For the first time in my long and passionate relationship with cannabis I recently realized I needed a “Tolerance Break!”
As it turns out I have more high potency cannabis (7 flavors & counting), in more forms (flower, hashish, tincture & edibles) and more spare time (retired) than ever before and every day seemed to require a new “experiment” with the various consumption options in a quest for the tailored epicurean buzz.
I credit this happy outcome to careful study of and adherence to the great cannabis Forums like OG. So, yay for that and no complaints, but I still need to balance it with my need to function at a high level for at least part of every day and recently I’ve been wandering around in a zombie fog a result of unprecedented dosage levels from the available supplies. I was also very aware of a creeping increase in the amount of herb that it takes for the same effect.
I’ve already cut back on my “experiments” and did a two-day complete T-break, so full function has been restored through moderation (before the Saintly Spouse even noticed!). Absolutely zero withdrawal effects, for the record.
But it was time for me to learn about cannabis tolerance breaks and I stumbled onto a few resources that I found helpful and want to share with you. The links in the articles cited are live and have more specific topical information.
I’d also like to invite comments from OG veterans about their experiences, the “T-break” schedules they found effective and any other info they think a Tolerance Break Novice should know. My hope is to pack up this thread with enough info to be useful to anyone considering a Tolerance Break.
The InterWeb offers a lengthy menu of T-Break websites but most can be divided into three classes: actual medical advice, Stoner Bro-science, and touchy-feely support guides. They all have a role I suppose and below you’ll find a sample from each.
First, some specific suggestions for managing a cannabis Tolerance Break with a Hat tip to for their fact-based approach to the subject.
"1. Microdose
Microdosing, or consuming a minimal amount of cannabis on a regular basis, is a popular method of use for medical purposes. In this way, you can get the benefits of THC without developing a tolerance to its effects. By microdosing, you can be medicated all day without overwhelming your CB1 receptors with larger doses.
2. Switch to CBD-rich strains
Both psychoactive THC and non-impairing CBD engage the endocannabinoid system. However, these two compounds work in fundamentally different ways. We know that CBD works on many receptors, and not just on our CB receptors. For this reason, it is much harder to become tolerant to the effects of CBD. Opting for a high-CBD strain may be helpful to those looking to decrease their tolerance to THC, but who still require the relaxation and pain relief cannabis offers.
3. Mix things up
Rotate strains or try using new consumption methods such as vaporizing, oils, or making edibles. Change up your routine. For example, skipping consumption in the morning may encourage the onset of stronger effects during evening use.
4. Try a fast partial resensitization
Used to drop the amount of cannabis needed to achieve desired medical effects, this method only requires a few days’ break. Use no cannabis at all for two full days. On the third day, take one puff and then wait for five minutes. If you feel any effect of the cannabis at all, put down your cannabis and do not use anymore that day. If you don’t, however, feel anything in the five minutes of after first puff, then take one more puff and wait another five minutes. Continue this process until even the smallest effect is felt.
Once you hit that point, stop for the day. Continue this process of one puff, waiting, and ceasing as soon as you feel any effect, for the next three days. On the fourth day, resume your regular use and timing. You should find that your body requires much less, even up to only one-half, of the cannabis that you previously needed to achieve the same medical effects.
5. Do a complete tolerance break.
This method has a double effect of both increasing the amount of added receptors and restoring your baseline receptors to normal function. It requires stopping all cannabis use for at least two days and up to four weeks. CB1 downregulation begins to reverse surprisingly rapidly upon termination or decrease of cannabis use. Studies show that tolerance can start to change within two days of abstaining from using cannabis.
Enjoy your tolerance break by staying active as much as possible, and make sure to hydrate often. Engaging in rewarding physical activities will help make resetting your endocannabinoid system more effective. Eating well and focusing on proper nutrition will also give more positive results. Try going for a run, cooking a healthy meal, or taking on a hobby that will offer some positive reward or self-satisfaction.
Cannabis has an interesting and noble effects, it provides comfort, care, and treatment for genuine needs, at the level the user needs. As such, many see it as a spiritual plant and have great respect for its varied effects and how it communicates within our bodies to help bring things back to balance. Take this time to focus on the benefits of cannabis and make an effort to be mindful and thankful for what this plant has to offer.
Keep in mind that a tolerance break means your dosage will change when you start your treatment again. When re-starting your medical cannabis, start with a lower dose than you were using previously. Keep doses low until you get an idea of how it will affect you with your new lower levels of tolerance."
Next up, guidelines for the length of a Complete Tolerance Break needed based on your current daily usage. I wonder if anyone who has done a complete tolerance break would agree with these? I am also impressed with their top end daily dosages. Five grams of 20% herb delivers about 1000 milligrams of THC! That would leave me staring at the ceiling and babbling weakly. Sheesh
“Perfect Length of a Cannabis Tolerance Break
4.1 to 5+ grams 16 weeks
2.1 to 4 grams 12 weeks
1.1 to 2 grams 8 weeks
0.6 to 1.0 grams 4 weeks
0.4 to 0.5 grams 3 weeks
0.2 to 0.3 grams 2 weeks
0 to 0.1 grams No T-break needed
[Proper cannabis tolerance break (T-Break) required in response to the use of daily average cannabis dosage before the break, based on the observations of experienced stoners’ anecdotes.]”
To Wrap this up, I found a more psychological/spiritual step-by-step guide to a complete T-Break This small book focusses on the emotional difficulties of following through on a complete break through careful planning and emotional support. It is formatted in a booklet layout suitable for printing. Call me goofy, but I’m intending to print one of these out and do the exercises even tho I’m no longer abstaining. Sort of like an atheist going to Mass just for the spectacle of it. LoL.
T-Break Guide By Tom Fontana
"I created this guide because people would tell me that when they set out to take a T-Break, they only lasted a few days. Sometimes they felt ashamed because it was harder than they thought. There is no need to feel bad.
This guide has daily practices. Each week has a different theme:
- Week 1 - physical
- Week 2 - emotional
- Week 3 - spiritual / existential
It may be useful to read a few a days at once because there are practical things about sleep and appetite that may be helpful right away. There is a calendar in the back that you can use to check-off the days. Plus, there are blank pages for your thoughts, drawings, etc. Care has been put into the content and order, but you know what works for you. Feel free to make this is a choose-your-own adventure guide. "
There are dozens of other T-Break websites but these seem to be representative examples. I welcome additions that folks have found helpful, or comments on the ones mentioned above.
So, noble stoner buddies, if you are toking it more and enjoying it less, take notes, make a plan and Hie thee hence!