DJSF ☆ The Ever-growing Overgrow

I just posted an update on my Diary about the first time Auto’s I have on the grow right now. :smiley: :raised_hand:t2:

Those Nugs look like they’re developing some frost for sure, keep going Auto’s can be “finicky” or so I’ve heard.

You’re doing a great job. :+1:t2:


Look better than my first autos, mine we’re about a foot tall and produced a 1/4 oz. The double grape and fighting gorilla are really the first I’m growing outside.


From every fiber of my being, I want to say thanks again to everyone for coming by to say hi/hello and check up on me! :raised_hands: It means the world to me! I am doing much better today than I have in awhile! I am just now gaining my smell/taste/appetite after about a full week of next to nothing! Just popping vitamin C and zinc like candy, lol. Tons of fluids too.

@DrGonzo13 @KanehB the best brother and sister I could ever ask for! :green_heart::blush:

@DrGonzo13 Wow! The plants are looking great! I will always remember back in the day seeing the phototrons in HighTimes for sale and just dreaming and drooling! :joy: Nice to see you are killing it! Say hello to Dad for me! Take care buddy!

@Hydro921 hey thanks for popping by! The older chicks are 7 weeks old and the young ones are 5 weeks. So hopefully in about 10 weeks we will start to get some eggs!

Pictures coming soon! :wink::grin:


@Carty Irene OG x White Runtz
I got da covid… lol. I am a bit behind… but all are healthy! These girls need a haircut and some new shoes! *Yesterday!

Vale Tudo RD 2 (Confirmed Females)


  1. Jalapeno (Hot, Early)
  2. Tomato (Roma)
  3. Parsley (Extra Triple Curled)
  4. Carrot (Long Imperator)
  5. Radish (Sparkler)
  6. Watermelon (Sugar Baby- Heirloom)
  7. Cantaloupe (Tuscany Hybrid)
  8. Onion (Evergreen Bunching)
  9. Basil (Dark Opal)
  10. Thyme
  11. Zucchini (Green, Summer Squash)
  12. Sage (Broadleaf)
  13. Dahlia (Dwarf, Flowers)
  14. Green Beans (Blue Lake)

Never had very much luck with watermelon, last couple years something’s been messing with my sweet corn.


Hi @Greenfingers ! I love some sweet corn… but no room in the garden! Luckily, being from the Midwest… we get plenty gifted!



Yes we’re almost neighbors, Im growing acorn squash pumpkins from a pumpkin and squash last year does that make them f2s lol


@Greenfingers those WOULD be heady hybrid heirloom F2 squashmpkins! :v::grin::raised_hands: good luck pronouncing…

Just a couple Sunshine Daydream plants!



Hay Sonny, sorry to hear you were sick, but glad to hear you’re on the mend… and, you do have the makings for chicken soup! J/K, lol!

The SSDD’s are looking healthy, pretty work on them. And your veggies and herbs have gotten a nice start, too.

Gotta go pull some weeds, cheers!




I love the way you think! Thanks for the kind words! They truly help me get by… during this plague! I found out it was the Covid :crazy_face: Thanks again! Miss ya, pops!



Thanks for the heads up :blonde_woman:t3: last night, in the FSFC thread. :pray:t2:

Much appreciated. :blush:

Only sorry I wasn’t around, for obvious reasons, Blue Tara is definitely on my wish list.:wink:

Happy to see you “walk” away with something though.:turkey: My dad was a huge fan of that flick!
Enjoy’em when you pop’em. :laughing:

Many blessings I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. :relieved:


I know where he is:

Something he grew in ONE of these cups has SWALLOWED him WHOLE! :cucumber::onion::carrot: :face_with_monocle:
Me thinks! :joy:

Happy Litha my friend, sorry I missed you on THE day!

How’re the chicks, a growing concern, I’m sure. I hope all is awesome for you and yours. Many Blessings. :pray:t2::relaxed:


Thanks @KanehB :four_leaf_clover::green_heart: for always checking in on me! I have had a bit of a rough patch as of late! I had Covid first, beat that… then was working in the garden and threw out my back for a few days, then got some funky cold/flu… and now I am almost back to my awnry Irish self again! I do have some sad news too, I am Chick-less. Circle of life, I suppose… :sob: a raccoon was able to get in the coop… and well he/she/they was hungry. :thinking:

I did have a great Litha! Got to spend it with some of my “earthy” :grin: friends! Hope you did as well!


Damn bro, when it rains it pours!
Whenever I throw my back out I’m doing something stupid like emptying the dishwasher lol
Glad your on your way out of the funk, sending good vibes!


Damn dude sorry about all the troubles, glad to see you’re on the mend though! Damned racoon! :angry:
RIP little buddies :hatched_chick: :v:


@DJSF , Friend…

I remember that! Yikes! :astonished:

“Long Covid”, yes, yes…go on. :open_mouth:
Double Yikes, on that one by the way.

:anguished: :pensive:

Trash Pandas!?!?!?! Rotters! Opportunists!
Agreed, “Circle of Life” stuff indeed!

My Litha has been pretty good so far!
I’m doing Graduating Class of 2022 Celebrations with my daughter this weekend and I’m having a fabulous time of it. :smiling_face:

Glad to hear, you’re on the mend. :+1:t2:

KB/“A Road Warrior” (Girls Edition)

PS My Update(S) may be pending over the next week, I’m going to need a few days to recover when I get back to my regular routine. :wave:t2::crazy_face:


Working on an update, peeps! ☆DJSF

Pic 1 Getting cloner ph’d & ready
Pic 2 Just checkin’
Pic 3 Cloning stage setup
Pic 4 Testers (3x/Collar) Main cola/2 side branches
Pic 5 - 6 (Irene OG x White Runtz, Vale Tudo RD2, SSDD) Before/After cuttings
Pic 7 (Sunshine Daydream; For Seeds!! and Bud!)


Looking good in here.
Do you clone without using clonex?


I use some if I have it on hand, I added some Clonex solution to the reservoir but did not use any Clonex gel while I was taking the clones. Thanks for popping in @Hydro921 ! Hope you have a great weekend!


Absolutely gorgeous plants and your little clones just waiting to go! 🫧🛁

I’m ever so thankful and grateful for the mention last night…again, in the FSFC thread!

I’m totally drooling over the, much talked about; pain relieving power of the SSDD strain, so if and when you have crafted some seeds or happen to see some of them up for grabs :scream: :grimacing: 🫢 :hushed:….my hands are up! :raising_hand_woman:t3:

BOTH my hands are up! :ok_woman:t3: :grin: :hugs:

Hope you’re doing as well as your plants. :green_heart:

Many Blessings. :seedling: