Diggy’s Christmas Auction

45 on lot number 3 @doglog

Lol, forgive me for the absolute book that follows, I promise it’ll be worth your time.
If you mean Worcestershire Farms the enterprise — nothing. I really don’t invest heavily enough in this business. If you mean the person behind the username, I get only peace of mind, and maybe some good karma if the seeds produce worthwhile plants.

Wtf does ‘peace of mind’ mean?

Well I’m not really good at putting away presents for Christmas. I only have one kid, my daughter, and when I buy her something I can’t help but give it to her on the spot. :joy: Another happy little consequence of her being an only child is she gets all of the presents on Christmas. My mom and grandmother both had 5 kids, so we’re at close to a dozen people buying her stuff, without even counting my baby-moms family, and our cousins, and our friends.

So it puts me in a spot of having to, like, compete for the best present — and nothing in the world could ever compare to the joy of succeeding at that. :joy: :joy: :joy: So… If I can throw the question back — not just to you @DougDawson but to everyone who reads this, I’d love your help on getting her the best present out of all of them.
For a little background;

  • She turns 12 in January, loves horror movies, and devours books. She has the Harry Potter set, the Hunger Games trilogy, and I’ve recently got her the LoTR movies, but I’m not sure, yet, if she’d like the books.
  • I got her this guitar a couple months back, with picks, and a tuner, but I’ve no musical ability so I’m at a loss on what else she might need.
  • She’s also always been into art, and this year has picked up acrylic painting. I got her a couple books on basic color theory and any suggestions in this area would be greatly appreciated. @Shadey you have any thoughts in that area?
    I would also really like to get her into some sort of martial arts but her mother believes that preparing her for the possibility of a fight is equivalent to encouraging her to fight. If anyone has ideas on physical fitness sort of gifts, that would be high on my list. She doesn’t really do video games, tho, but I’m down to hear those ideas as well.

To finally answer your question @DougDawson ; this year for christmas I’m gunna give her $1,000 to spend however she wants. I’ve $780 in hand, so if each pack sold for $30 I’d easily hit my goal. Any extra would go to her birthday — and I’m a big fan of full transparency, so I’d gladly show y’all everything the proceeds go towards. Especially if it’s something y’all helped pick out.

As far as server funds; I‘m signed up for $480 a year thru patreon, if that counts for anything.


$50 on lot #3 and #4

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$50 on Lot #7 @Tejas

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Well I tell you @Worcestershire_Farms , there is not much in the world more noble than trying to bring happiness to ones children. I didn’t ask the question to pick at you, really just because I like to know what my money is going for if I get involved in something.

For gift idea’s that’s tough. You really need to know someone a bit to figure out the perfect gift for them but I am sure you will come up with something. It’s not really about the money spent, it’s more about it being personal so she will make the gift a big part of her life thus creating happy memories that she can carry with her forever.

I like the martial arts idea. I get the concerns her mom has but don’t agree with them. The counter to that in my opinion is it’s not about encouraging her to fight. It’s about teaching her how to take care of herself so she doesn’t have to fight. It encourages physical fitness, mental well being and confidence. But it can be tough to convince a mother that has such an opinion. In the end they are just trying to protect their child and as such doing what they think is best. Parenting will always produce those issues as a child grows, the joy of having 2 parents. Anyway now I am rambling and got some gardening to do. Best of luck, hope you find her the perfect gift.

Merry Christmas


I gotta say, that was a cool post to read. :v:


Diggy find out what kind of music or artist she likes and get her a tab book. Instead of musical notes there are numbers which correlate finger positions on the strings.


$70 on lot #7 @lambchopedd
$70 on lot #4 @anonymous4289


If you win this bid, I’m gonna fucking ask you for repro beans :rofl: @Tejas

And my apologies @khaoohs $50 on Lot #8


Most definitely!

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55 on lot 3 @anonymous4289

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$60 on lot #3 @doglog

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20 for lot 1


3 and 4 already have higher bids than your $50/each.

i have $60 on lot 3, and Tejas has $70 on lot 4. check the posts above.


Sorry @anonymous4289 I just checked the top bids and didn’t read through the posts. I apologize


Ill just wait


it’s all good, just don’t outbid me, lol.


I got
$30 on #5 @Kcity87
$50 on #6 @khaoohs
$60 on #8 @lambchopedd



$75 on lot #8 @Mithridate


65 on lot 3 @anonymous4289

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