DIY hemp/leaf wraps?

Haven’t heard of these before! I’ll have to check it out and see if its feasible for me to achieve in the future.

I can totally understand this. Addiction to nicotine isn’t a concern for me. You can obtain nicotine free tobacco, and a very good pesticide (that love cannabis, almost like a booster), just in water-curing the leaves. But it remove aromas too, which make it less logic to roll with.

So yeah, you’re going to make it with cann-leaves. The cellulose content is a bit different, but fiber is higher and all in all work the same to make wraps.

I firmly advise to use only plants that stink the hell in veg (like the SD ^^), with rinsed plants (or at least well in senescence). Water-curing the leaves is imho totally an obligation, chlorophyll don’t break like tabacco and we all know this right ? ^^ Spinach-hay isn’t a flavor i appreciate with my weed personally.

I’ve tested a shit ton of various “glue” recipe and there is my opinion :

  • It’s well known that the most toxic in rolling papers (leaves-sets and pre-rolled cigarettes) is actually the glue. 100% cellulose leaves exist (what only matter for our use) and that don’t produce any scent of “burned paper” that parasite the tastes.

  • making the glue with such leaves-set is very efficient, very fast and economical (high dilution). With one leaf you have enough glue to roll a two dozens of blunts, for for the incorporation in wraps i never tested.

  • agar work well, but dilutions are tricky because it’s better to incorporate it directly to the paste of the wrap. It permit the reduce the rate of the fibers (then lower a bunch the bad side of using canna leaves).

  • arabic gum, without much surprise is my favorite glue. Very high dilution, low amount needed (and advised), can be incorporated before pressing, and roll/seal far better than industrial wraps made with the trash of cigarette’s industry. With very toxic glues ^^

  • honey is maybe the most efficient “systemic glue” i’ve tried. I ferment or “sur-ferment leaves” of tabacco also with it. Big fan of perique black leaves, so when stock is in ashes form … i make my own “subpar” version. But the dosages are a pain in the ass to obtain the perfect sweet spot, a drop of too much and it make the wraps like the sticky traps for insects lol

I’ve not found yet the rosetta stone of honey to make glue, i use it only with flavored tabacco leaves i made for now. Work heavenly with vanilla pods, it catalyze the taste. But the drying is very long … it’s wraps i prepare during month and that ferment during the process. Maybe canna leaves will react much better to this, it’s quite a “dry paste”.

The most complicated being to ignore all rules of cigars rolling to make your stoner’s ones : the thinner the better, but enough to offer a good slow combustion to sip a fatty during an hour ^^

Now you have to really love it, it ask some preparations and it’s another “blunt jail” after the “trim jail”. Wraps fabrication being even more long with drying steps and curing. Not all weeds deserve a blunt too …

Another spoiler to motivate “blunts lovers” fellows to join this, unfortunately, very restricted club ^^ : perfect combos between specific tobacco leaves and specific weeds is like a grail. This one is a Criollo wrap used by Cohiba to make their cigars, paired with Big Bud … you can’t believe how much you don’t want to reach the filter (i insert “EU” style filters inside, not “morocco” ones, paper).


I haven’t heard of water curing leaves before, I will have to look into it. Thanks so much for the thorough and thoughtful responses to my thread by the way, at first I was shy about asking questions. I can tell you know your stuff and although some of this is above my pay-grade (reading comprehension and syntax wise), I’m very interested in learning more.

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I dry them in a magazine. Then moisten when I roll. I don’t cure them in water. Usually cured dry bud is used as filler

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