Doc D cannabis seeds

Vietnam Black 164 S1

Yeah… so this one was a weird one, and to be completely up front, I don’t think I grew them that well. I think I explained in an earlier post, but I transplanted them at the wrong time. But whatever, they’re still smokable. But very tedious to trim, at least my two phenos are. In fact, I haven’t even trimmed them yet, they’ve just kinda been hanging out for about a month or so now.

You can see there’s still some wispy buds and trichomes under that mess though.

Looking a little better trimmed up, with the flash on.

No flash

The smell is surprisingly good on both of them. One smells more like orange-y bubblegum, with some black tea in there. The other is more musky meaty smelling, but still has the bright and sharp fruity smell in front. The taste comes through pretty nicely too, just have to make sure to trim them up and not leave too much leaf on them.

I’ve been smoking little bong snaps this morning, and the effects are… interesting. First off, immediately after exhale, my ears started ringing. I don’t normally have tinnitus or anything like that, but something about the drone of the fans running, made me hear this weird ringing that kind of warped in pitch. The ringing didn’t last too long, thankfully, under five minutes. I felt kinda strange after that though. Like I was floating outside of myself a little bit. Like I could visualize myself from above, pacing around in my basement… but it wasn’t like a “visual”, more of a sensation. During that period I also started having nice body sensations, like I was lighter, and floating a bit. My shoulders felt a weight lift from them. My thoughts were little racy at first, but nothing I would consider uncomfortable… but I’m a freak and used to uncomfortable stuff, so maybe for some it would be anxiety inducing.

Another thing I’ve noticed so far, is that there’s not much of a ceiling with this stuff. I’ve smoked a few more snaps, and the effects just seem to come on stronger each time. Very cool. Also, I’ll think for some reason that I’m not high, and then two minutes later be staring off in the distance, or the ringing comes back for a second, or color suddenly look brighter. All that just kind comes in waves. Gently pushing you in being stoned, and guiding you back to reality.

So yeah, the trim is worth the smoke. I’ll probably just rough trim the good buds and jar them up, then manicure them further when I want to smoke. Probably not gonna be an everyday type of smoke for me, because of the unique effects. I think this one would be best to enjoy out in nature, on a secluded beach, or tucked away in a Redwood forest on a sunny day, smoked alone and letting your thoughts roam and reconnect with what’s around you.

But hey, that’s just me… somebody else try some and let me know what you think!