Diluting nitrogen

My granddaddy purple is pretty nitrogen deficient I believe. Out in pops shed I happened to find these nitrogen pellets for the yard. I’m wondering if it’s possible to dilute it to use on my plants and if so how much would I mix it per gallon?

Also how soon after giving nitrogen do you see results that it’s helping? I dunno what’s up with this grow but I’m having so many different nutrient problems I’ve never experienced before


Hi, this is pure ammonium sulfate, it’s 21% nitrogen, also 24% sulfate, it’s pretty good soluble at 75g per 100 ml of water. And it would be avalible pretty fast for the plants.
But considering your problems, I would first check other options. Are you growing hydro or organic? I this perlite just a cover mulch or are you in hempy buckets? If hydro, what nutes do you have, what doses and what pH is your nute solution?
If organic, what soil, soil recipe and nutes/inputs do you use?


I’m growing in store bought soil that I added some bone meal an dolomite to, but this was a while ago. Should I add more to the top or water in to replenish? I just recently switched over to using Ilgm flower nutrients from miracle gro. She was still yellow while using the mg, I was hoping the flower nutrients would help but no luck so far

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Is that sand on the tops of all the pots? If it is for fungus gnats it could be a root zone issue.
I wouldn’t go adding anything as of yet. What is your ph input/runoff?
Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient and would show in older leaves first, I see dark green leaves under all the yellow.


On top is diatomaceous earth because I did have a gnat problem, I no longer see them around since bottom watering all plants. I removed it last night because I had to rinse the plants to remove aphids :expressionless: I got rid of one bug for another lol Anyways I don’t have a plant ph tester but did use a fish tank water tester. It’s 6.4 I think?


How long have you been only watering from the bottom? That may be a problem as well, the media may not take the water up high enough or nutrient buildup from not having runoff. I would top water and see if things change. Sorry about your bug problem, no fun at all. I’ve only dealt with fungus gnats thank gosh, little bti should clear them up mostly, that and a decent dry back.

Have you flushed with a micro dose of balanced nutes to see if it’s just lockout ?

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I find a pH of 6.5 to be the sweet spot.

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How much dolomite did you use? You don’t want to exceed 2TBS per gallon. If you add it a couple times to the same pot you want to adjust accordingly to what you have added previously.

The chances are your just locked out. Try a good microdose of nutes, like a 1/4 strength of balanced NPK give them enough to get a good runoff. Then leave them alone to dry off. :peace_symbol:

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I’d be careful using so much ammonium since it can lower the pH of the medium when it uptakes it if the ratio is too high from nitrate.

What miracle grow were you using at what amount? Have you started using those ilgm nutrients yet? If you plan on using those I’d probably just use the ilgm stuff and stop adding amendments to the soil now. Personally I’d just go full strength nutes. Veg for first 2 weeks of flower if they are still at that point or flower. Do you have any way to check the runoff EC? 6.4 pH might also be slightly too low for soil. Do you feed every watering? I find with salts it works best if you do.

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Aloe! :seedling: and kelp!

Supa good - forget that lawn stuff! :sweat_smile:


@neogitus I’m using the basic mg it’s 24.8.16. I’ve been using the would only filling it about halfway. When I switched over to the ilgm nutrients I also did a half dose so that I didn’t overfeed

The last thing I could think of to maybe help was giving her a foliar feed so I did that tonight at lights out. I used the Ilgm nutrients mixed with a teeny bit of those nitrogen balls. I haven’t given any water since the first flush I’ll probably try that again tomorrow


Aphids are a symptom of excess nitrogen.
They show up when plants grow too fast.
It is nature’s response to bring back balance.
The aphids slow down the plants a little.
So that they wouldn’t become too weak.
So really, the aphids are saving your plants.
Nature is self regulating and automatic.


your over feeding it

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Even though I’m only feeding once a week? Should I try every two weeks?

@Rogue I haven’t really seen the aphids on her it’s been mostly on my small plants, I rinsed her with the others just in case. I’ll give her a thorough look over tomorrow

I feel like this all started when her leaves turned purple on the tips. I thought it was because it was cooler on my tent but maybe she was trying to tell me something?

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You fried her hun. Happens to all of us. Learning process. Don’t think twice about it, cull her and move on. Fighting the plant all the way to bloom is heartbreaking. Sorry for your lose. :peace_symbol:

That giant plant is way too big for the pot (soil volume).
Flip to 12/12 when plants are the same height of the pot.
Which is, from the looks of it, right now, today.
It’s a miracle that big one is still alive. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As above, so below.

Roots need space, you’re growing in soil, not hydro.

Work with nature rather than to attempt to dominate her with synthetic fertilizers (I’m highly skeptical about long term health risks as well, and it is well proven that organic produce contains more minerals and vitamins per weight, plants grown on synthetics simply contain more water and fiber, creating the illusion of larger harvest).

Think like a forest. Feed plants with plants.

Companion crops help keep balance.

And with a stacked pot setup you can then add kitchenscraps, tree leaves, grass clippings, dandelion leaves, nettles, thistle, etc. and keep growing in the same pot for the rest of your life.

It works.

@OniTenshu is also showing how well companion crops work.
New grow what's up - #69 by OniTenshu
Thank you for creating your journal!


It reminds me of an iron deficiency. Hope you figure it out man.

I maybe wrong but since the foliar spray the center of the leaves look to have darkened up some, prior they were completely yellow. She’s been in flower for 16 days now, I’m not sure if I can continue to spray her. It’s the only gdp seed i had, I don’t want to give up on her just yet