Discussing Archive Genetics

Agree, as far as overgrow goes he probably got the biggest. Million dollar seed drops.

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Sure, his sarcasm seems clear, he spends a lot of time and money to select the more unique expressions that arise in larger populations and isnā€™t doing all this extra work for charity. We can choose to buy seeds from a cheaper sources who select from much smaller bottlenecked populations if we feel that those are ā€œgood enoughā€, but he is trying to hold himself to higher breeding standards than many a chucker ā€“ and that comes with a higher price. I do wish he would drop his prices though, I believe seeds should beā€“similar to commercial Burpee seeds ā€“ 99 cents for a pack of 100 :sweat_smile:


He can justify his pricing all he wants. Absolutely no seed pack should be more than 100$. Has anyone here ever done seed production? You literally get thousands of them lol thousands and thousands but somehow the norm is 10 seeds for 100$+, ridiculous.

Seed game now is totally different than even last year. Everyone is struggling. No more easy money off this free ass plant lol


And Archive continues to sell out drops.

And they cut out the middleman. No freebies. Good on him


Itā€™s not the high price thatā€™s an issue

MY issue is the inconsistent pricing, some packs are 200. Some are 350. Some are 150. Like, WUT THE FUQ bro, just set a price for a line & run it. Anything Rainbow Belts, for example, seems to have hype driven price hikes. ā€¦ fuck all that


If they drop moonbow 75 f2 they can have my money.


did anyone maybe run the ā€œsweet thangā€ regulars yet? :face_with_monocle:
description mentions 5% boygirls. can anyone confirm that?
(iā€™m gonna start a few beans from my pack in feb/march.)


Im going to drop hyperfuel next.

The ā€œworkā€ really isnā€™t that difficult with enough room and time. Could partner/start with a nursery and run hundreds of different phenos at once. This is what bodhi does and he dropped his prices from 77 dollars to 45 dollars a pack. Condescending also to the fact that anything short of reversing and smoking every male is somehow not breeding. People have been breeding for millennia without reversal sprays.

I had rainbow beltz and it was ok. Basically a 20 minute face melt and then regular buzz. Within an hour the buzz was gone completely and I was sober. The face melt is nice but not enough to keep buying it. I also built up a tolerance fast and has a very low ceiling. He made it not one time but 3 times cuz it fucking sucks and needs improvement.

If it was up to this guy, noone on this site would even be called a breeder and he would have you thinking that his seeds are the best. Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me. If the plants are so good then why does he talk so much shit? Thatā€™s what people do when they are compensating for something like lack of good plants.


I think fletcher knows a lot but thereā€™s valid criticisms to be made as mentioned above

He makes killer clones and killer beans or people wouldnā€™t use puro Loco, faceoff, dosi, etc in their crosses and flower runs.

He also makes some beans that are a total letdown

One thing I will say is running a lot of plants is harder than some people think. So is acquiring legitimate heirloom clones with provenance.


My puro loco and she wasnt the pretty one. Smoke is an over ripe mango gas. She is a experience.


Rainbow Belts i ran a couple times. Snagged a Purple City clone near me for $20, a STEAL at that price compared to over 300 dollhairs for 10 seeds.


anybody done the dosidos hybrids?

the hybrids i agree, i dont think there will be much difference between a bodhi pack of faceoff x hp and an archive faceoff hybrid.

the more inbred stuff like moonbow i think can justify a higher priceā€¦ not sure if 350 lol.

btw theres a crystal guru on great lakes selling packs for 7,000. youre going to get a kick out of that one.


Do you have a link for that?

Nice man 20 dollars more than i paid for my cut. Lol cant wait to get her in rotation.

it was genetic designer, but i checked right now and those are no longer available (hopefully no one bought em) but that breeder had two or three different packs for 7k, im sure of that. https://www.greatlakesgenetics.com/genetic-designer/


Yup, thatā€™s ā€œFangā€ spitting out his overpriced seeds. Since he broke away from Gage Green Group, their seeds are 1/2 off, but his new venture, Genetic Designer, I donā€™t care, there isnā€™t a pack worth $7k. His prices have been exorbitant to fuel his ā€œdesignerā€ lifestyle.


Iā€™ve had poor luck with Archive at two jobs. The rainbow belts is a super slow vegger. The moonbows was super wonky. I just killed two that i did not test, but surely had hops. It is possible we infected the moonbows, but Iā€™m curious if anyone else has seeds from Archive that appear or tested positive for hops? I think it was the moon drops or something I grew at another place, and that would never make it into the flower room at my grow. Crazy slow vegger, finnicky. I used to like Archive when they were putting out Grimmace, etc, but I havenā€™t been impressed at all as of late.


All the moonbow/rainbow belts are mids. He knows the hype tho and prices them accordingly. Thereā€™s a reason the vast majority of his breeding is all cookiesā€¦ just sayinā€¦ no disrespect to Fletcher, heā€™s a smart guy and knows what heā€™s doing, but Iā€™m not buying any of his packs.


I have smoked moonbow and rainbow belts direct from the shop. They look fantastic but smoke average. But I will say that the clones they sell are beautiful and healthy. And as far as seeds go there are some gems like ginger tea and rudeboi and many others