Do I need to worry about budworms traveling from outdoor plants to indoor?

On all but one of my outdoor plants I’ve found a leaf here and there with a bunch of these eggs on the bottom which I believe are budworm from what I’m looking at online. I’m not too worried about veg plants where I keep up with sprays and traps but I really can’t lose another flower tent and I’d rather chop these before they’re bad if it’s one of those super contagious bugs. But I always at least change and clean up a bit before going back in if it’s not a change and shower. Are these bugs I should worry about traveling like that? My plants are pretty far from where my house is and when I take these leaves off I put them right away I’m a bucket of water I have out back there if that makes a difference lol In my mind they drown


The eggs are either white or pink or 50/50 I’m assuming as they progress or open or whatever everything’s starting to flower not sure if I should spray anothyng I usually don’t but outside we’ll get plenty rain for the rest of flower, tons of rain here!

That’s impressive.

Makes me paranoid and a bit itchy.

Positive aspect is that it’s easy to see. I’d think if you are able to inspect and sanitize the plant, you’d be ok as long as there isn’t other things such as mites. I’d try a UV / blacklight source to help find any lone/misc eggs.

The only reference I have for these are hornworms. As long as we are paying attention, any damage is easily mitigated for those. I do not know if they can act as a vector for virii, though.


Yea the hard thing is stuff I’ve wanted to spray gets washed off I feel like with how much rain we’ve gotten all year. I don’t wanna bring this plant inside or anything I’m just thinking if these are most likely gonna get deeply infested at this point I’d rather chop the outside plants and play it safe for my indoor ladies. But like you said with how big they are it’s a little less scary then spider mites, aphids and such. But I’ll try and look at some
Of this stuff under a scope thank you!

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Jezuz, that’s insane. Kill them Kill them All. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


Spray with BT and then again after every rain