Do the highs feel the same to you? ( as in just kind of boring, background high, not the same as back then , not distinct from one another ) )

I think as we age it just seems less intense. Ya got less to be giddy about when you’re middle aged+ weed just kinda takes the edge off save for a couple days after a tolerance break. I smoke nothing but real good weed, it very much helps with my diabetes, nerve pain, and anxiety but is barely more inebriating than a cigarette to me.


Absolutely 100% i can relate to the op, weed is more about its flavour than its effect on me.

I enjoy joint too much to consider giving it up or even taking a break from it.


The Push for High THC Cultivars has had people doing this one thing its been going on since the 90s.Everyone started taking the latest Cannabis Cup winner and breeding it to the last years winner to make new hybrids.Im believing that this has bottle necked a lot of genetics due to using the same parental lines over and over again to the point of a unholy Homogeny im suprised Founders Syndrome isnt showing up at the party yet but with HLVD going around goes to show you one thing can bring the whole house of cards down.Think of how much shit has Chem91,White widow,OG, ect in it.All knockout Plants in thier own league but now being inter bred so much are all turning into a cookie cutter pattern high.Once you take the wolf out of a Chihuahua you cant put the wolf back in.


Yea well it was better 45 years ago too.
I’m smoking cambodian golden tiger cross and some oaxacan varieties that @Upstate was kind enough to send me
These wispy pearl stem original satuvas have several distinct varieties including one that’s is close to the nasty smelling giggle weed we got back jn 1977
Another one is the munchies king
Another is a straight up.pain eraser
However the out put of these is so low many growers will never grow them and pass them by with a smart ass comment.


I’ve experienced this and it’s disappointing. I think @Tonygreen is on to something when he calls this type of weed “ornamental weed”.


Greetings Y’all,

With all this talk about Cannabis Tolerance Breaks, I can’t resist!

Just for an experiment, scroll down to this one:
4. Try a fast partial desensitization

After you’ve completed that little exercise, load up a big bowl of your “trippiest” weed and smoke it down to ash. If that doesn’t blow your lid… Proceed to Step 5! LoL

I think it comes down to this, we chronic stoners have so many cannabinoids in our system at any given time that all we’re doing is topping off. We know that many of our favorite chemovars have chems that are long lasting in our systems, right?

For me, even a short break heightens the renewal.

Just my $0.02
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


The Cookies genetics that form 90% of the commercial market are the problem. All thr effects are the same because everyone is reversing and chucking the same genetics onto each other, and Gelato is purple weed with a boring effect, so when that’s all you’re smoking under different names, it’s all the same and all boring. That’s why there are so many of us nerds on here growing crazy sativas.

The problem with the modern cannabis scene: Girl Scout Cookies (Clone Only Strains) :: Lineage & Hybrids


IMHO, the few, samples of dispo buds, vapes, I’ve tried left me, wondering why even smoke weed?
Dull, tasteless, brittle buds, from over fertilization practices.
One occasion, a friend, saw Salmon River, bud, at the dispo, and to be honest, PA has the worst medical set up, the mind can imagine.
He lays down the very fancy pouch, all very high end looking, to empty out the 3.5 gram package, on my tray.
No scent, just lifeless, hard nugs. Filled a bowl, as rolling it up, it would just burn like a canoe, anyway, as it so boned out dry!
Take a it, and everything Professor P worked to make delicious magic, was not worth the time nor money. Most are so over fertilizing, to get the creamy dreamy icky sticky photos of buds, as that what sells, the appearance of magic.
I’ve been smoking cannabis somewhere between 50-55 years now. Yesteryears cannabis COULD be better than todays, however, place on the map, means everything.
If you think, the weed we got (in our area) was just like the weed form another, you would be horrible wrong.
Like looking at a Norman Rockwell painting, and thinking, everywhere in America is just like that.
Or that painting, sums up what EVERYONE believes.
I love a good Norman Rockwell, painting, but to say, he captured the American setting, is silly shit.
Grow out multiple strains, some you will LOVE, some not so much, but the more variety, you offer your noggin, the more we seemed to still find amazement and good feeling vibrations.
Looking to be laid out flat with 2 hits, is fine and all, but you miss so many of aspect of the plant , you could be enjoying.
Grow your own.


I agree. Dispensary weed is only good as an ornamental😁


This bottle necking is why I believe some breeders are going back to landrace and older strains. Trying to bring back the lost effects.
Also dispensary only want 20+ thc weed. Even if lower thc weed smokes better


ooo up here the legal shops sell commercial grade weed where it was grown for 40 days, then cut down and sprayed with flavoring then stuck in a pouch for your… displeasure. That shit doesn’t do it for me, it actually hurts your throat.


That’s because over breading. Plus some companies are mass growing & naming strains based on THC levels. Craft, quality, well preserved seeds are rare. However they are out here.

I think the dispensaries add to much back in. Like the terps, ect.


i only noticed the purple weed entering the fray as when the weed got worse. i remember the first purple bud that i saw in a vac pack. they had a little mixed in with the normal red hair AA beasters. the first j was really nice. i got this super cool body stone. then, i couldn’t get high on it, ever again. it tasted good. smelled like hash, but it just sucked. around that time, i stumbled into this article from way back that mentioned the purple plateau. I was unaware until then, but apparently purple bud had been around for ages and had a bad rep.


I dread seeing purple at the end of flower, it’s a damn shame that considering it’s so fkg popular :frowning:

I’m guessing 85/90% of my plants turns purple these days, imo its generally pish but not always.

I’ve got a purple bluchi pheno that’s A1 and also about 20 yrs ago I had a Kc33 purple pheno it was also A1.
I’ve grown 100s since then so 2 decent purple phenos is piss poor.


I had some really dark purples this year. Almost black. The cold definitely brought on the darkness.


You are one of the few I have heard say this.
It is my belief also.
I suspect most purple weed may be high in CBD.
Some purple is the exception to the rule.


ive had both. Really solid purple stuff and purple stuff that didnt smoke good too.

But typically purple is good for me, and produces a slightly different vibe high than normal green bud


You guys get high off anthocyanin!!! Shit I’ve got a bucket of purple water for sale :slight_smile:


Laos Highland I got is supposed to be purple. But its Laos Sativa landrace… I bet that wont hit bad , and shes purple ::wink:


What I really love is when I’m at a party, and I hear someone claim weed doesn’t affect them. Cue some crazy bubble hash.