Dispensary prices and reviews

Hello this is mr nice guy delivery for residents of new england RI and CT jz call.


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so $340 an ounce delivered. I wonder if they’re serious about checking medical cards?

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Nah, It’s pretty high compared to black market average but it’s about right for dispensary prices.

If the bud’s worth $340 an o, at least give us some pictures to justify your advertisement


That’s about inline with costs here. Both black market and medical run you about $40 USD an eighth. That’s one of the reasons I started growing my own. Can you imagine if someone tried selling you tomatoes for $340 an ounce?


www.budbuddy.com for Canadian residents.z

This is the leafier option of the three I had to choose from, but it smells like something you’d want to eat. Purple Kush sans purple. The others were green crack and borderline extreme. $200 an o around the board


Wheresweed is a good way to check on current underground prices - running around $300 delivered in Mass. right now. I’m hearing it’s more like $250/oz. if you “know someone”…Boston and New York have always had some of the highest prices in the US for weed, Canada is a totally different world. There are still people paying $400/oz in Mass. and New York.

My boy got a l of some beautiful outdoor just the other day for eighteen flat. That’s what, one twelve an o. Indoors organic is going for twenty four an el.
Three forty is a killing, get it man. I’m not hating at all. But it’d be nice to know what’s being offered.

I was waiting for people to start offering me cheap, legal, outdoor herb this year and it never happened! where did it all go…down people’s pipes and bongs I guess!

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We have a rule against offering final product at OG. I’M not sure about legal Meds. @LemonadeJoe can you review this topic please.

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Central ca. is swamped with crap. I think the first year growers got a break with the fires and where able to fill the gap with schwag. I have smoked some but wouldn’t waste my money on it, if your tolerance is high it will just piss you off.

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Thanks for check…

Yes, the rule states no offering of final products of any kind. That means nobody can use OG for distribution or offerings of their goods.

As long as discussion is only about review of 3rd party services (or street prices at some regions) we are OK… Just don’t do any business here (don’t offer or demand).

Links to registered dispensaries are OK, but definitely don’t post any “how to find your local dealer” or “visit this bar and ask for John Doe” kind of advises.


@LemonadeJoe I offer you my highest regards for offering us this magnificent venue for sharing thoughts and reflecting on various subjects.


Zips go for $250-300 here in the Midwest. As long as it’s high grade Indo. Good outdoor goes for $200-220.

budgetbuds.net - canada wide express shipping, ounces from 99-119 and shatter 39$ (29 first saturday of the month). very happy with the grape god and bubba kush. the grape god is so good!


What is that USD? Is the Canadian dollar worth more?

oh no. canadian is usually similar to australian. 1 dollar canadian is 79 cents US right now. 1 dollar AUD is 77 cents US. canadian has been higher in the past but not often and not recently lol

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Yeah CT prices can be steep if you don’t know the right people. Ive seen people pay 450 an O ofr purple, ok high, not much smell, generic not really a closer.

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that’s absolutely disgusting and the opposite of what legalization should be… that’s just another way the government is starting to rape the citizens for their money. we must no longer fear jail so long as we give up all our money!!

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