DIY hemp/leaf wraps?

Hey, I’ve been trying to look around but have had trouble finding some good tutorials for how to make your own wraps using cannabis leaves that don’t involve purchasing products. Could any kind soul here point me in the direction of a guide on how I can utilize cannabis leaves to make my own cigar-like wrap? I just like to make things!


Been raised a few times here. Some folks love them, but for me the juice isnt worth the squeeze. I think the only way to get it to work is with a mold - no good way to cure leaves so they work similarly to a tobacco leaf. “cannagar” they are sometimes known as.

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Here is a good start


Perhaps I could go an even longer route and make my own hemp paper to use… I’ve made my own paper before and have the materials so it could be a fun experiment. Thank you for the reply


Thanks! Appreciate it


It’s “simple” and i don’t have yet enough time to write a tutorial on it lol I do it too with high grade tabacco leaves.
But you can start quickly to make test, it’s not really complicated.

You take your leaves (why hemp ?) and your treat them to only have the everything between the veins. You work it to make a paste, in checking well if it’s homogenous regularly. It should be really a paste. If you press it directly it will make fantastic looking wraps but that desintegrate when you roll them.

You need to add fiber to get a sturdy wrap. You can extract it from trunk simply, like old grand pa lol
After this it’s all about the compromise : too much fiber and it’s not really pleasant, not enough and your wrap is not enough sturdy.

You can add also flavors to have fun, but sincerely a good terpy strain that you water cure just like magic butter, is better to smoke than chemical flavors.

Good luck ^^


This process sounds really interesting… please let me know if you ever get the time to make a full tutorial cuz I’m already a little lost ! But I like the way this approach sounds already. Thank you

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Little spoiler ^^ I make wraps to roll fast m blunts mostly. You roll, you smoke.

This kind is longer to roll heavenly, and have to age a bit in drying (you moist the leaves to roll). You roll one and you can smoke it within 4-5 days. Can’t roll a big batch for now (i will love), but it’s what i do generally at harvest when its chill. I even roll the weed just a bit less dry than usual, to let cure the weed and the tabacco together.
Even in making the wraps with high grade leaves, when you lit a true blunt … no competition possible for me.

Mash some leaves to at least see how to make a clean paste … it’s always time gained for the day i will write this wiki ^^


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Leaf blades separated then layered stagerrly then moisten with rum sugar as glue. Don’t forget to moisten them before applying the glue. (With water since they are pressed leafs)


Do you heat up the rum/sugar glue to make it homogeneous? Or will it just melt naturally with the alcohol? Forgive my ignorance! I hardly touch the stuff

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Hmm yes I am a bit straight edge when it comes to smoking anything other than weed, I’m especially cautious around nicotine knowing how hard big tobacco went after my generation. We love our addictive vices and cocomelon…. But I will be growing my own tobacco this season so I’m sure one leaf wont be the thing to do me in haha. I’ll be sure to try every strat in this thread.

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The sugar mixes with the rum to make a glue. No heat needed

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Oh, I was also wondering. Are sugar leaves good for this? Or is it best to use the standard

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Fan leaves are best, more surface area. If you click the link and read, it pictures it. Hope you the best. I’m rolling one this harvest

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That’s a hassle if you ask me, you’ll have to dry then enough then roll them up then dry more, while the external leaves must be more dry then the internal content. It’s rather easy with the tobacco big leaves, but with marijuana that’s a job of skill and you’ll have to practice…specifically I just use rolling paper


True! But as an artist and crafter by trade, hassle is my middle name XD. Sometimes I do it more for the fun of working with my hands over any results. i also like the idea of using more from a single plant rather than needing more resources.

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No man everything is dry, the leafs are pressed and moistened for rolling. Ez pz bro. Best cannagar in the world!

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Also if you run all the time, you never run out of leafs

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Not exactly on topic, but I would love to see someone reproduce pollen wraps. They were given away in a High Times Cannabis Cup goodie bag years ago and haven’t heard a lick about them since.