DJSF ☆ The Ever-growing Overgrow

Congrats on successful reveg! Knowing it’s possible is very empowering, even if it doesn’t always work out 100% of the time. Any details about the breeding project you’re doing with that SSDD? Sounds interesting!


@syzygy High there! Thanks for stopping over! Yes, the reveg worked! I was harvesting and hacking… and just thought… eh… I might try to save one plant, having extra room available at the moment. I simply threw her back in the veg room. I didn’t even up-pot her, the 3 gal should be plenty of room.

Sure, the SSDD cut we have, is IMO the same pheno that Bodhi describes as that buttery doughy blueberry muffin SSDD great for nerve/pain relief. At the moment we are going to be selfing her and seeing how similar the S1s are to the mother. Stay tuned!


:smiley: Right up my alley.

L5-S1 Disc herniations requiring surgical intervention, combined with torn sacroiliac joints tend to leave a person with nerve pain though. :pensive: Especially when the initial injury goes mis-diagnosed for 10yrs because the treating Doctor is an arse! :angry:

Keep doing what you’re doing and overgrow, overgrow, overgrow! :wink:🪴 :seedling:


@KanehB It was kinda hard to “like” that post :pensive: Hate to hear that my friends are feeling any amount of pain. I promise to get some of these beans into your hands!

Thanks for the motivation! You got it!

Wishing you well and hoping you have a wonderful week!
:four_leaf_clover: djsf :sunflower:


Damn @DJSF you’re a great person who has some mad skills in the growing community…congrats on your reveg success I’m still trying to get a clone to root for the first time and I am also getting a good start with one of @Alaskagrown BB autos and my Irene is starting to look like it’s ready to start veg and I will be transplanting them today along with the BB and I am just going to put it in the 2 gallon pot and then it’s ready for the whole grow cuz I’ve been highly recommended by several people who grow just autos that the less stressful they are the better they’ll be at harvest so I haven’t even started yhe phototron yet but I’m just using it for my Dad’s medicine so I will be able to have more craziness with my 2x4x6 ac infinity tent the 3x3 is not available for sale quite yet but I just wanted to let you know that it’s a good looking grow and to continued happy spring growing The Doc…I am willing to help out ur buddy if he is interested still


That reveg is awesome, I’ve never done one… on purpose. :laughing:
Definitely mad skills and good vibes around here
Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the amazingly kind words @DrGonzo13 @SensiBowl means the world to me!

Strawberry Gelato Reveg


They’ve certainly grown, #6 Tudo is really going for it!


Looking so great! :smiley:

Soooo awesome! :relaxed: In a very short time from now I expect I’ll be asking for advice on maintaining that many medicinal miracles at a time! :wink:

Stay blessed my Irish comrade! :pray:t2:


Sorry for late arrival, got caught up in that B-I-G Traffic Jam!!! I guess everyone was trying to get here at the same time. Regardless, I’m here. Man, you certainly made sure the trip was worth it!! Nothing but appreciation for your work, the knowledge you shared, and the E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T results. Indeed, continued success, take care, stay safe, and be well…@mister :honeybee:


Congratulations on a successful reveg! It’s always nice when they come back for you!:+1:looks like it’s ready to be cloned.:grin:
Great job keeping all the babies happy, it’s easier said than done! Infact, all your plants look happy and healthy,!Positive vibrations and continued success @DJSF !


You’re doin’ them proud, sonny, lol!


Looking great @DJSF. Thanks for the update on the copa testers, and all your others!

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Hey there! Thank you for stopping over :slightly_smiling_face: I would be honored to help you in any way that I can! Honestly, scaling up with the same clones/strains isn’t that difficult… its when you have multiple strains that you are trying to read and adjust, it becomes a bit tedious. The 3 things I try to abide by… and seems to work for me: Labels, Notes, and Pictures. With these you know what you did, when you did it, how much you did… and can gauge the plants reactions with the pictures. Excited about your big updates! :hugs: Blessed be! Erin Go Bragh :green_heart: djsf


High there! You’re not late- right on time… Sooo damn glad everything is working out for you! Thanks for stopping by my little honeycomb hideout! It’s an honor to have you! I truly appreciate your kind words- makes growing even more enjoyable for me. Stay safe brother! Love & Light ☆ djsf


@Budderton hey thanks for the kind words and stopping over! Yes, she bounced right back! She put out like 7 shoots right around the same internode while the rest are catching up. Debating on whether I should keep her as a secondary mother or just flower her again :thinking: peace ☆ djsf

@HorseBadorites High there Pops! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you and yours are doing well! Plants are chugging right along… they will get transplanted this weekend and get their 2nd preventative IPM spraydown. ☆sonny


Heyyy! Thank you for the kind words! It is an absolute pleasure to post updates~ and I thank you for taking the time to stop over and say hi! ☆djsf


Hey, gang! I bought a new toy for the upcoming holidaze… :green_heart::sunglasses: Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be at the local grow store 4/20 party on Saturday… I will be wearing a 2014 Cannabis Cup tshirt and a 710 Cup Judges hat… if you see me and are an OG, come say HIGH! ☆djsf


Beautiful you going to use it for flower or concentrate?


@DesertHeartGardens concentrates, I’m not sure you can smoke flower through these… I may try! I’m trying to be better on my lungs and use rosin and dabs more than burning plant material… but damn I love a proper spliff! ☆djsf


True figured recyclers would get clogged super quick even with a dry catch I need to get a new rig been a few years might have to see what 4/20 deals at some of my local shops :joy: