DJSF ☆ The Ever-growing Overgrow

So very sorry for your loss brother. Sending good vibes my man!


@BeagleZ thanks brother! I appreciate you!

Love & Light ☆ DJSF


Very cool bro! Looking forward to running the group Collab cross!


Hey I’m really sorry about your loss and I’m around and back at it again and also have a nice new grow room great work and I’m bummed I missed it but I’ll be following along with you again! Sending prayers and good vibes for you and your family :pray:t2:


@AzSeaindooin420 yes brother! I have one other cross I made with your BCP pollen. It just didn’t produce that many seeds. Stay tuned… I have a pack with your name on it!

@DrGonzo13 hey thanks for your kind words! Miss ya dude! I have some new pollen chucks coming down the pipeline for you to scoop! Stay tuned!



SUNSHINE DAYDREAM (Horsebadorites cut)
BANANA CREME PIE (Azseaindooin420 pollen)

:us: @G-paS (Shipped)
:us: @CrunchBerries (Shipped)
:us: @AzSeaindooin420 (Shipped)
:us: @PetalPowerseed (Shipped)
:belgium: @Rogue (Shippped)
:us: @DefNSmokn (Shipped)
:us: @VAhomegrown (Shipped)

:us: @HorseBadorites (Shipped, Pops! :v::sunglasses:)



Wow that’s some good looking crosses that you did and I am happy to have the new year for some great times to come especially after the last year but at least it’s in the rearview and it’s just upwards from here @DJSF so I have a pack of something really special for you… I’ll send you a PM after work today Happy Growing and chucking The Doc


I happen to have some for both of you. @DrGonzo13 and @DJSF I packaged up a dozen packs of lsd x blue sunshine, just need some cards.


You’re definitely on my list @DJSF n @Greenfingers already knows but… I have a pack of VTF x Bogglegum seeds I made this year and it’s so exciting to have seeds that I actually made and it’s from a VTF female dusted with some male Bogglegum pollen and all courtesy of PhilCuisine VTF cuttings from his mother plant and OMG it’s got big seeds so please let me know if you’re interested and if so send me your info and thanks for the uplift @DJSF@Greenfingers u already know that you’re getting one and I can’t wait to see what both of you’re doing and I will be definitely be needing some advice when I get closer to my first open pollination but not till summer and here’s my new space about 90% complete with a 8 foot ceiling and 5x3½ feet n I have 4 2ft hlux LED lights with just under 200watts and I have 4 4ft led tubes in a kitchen fixture with hood and between the two sets of lights I’ll actually be able to grow up 3-5 plants at a time plus I’m still using “Old Reliable”(Phototron) but I plan to uae it for Auto’s but I added this inside of the phototron and it’s a perfect fit and is a full spectrum 48 LEDs per panel with 4000 lumens and equivalent to a 60 watt light :bulb: and its definitely making a difference

and it’s still in progress but I’ve spent just under $27 bucks to build it all with things that I had around the house and the phototron light add on was $20 so I just gotta get some more mylar for the walls and ceiling and a few accessories but the phototron has a Mephisto auto fem on day 8 Toof Decay


Thank you big homie!


For sure @DrGonzo13 you know me, im game to grow everything.


Got mine in today! Thanks bud!


Great to see some of the packs are landing! Thanks for the update @AzSeaindooin420 !

Here is a little update on what I am working on: I’m trying to build my own manifold for running drip lines… I think I have come to a final design. I designed this so that I am able to take it apart and clean/adjust if needed. I also wanted a design where I can utilize most of the pieces and build a few with a differing quantity of lines (4x, 9x, 16x) any of the square foot print numbers. Any flaws in this design… please let me know! Thanks Grow Gang! The last pictures are SSDD beginning Week 9.

Thanks for stopping in!



@DJSF Hey buddy! Your beans arrived safely today! Thank you homie!


Yobro, love the manifold design! Are you 3-D printing the parts or are they store-bought? I’ve had my finger on the trigger to order a bunch of these online for the last week.

That’s about $15 US
Please expand on this topic!

P.S. The SSDD ain’t lookin’ too shabby either! :rofl:



Thanks @Tlander for popping in! The parts are store bought. This design allows for a bit more pressure than a typical “drip” line. But I did spend about 25 bucks building it! Good looking out homie!



Thanks! Please do tag me if you post more on this as you move forward. We’re (hopefully) just finished with monsoon season over here and have about 2 months until we start kickin’ into the hottest time of year, so I’ve got a little time to get my drip-act together. Just used up the last of a(nother) 50 m. roll of microtubing today running individual drippers and I know there’s gotta be a better way! :joy:



(Working on an update!)
Heyyy, happy Friday OG’s! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I’m just finishing up working on building my DIY drip system. Today is day #76 for my Sunshine Daydream table. Going to try to take them to day 80.


That nug looks fantastic, I’ve been looking at my pack of ssdd, guess I should get busy soon with that one. A drip system will take away some of the labor for you. I like it but I can’t use one, it’s too cold in the barn. If I tried that, it would be dripping ice cubes :joy:


@Greenfingers thanks dude! Yes this SSDD cut is amazing! We are trying to get it to self pollinate… but it keeps shooting blanks!? We have made a few small batch crosses with her… shoot me your addy bro and I will get a pack out to ya! I appreciate you stopping through!