Legalization and price stabilization

I’m in a non legal place that’s prolly going legal soon

As an outlaw for a while prices were nice if ya get my drift.

But since so many areas are legal
Their overflow of rejected product
Though good but may have mites etc

Makes its way here.
3 years ago an onion cost 300
Now 150-2 if ya know someone.

Not good from my point of view.

However I can only hope they Fook
It up like elsewhere.

I use Massachusetts as an example as I have a friend…

If memory serves me he told me
By the time ya stand in line
Pay a tax the price was around
540 for a whole onion.

Now to add to the stupidity they allow
12 plants for personal use.
So a guy like me go
I.can legally grow and not so legally
Sell my product for less than they can.
Happy days lol
Price stabilized at I’m guessing 280ish on the sly.

Anyway im thinking legalization
May well bring the happy days back.

What have you seen if in a legal


They killed it in CA :roll_eyes:, I’ve seen $75 8ths (before tax, which is like 30%!!!), and the place is always crowded. I don’t fully understand but I think they’re just taxing the growers too hard.

I’m sure they’ll get greedy with it like they did here and keep you in business :joy:. Still best to “know someone”

More weed than God. You can’t give weed away in Oregon. 30-60.00 ounces year round. Even after harvest. Lots of extracts. :100: :fire: :heavy_dollar_sign:8.00 premium grams of Dabs.


Just checked for fun……

Only $70+tax here :joy:


2 grams plus tax. Tax is a wash with a senior discount of 52 years old.


I think a lot of it has to do with who is producing. New Jersey has rec market open longer than New York. Nj gram cart 125( not sure of tax inclusion). Ny is 55 per 1 gram cart out the door tax included.

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Damn, it pays to drive to NY.

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It all depends how corrupt your politicians are. In NJ, they’re not licensing anyone except the MSOs who all paid their bribes on time, and maybe two or three real “social equity” licenses that made enough fuss about it in the papers to politically pressure the licensing board. Also, homegrow is still a felony for a single seedling, so it’s not really legal in NJ.


That fuckin sucks. :upside_down_face: Free The Weed!!!

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If I’m out I can get zips for 40 bucks. Not top notch. Cheap enough to blast through some Jay’s. Also concentrate for 5 to 7 dollars a gram.


Yeah it ain’t worth slinging if that’s your thing:


I remembered when Oregon first legalized rec 2015 99.00 ounce sign spinners everywhere. :rofl:

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Legalization crashes prices long term. That’s facts.
Everyone and their uncle wants in on the cash crop aspect, including the state.
The crop we used to grow illegally, becomes as legal as lettuce, increasing overall supply, as well as decreasing perceived scarcity.
At the outset, and for the first 5 years, dispensaries will offer ludicrous deals and discounts (free weed on your first visit, BOGO, buy a gram of concentrate, get an eighth of flower, cartridges, edibles made in a commercial kitchen. This is intended to draw the average customer, and the person who hasn’t smoked because it’s illegal (yes there are many folks that fit this description) away from the black/ gray market, and into the dispo. And it works
A bulk P will slowly drop under $1,000 like it has in CA and CO.
Early on in the legalization is the best time to make money, and then the bulk of the money is in the system.
Almost everybody I worked with for 5 years in the dispensaries of Arizona was in the same hustle: get into a dispo fast after legalization, make your name, and get in on the ground floor of the legal side.
Grower, distribution seller, and extraction jobs will be 6 figure plus…
Honestly. It’s fucked.
I hate prohibition, but state weed is a shit proposition.


Thanks to Ca, Co and a few other states Ny bulk p have been driven down for years. We’re already there!
Ny banned all dispensary promotion! No free anything

That 49$Ounce probably looks like floral arrangement Space filler and smokes like pencil shavings.My lungs hurt thinking about it


Yes I expect it’s shit but I’m not going to buy it and find out.

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Top quality will always get good money! This is simply because it’s scarce even with all the weed available


We have 28$ ounces the Indian reservation is cranking out where I live.They have dispensaries on top of dispensaries full of shitty Poorly stored Weed that is all unripe that is overstock from who knows when it was harvested.The black market here is where you get your good weed or just grow it yourself and save the headaches

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Wow. A buck a gram. Can’t go much lower than that.

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If you seen it the shake you used to get off of brick weed in the 90s was better.