Do you remember the first member who gave you any seeds?

I see that I have created a very interesting thread that refines old memories :green_heart: OG :green_heart:


My first were from RocketBoy, who oddly enough no longer exists here, what happened??? Anyway he sent me some of his Starlite seeds.


@misterbee was the first to ask and send out a sampling. But there have been many other members that have been just as generous!


I do remember, and surprise surprise, it was @DougDawson with some Early Miss Auto, White Widow Auto, and AM2xRC Auto.

All have been grown and harvested at this point!


That’s awesome man, hope they were yummy :slight_smile:


None . I am saving that cherry for someone special lol


Oh yeah, well then let’s make it happen! Send me an address

Can’t remember exactly what order I got my first from OG, but pretty sure it was @Mr.Sparkle or @paintedfire420


I’ve only received seeds from 2 people here the rest I’ve gotten from the co-op runs @Mr.Sparkle was the first and those dark sparks of his we’re so fun to grow for my introduction to autoflowers. The other was @JBow918.


I’m a bit new on here, however I am grateful to @DougDawson and @BigMike55 and everyone else who had donated to veteran giveaway. I was one of the lucky ones which is a rare thing for me. I so appreciate the people on here and glad to be a part of it. I also want to say thank you @Indoornesian for his help and time.


My first beans from here came from @DougDawson

It was from watching him and the love and respect he received that changed my outlook from wanting to collect everything I could to wanting to give out more than I got back.

Thank you Doug for showing me the true spirit of OG, or Christmas or something.

I swear my heart grew three sizes that day and no one was happier than the little who’s down in Whoville…




I actually turned down the first 2 people that offered packs.
I gave a half pack I just bought off the internet before ever receiving any.
@corey was the first person that offered me beans
Thanks :blush: @corey


When I first came here in 99/00 I lurked mostly, as I was teaching myself how use a computer. There was a thread about a strain Jack Flash x Super Skunk, by Earliquine and the penguin, from Australia.
As a total newb at the time, I became entranced with getting my grubs on it. The thread was a shit show, as some folks had some herm’s pop up, and OverGrow was fight Club back then, so LOTs of shit slinging.
When I contacted them, I got no reply back.
Around the same time, I found KarmaGenitics, a defunct site, based out of Australia. As I lurked and read, I found Erl and the penguin over there! So I started posting in their thread, and over time, asked the penguin if I could secure some jack flash x super skunk beans, and promised NOT bitch about any herms. We danced a while, got to know each other a bit, until one day, I got a message stating I could secure some with a UNICEF donation!! WTF? I had collected for UNICEF as a wee kid in grade school, when they gave you these wee boxes that held change for donations and turned back in to the school on a given date.
I go to UNICEF, make a donation of $50.00, take a snap of the receipt, send it to the penguin. He asked me for an a safe address. about 3-4 weeks later, I get this padded envelope, inside is 5 packets of seeds, with a small printed out business card size label, Seeds From The Igloo! 10- Ozgum,10- Ozghani, 10 JFxSS, and 10- of another strain, I can not recall anymore.
So I contact the penguin, thanking him, for a super generous amount of beans, I get no reply back. A week, then a month, so I went to UNICEF, made another donation, and snapped a pic, and sent it to the penguin as a good will gesture and a big thank you for his generosity. No reply.
Right before Karma Genitics started to go sideways due to a change in Australian laws, Heather Bud, who was running it, said it could go dark. I made a final stab at contacting the penguin, and got a reply back from someone telling me they are the penguins son, and regretted to inform me he had passed away.
So here I am, 40+ year old dude that has been on construction sites since I was 12 years old, teary eyed over a handle I never met, never got to thank, and never knew how much I loved each of his creations. He never knew, all the folks in my wee part of the world, half a planet away, of all the folks that became in love with something from Australia, something so unique that some still to this day, ask about the strains from down under, and how they were impacted by them.


@ReikoX, A scholar and an gentleman. I won a beautiful pack on Free Seed Friday on my first try! Couldn’t believe my eyes and still haven’t gotten over the generosity of the folks on this site. I look forward to returning the favor down the road.

Overgrow Da World!!! :v: :green_heart: :+1:


My first beans came from @Eagles009 and it was an exciting day indeed! :evergreen_tree: :heart: :evergreen_tree:


the man @Oldtimerunderground was the first to offer me beans and he actually sent me 3 coinflips! very generous guy!


I remember everyone that has given me seeds, and have it in writing. The first was @SCT2020


Hes here in spirit maybe lurking in the shawdows?

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Ohh snap lol did I make it on your list?
Have I sent you anything before?

I actually hope so :pray: