Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Going to get in on the fun with some more seed giveaways, the first one is for a six-pack of Super Lemon Haze F7 made by @Jinglepot:

Signups below, I will run a drawing tonight at 9pm to see who’s getting it, have fun!

  1. @CanuckistanPete
  2. @Kronnkk
  3. @Thats_bank
  4. @Ziggy77
  5. @olschool
  6. @Smooth
  7. @LedZeppelin
  8. @tresbundles
  9. @MonsterDrank
  10. @unomas
  11. @Draig
  12. @CocoaCoir
  13. @GlassJoeGrows
  14. @LtShDc
  15. @A-Loc
  16. @Tuned
  17. @patsnumone
  18. @Kgrim
  19. @killabud
  20. @Piter :es:
  21. @Tripl3fastaction
  22. @Tejas

If anyone’s grown this one out yet throw up a link in this wiki post!