Cigar from canna leafs

So i want to try but i need knowledge and luck to get this done. My plan is to use cannabis leafs and rosin or other sticky weed extract as a glue and roll a kind of cigar. If anyone is so inclined i would love any input of how you would achieve this or how i should go about it even down to how to roll the thing.

From my reading on cigars they dry and cure the tobacco leafs for anywhere between months to years. I will assume the same will be needed to prepare the canna leafs but im hoping i can get away with a shorter time.

The resin will be heated to make it paintable and then applied to create a long lasting cigar type smoke with a relatively controllable thc content.

With canagars or caligars or whatever people call them they pack buds to make a centre blunt type thing then wrap in a paper or wrap or leaf and then cure the leafs while on it which its basically a much more asthetic look than using the leaf as the body aswell. Theres a lot of variations on this and many include hash or rosin. I dont want a knock me out kinda thing i want it to be a thing to puff on like a cigar for hours while retaining a nice managable high.

With reguards to rolling this theres so many cigar methods including rolling several seperate leafs to create tubes then rolling those tubes in leafs to create one single cigar or theres rolling it around a skewer to give it a central air hole or whatever else you can think of.

Are there alternative types of safe to smoke glue that i can use instead of rosin for practice/keeping the thc% down?

I will post my progress as i get to it. I will steal a few big fan leafs from my plants as soon as i have how to cure down.


Google yielded me this stuff.


Machine comes from Purple Rose Supply.

Use this or Distillate


I got a 4g mold printing as we speak so ill be trying that. Yours look sexy af :heart_eyes:


As in photo above


That particular Canngar was made, then shrink wrapped and frozen for almost a full year before I sparked it up… I wanted a long cure on that one, since I made that Cannagar from fresh un cured cannabis.


How much you expecting to yield from your plants bro??? A 4g blunt every day for a week is an oz. :rofl:


Ahh i was about to ask on your leaf prep and cure. Do you remove any of the main vein on the leafs?


Personal I would take your cannabis leaf and make them flat between some books like people do with tree leafs for crafts for a few days. Then use the flat leaves to roll with. Alot easier.


:rofl: hopefully enough to bide me over till the next harvest. The tote is nearly covered and flip is coming … soon but bigger is better right now that they are growing


Nope. Just squish them flat for a few days between some books then roll with them.

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Paper books or plastic books? :thinking: different humidity levels see

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Definitely want to “cure” your whole Canngar after it’s made… makes for a way smoother smoke.

Use a humidor to keep them in the best humidity range.


Heavy books lol

Place leaves on parchment paper, then between heavy books for a few days.


Ahh okay i might use a big ole roll of baking paper and two sheets of plywood n clamps so i can reproduce the pressure and not get told off by the mrs for stacking books with leafs inbetween each page :rofl:

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I know funds are tight and times are hard at the minute but try and invest in a decent vape.
I’ve started pulling my tinymight through my waterpipe and nothing comes anywhere near the stone and taste I’m getting from it.
I had a pack of rubber rings I use to make a airtight seal so cheap and effective just like you like it.


Gotta make sure the pressure is smooth so the leaves come out paper thin. Plywood has groves and bumbs in it


Yeah i got a vidcod 5g thing for vaping but stretching a bit of hash n trim into a boutique product to puff on for a few hours instead of baccy is worth a try.

@CADMAN ahh very true i might have some vinyl or something with a smooth side i can add to it to smooth out the press and get rid of bumps


IMG_20221104_193748_701 IMG_20221104_193514_700 IMG_20221104_193443_083 32e20f74d14c1c3dbed3ce9febda866d1b47458e_2_375x500 911648898e22782f706b289f3ed03a2aaea672d4_2_374x500 40695c8f03581ea23e53e894cd5170627f4ae7ee_2_375x500 I use molds I print. Use sugar and rum for glue. Strip leafs and glue then wrap. Wrap with wick and then cure in a large jar. They last for hours the 27 g one lasted for half the day it seemed. It was crazy.


I understand the novelty of cannabis leaves are cool, but bannana leaf works way better while not imparting taste/affect like tobacco

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