DJSF ☆ The Ever-growing Overgrow


That’s an awesome score @DJSF I’m stoked just to see it and I hope that it’s a big addition with making some good hash from trim and I still have almost 2 Oz’s of trim and popcorn that my buddy has been saying for the past month or so he’d be able to get a run done but I should just send it to u for a practice run lol…also there’s a little something on it’s way for your bday aamd happy growing and soon pressing bubbles The Doc


@DrGonzo13 heyyyy homie! Thanks for rolling through! Yea, I am stoked to use it… I have used one back in the day in Colorado… my buddy taxed me to use it and it wasnt the cleanest… lol. I have just used a wooden spoon and a bucket since then… but… as much as I enjoy the old fashioned way… I can use my time more effectively! :wink: I hope to be back in Colorado this summer for a month or 2! I will hit you up brother!
Ooooohhh :star_struck: A Birthday goodie on its way?! Thanks buddy! Growmies 4 Life :sunglasses:


That’s great to hear lol I used to do it very similar but the machine is a game changer IMO and it’s not a lot but something I think you’ll like… I’d be stoked about getting together if u r out here for a month or so… glad to see they’re all looking excellent as well and I have some Irene I have planned to run after the CG x Xmas bud so I am excited for u to get the bday surprise too…The Doc


beannaithe bì right back at ya always :crossed_fingers:t2:

Your chicks look so great! :hatched_chick::hatching_chick: Happy and healthy. :blush: Keep up the good work Daddy-O!

I’ve got an update coming soon, bound to be big…ish! It’s been a while I know. :pensive: I do have tons on the go with the foremost being a Dr’s appointment tomorrow to find out what results of the CT scan were/are. I’m really nervous. Once I’m beyond that and can move forward based on “________” results, next is getting Miss Piper in for her Vaccination’s and a check up!

Unfortunately most folks, (including myself :scream_cat::pouting_cat:) laxed on keeping up their animal vaccinations (over Covid) and with summertime and the heat looming….it’s all about grooming! That industry standard dictates groomers cannot do unless the animal has “up to date Vaccinations”. Which I totally understand and agree with. Clinics around here have been so busy, I called one this morning that couldn’t get us in until Jan 2023! :anguished:

I lucked out and found her an appointment for June 20th :hot_face:, tomorrow I’m back on the phone with the groomer, poor kitty won’t manage through the heat of the summer with all that fur!

I’ve also been adamant about not planting anything outdoors until this coming Victoria Day weekend (Traditionally the start of summer for most, also called “May 24”), I’m glad for it too because we’ve had two nights this past week with frost warnings. My crop management skills are being tested as it grows and my space doesn’t, for now :joy:!

Glad to hear about your Bubble hash machine and bags, sounds pretty fun. You’ll have to keep me posted on the process. :blush:

Nothing but good wishes for you and yours! :hugs:


Wow, was that grown in clay marbles too? That’s super nice.


I totally feel your concern about outdoor this season @KanehB this weekend we’re supposed to get SNOW and this morning it’s 38° but I’m currently filled to capacity with my space…time to get my MacGyver skills on display and !make a small temporary cabinet or “tent” ??? And things are just moving along nicely @DJSF and I hope that you’re having fun times watching all your little Dude’s and Dudett’s and of course your middle aged teenage plants, happy growing and best of wishes on fatherhood!!!LoL


I did that with a tarp and a led shop light.


Working on an update :v::sunglasses: I :green_heart: U ALL!

@KanehB hey girl! Hope you are doing well! I miss you! I pray your scans went well! Excited about your updates! Tell Piper I says hello!:heart::green_heart: :sunglasses::v::four_leaf_clover:

Washing Machine?!

Chilling in the lillies No. 9

Welcome to the Jungle


How much material does that machine hold without burning it up?


@HappyGoLucky21 a 1/2lb but… that is kinda pushing it to the max



Well @DJSF I’m loving your little setup and I betting u had to bust out some Angus `Mac’ MacGyver skills but I’m not sure if u saw that in Colorado Springs we got 11½ inches of f’ing snow on Fri into late Sat so I’m really bummed and @KanehB I feel u about running outta room quickly and I’m supposed to have my garden planted but kinda crazy it snowed the day before “planning” to start but it’s Colorado so just wait 15 minutes if u don’t like the weather but we’ve been getting MUCH NEEDED rain for the past few daya so hopefully it’ll get warmer than mid 40s so I can get some outside it’s just ridiculous how much weather has been changing!?!? Happy Growing The Doc and it’s been taking mail forever from here as usual but bday surprise is on the the road to ya


Are you and the girls doin ok, not a whisper in over a week…hoping all is well. :sun_behind_small_cloud::hugs:

Blessings be always.


Heyyyya! @KanehB thanks for checking up on me! I’m actually doing much better now… I came down with a really bad flu. I am a bit behind in all of the gardens… lol. Hope to update sometime tomorrow or this weekend. You are the sweetest!
Blessed be :four_leaf_clover:


A couple pictures… until my real update!


Your babies are getting big fast.
Looks like about 5 more months and you’ll be getting eggs


Hadn’t seen anything from you, not a BOO! And well it cannot be helped, I’m just a true worry wart at heart! :green_heart:

Glad you’re on the mend, sorry to hear you had the flu, ick! :face_with_thermometer:

Lots of new growth, everything is looking great! :wink:
I think your girls are still cute! :blush: At that age.
Piper would eat them, instinct, she loves a good feathery toy….rips it or licks it to shreds. :heart_eyes_cat: The birds around here tease her though so. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I wish you a wonderful day :sun_behind_small_cloud: and a speedy recovery friend. Many Blessings. :pray:t2:


Thanks for checking in on this knucklehead @KanehB I thought he’d been overtaken by the seemingly cute chicks but be careful they’ll make their move when u least expect it LOL but seriously I’m sending some good vibes ur wsy and glad to see that they didn’t get to u yet …just wait …LoL feel better bromigo. Happy Growing The Doc


You’re so welcome!

I consider it an honour Dr.G. :hugs:

Besides, what kind of a person and friend would I be if I wasn’t lurking around, keeping an eye on everyone surreptitiously, in the background making sure all is well in my corner of the OGverse. :grin:

Enjoy your evening, I hope your dad has had a good day today pain wise enjoy your plants. :seedling: Many Blessings :prayer_beads:


Thread hijacking!.. Skywalker auto fem (Mephisto) day 52 and be kind it’s my first auto grow and it was stunted for a 8-9 days after transplanted and it’s from waiting to long before I did it and shes just recently started to really develop denser fuller little Skywalker nugs and it’s not more than 2¼- 2½ feet tall and nothing special but it’s a alive and I’m just bummed about the early stages but it’s all part of growing and here’s a pic