DJSF ☆ The Ever-growing Overgrow

Good morning I’m loving the setup and I absolutely can’t stop looking at the big beautiful bud everything is looking amazing and you’re putting on a great grow n show thanks!..u truly are MacGyver stop hiding it :crazy_face:

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I never got a chance to grow up or get any ssdd is it more indica dominant or sativa and I heard it’s got great medical value

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Heyyy… thanks for popping in @DrGonzo13 ! I appreciate your kind words! Hope the weather treats you well! It is 27° F with a slight chance for snow today.

Edit: The SSDD is a nice blend… but seems to be a bit Sativa dominant.



Very nice and it’s exactly the same weather in co Springs and possibly getting some snow also

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Can’t believe I’ve been missing this thread & the SSDD run. Well I’m here now, I guess all the Gonzos are :+1: Nice bud man, super frosteee!


Nice @DJSF That bud does look familiar, lol! I’ll be real interested to hear how you like her at 80. I took one gal that far, and seem to have hidden her from myself when I was sampling :crazy_face:


Thanks for all the love @Gonzo ! Right on time… glad to have ya brother!

Thanks for trotting through @HorseBadorites ! I will have plenty for ya to sample! :wink::seedling:

Hope you all are having a kick ass weekend!! :green_heart::metal:



Definitely keep your eyes on anything that @DJSF does @Gonzo whether it is making a grow room,cloner etc from scrap materials and very little expense or growing up amazing flowers and my biggest reason is he’s an extremely supportive and helpful person who gives back more than he realizes and I have been looking and I had the seed bug so bad I even lost touch with him so I am really seeing n understanding how much I screwed up and I will be excited for the updates on your grow Happy Growing & Harvesting (soon)The Doc


Heyy @DrGonzo13 ! Thanks for that last post… means the world to me! I am grateful to call you a friend… I know we lost touch… I had to kick my ex gf out last year… some drama ensued. I chose to slow down in the garden until she was completely out of the picture. I am back and getting back on track! It is very nice to see you getting things squared away with the seed trades/commitments. I admire that you had the courage to admit the mistakes and are working towards correcting them buddy!



Sunshine Daydream x Blue Sunshine
@HorseBadorites @VAhomegrown



Did I say dibs yet? Dibs🤪


@Greenfingers heyy brother! Good morning! Shoot me your addy through privnote and I will shoot something out your way!



Nice! That makes it SSDD IX! I hit some Blue Sunshine pollen to a Funeral Cake, now I’m hunting a male from that cross to hit to @HorseBadorites SSDD


@VAhomegrown that sounds absolutely amazing! I still have plenty of the pollen from your Blue Sunshine I plan to do full pollination on the SSDD so we will have tons of the SSDD IX! I’m also trying to get the SSDD cut to toss some pollen! Fun Fun! Thanks for stopping through! Keep us posted!



just got caught up on this grow, been missing out on all kinds of great info, and budporn. Love the dripper system and diy cloner. What are you going to use to reduce pressure from your water source?

Really am enjoying your grow pulling up a chair a little late, hope there is still room to watch the show


@Mrgreenthumb heyyy buddy! Thanks for taking the time to stop over! I am actually going to be doing experiments today running the DIY drip manifold to gauge how many ml of water are used per session… I plan on using a cycle timer to run the pump for 5/10/20/30 seconds and measure… should be okay at short bursts… we shall see! I may need to throttle her down in another fashion. I am hoping for a 15 second drip every hour or so… we shall see!

@Tlander just wanted to tag you too buddy!



Well done Sonny, looks fat and sassy, and ripe:yum:

Me too! Have you got any male candidates?

Humor a geezer sonny, what’s the IX stand for?


Not yet, they’re still tiny seedlings. Gonna be a minute before I even know what sex they are. Hoping something good shows itself though!

In-cross. SSDD was outcrossed to the Blue Dream with the pollen I sent, then in-crossed back to the SSDD strain


Yea it could work that way…I worked a long time in the irrigation industry in florida. Built many drip systems for various situations. If you need any assistance with anything just hit me up.


That’s a awesome picture especially with the seed ready to pop outta her and I just love how much resin is covered and probably keeping them “glued” in there but great job with this project I just got caught up with reading through I was curious about how the new grow room is working out for you!?..I forgot to say D…Inner, DABS, I can’t say that word for some reason, self restraint LoL, also we got a couple inches of snow last night how about you?