t forget a forest only gets water.
The point is to recreate that small scale.

Gonna echo all the POSITIVE entriesā€¦ā€œdonā€™t worry, be happy!!!ā€ They all look lovely. SS/BWā€¦@misterbee


I didnā€™t say a no till bed, the plants that grow and die is whats going back into the soil and feeding it and a bed typically doesnā€™t dry out with lots of thick medium and a shit ton of roots layered into that medium so microbes generally stay active the entire time.

Take a 5,10,20, or even 30 gallon potting soil grow with only the one pot plant and I guarantee itā€™s not gonna make the entire grow without getting hungry no matter how hot ur soil is. Look at fox farms ocean forest being known to burn seedlings but will only feed for about a monthā€¦

Even then, throwing compost teas on your no till beds still gonna increase vigor and keep an abundance of healthy populations of microbes going in the soil. Can it survive without those teas, most likely cuz the nature of that style of growing but would you see some major improvements doing teas as well? Absofuckinglutely

Forests thrive cuz they have forest weather and lots of established trees and foliage, I live in az in the desert, if I want weed I gotta give them what they enjoy cuz local here they ainā€™t gonna survive on their own and not being housed in a thriving forest


Much love, I just canā€™t wait to see them flower. Very excited! :grin:

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