Dirtron Plays With Dirt & Chats With Friends!

So I didn’t get up and moving fast enough this morning to get any pics before lights out, but I will do a pic or two tonight. Anyways, here is my current soil recipe. I work at a grow shop, and an a total plant addict (cacti, succulents, and caudiciforms), so I have access to and have accumulated a lot of raw ingredients, and soil amendments.

A perfect soil mix could be made with much fewer following a basic 1/2 soil, 1/4 coco/peat, 1/4 drainage OR 1/3 peat/coco, 1/3 humus, 1/3 drainage recipes.

But if you want to go a bit more all in…

Dirtron’s Super Soil Mix:

6 units: Bagged Soil*. Base Material, Nutrients.
3 units: Prococo Coco Coir “Chips & Fiber”. Base Material, Wicking, Aeration, Microbe Habitat.
1 units: Prococo Coco Coir “Coco Peat”. Base Material, Wicking, Aeration, Microbe Habitat.
2 units: ¼”-⅜” Coarse White Pumice. Drainage, Mineral Source, Microbe Habitat.
1 units: “¼” minus” Fine White Pumice. Drainage, Mineral Source, Microbe Habitat.
1 units: “¼” minus” Black Lava Sand Scoria. Drainage, Mineral Source, Microbe Habitat.
1 units: Vermiculite. CEC, Silica Source. Water Retention.
2 units: Worm Castings**. Humus, Nutrients, Microbe Source.
¼ units: Decomposed Granite***. Mineral Source.
¼ units: Elemite ****. Mineral Source.

*Foxfarm Happy Frog, Foxfarm Ocean Forest, Dr.Earth Homegrown Potting Soil, anything really.
**The fresher the worm castings the better, homemade/locally made and moist is best, bagged commercial worm castings are still OK and are still worth adding. Can also be partially or fully substituted with homemade compost that includes kitchen vegetable scraps.
***Decomposed Granite can be substituted with Glacial Rock Dust.
****Elemite can be substituted with Azomite, Basalt Flour/Dust.

Amendments per gallon soil mix:
½ Tbs: Gypsum 0-0-0 Calcium, Sulfer
½ Tbs: Dolomite 0-0-0 Calcium, Magnesium
¼ Tbs: Blood Meal 12-0-0 Fast Nitrogen, Iron
¼ Tbs: Feather Meal 12-0-0 Slow Nitrogen
½ Tbs: Rock Phosphate 0-3-0 Slow Phosphorus
¼ Tbs: Bone Meal 3-15-0 Medium Phosphorus, Calcium
¼ Tsp: Langbeinite 0-0-22 Fast Potassium

If “Veg” specific I may add:
¼ Tbs: Cotton Seed Meal or Neem Seed Meal
¼ Tbs: 7-3-1 Bat Guano

If “Bloom” specific I may add:
½ Tbs: 0-7-0 Bat Guano