Did we lose a legend? RIP Bushy Old Grower

Wouldn’t do any preservation runs till his family says they’re thru producing beans.

Its great to want to carry on his name and product but the family might have other plans to do that themselves.


Yeah exactly my thought. We need to wait and see first. Only do it if they don’t continue doing it.

Edit: fixes to my implications


I literally, have some of his Sour Grapes going atm and was asking him questions about it just a few days ago. Damn shame, he was an amazing person and contributed so much to the community. @BogSeeds will be missed foursure.


Wow I just checked my clones and the bog bogglegum rooted today

Live on Bushy Old Grower


RIP BOG, a gentle and humble soul…
Someone so special can never be forgotten.

So sad.


I hope Pat will find the right time to come back and join us and continue to be one of our Family. I would definitely wait and let Pat tell us her wishes for the future. Those guys are Hall of Famers!

I think it may have been me talking to BOG in a thread when he told me that his Sour Bubble was his favorite. Not sure if that’s when @Pedro_Bann caught it, but I had been talking about wanting it, and he surprised me with the SB seeds when he sent me some Heri pollen. Man, I’m honored to have them now and have the chance to grow them. Thank you @Pedro_Bann and @BogSeeds. He was probably the first commercial breeder that I was aware of back in the day.

Please consider coming back Pat, when the time is right, to hang out with us and continue being part of the family. You guys were practically the Patriarch/Matriarch of Overgrow. We would be happy to share our love for you guys and would sure love having you around. We would also be glad to help you in any ways you may need it in the future.

Man, this has really been a terrible year for so many reasons. It’s so sad to lose friends. What a great guy Bushy was and what a great wife he has. Prayers sent. peace


If anyone sees a fundraiser for kin of BOG please link me.


Sad news. @BogSeeds, you will be missed. RIP.

Kev :v:t4:


After reading my post in the “how old are you?” thread about becoming disabled at age 19, bog sent me a message telling me how he had a quad bypass at a relatively young age, and felt that medical cannabis helped him and gave him more time.

I’ll never forget those words of kindness and solidarity, from one patient to another. It was a brief interaction, but it really meant a lot to me.


Interested InAny fundraisers run by family to support or overgrow.

Literally just ordered 3 packs n got blue tooth.

Would ordered more but figured after ran them would order more… condolences to family.

My next run will be a tribute

Just wow


RIP @BogSeeds!


May you Rock in Peace, @BogSeeds


Wow, I am in shock. I hate logging in to one of these posts. I just posted about BOG in the Christmas giveaway. He’s always been an inspiration and an asset to the community, and he will be missed. Blue Moon Rocks is one of my bucket list strains. I hope his family continues on with his work. I only knew about his wife, but hopefully he had some helper or something that was with him a long time that will take over the operations. It would be a shame for his genetics to become rare or disappear like so many others. He was such a generous and kind soul. We really lost one of the good ones here.


So much respect due. A part of the entire cannabis community around the world will always be missing. Condolences to his wife and family. :broken_heart:
Never forget the old souls who let us stand on their shoulders today. RIP Nevil RIP Franco People like Soma and Derry among many others deserve our respect while they are still with us.


We just spoke the other day… damn… RIP old friend. I will never forget the conversations we had back on the original OG. Forever an inspiration to me. Much love… :cry:



Damn that’s a legend lost for real. I’ll have to post a picture of my fav strain from him. Blue moon rocks


RIP @BogSeeds


Some Sour Blue Tooth n some blue kush in your honor. Keep the clouds full man!!


Man, this one is rough. Just a pure hearted OG grower and breeder.

His BMR is in a lot of the work I have done the past few years. Sour Bubble and LSD and both great. I LOVE the sour bubble. I’ll post some pics soon. Rest in paradise BOG.


One of the first influences in my growing was BOG and his love for Bubblegum… I was always
amazed how he could grow a plant so perfectly in a closed container no drain holes… he taught me a lot and will be greatly missed… RIP BOG… we’ll miss ya brother