Doc D cannabis seeds

I havent had time to take pictures and organize all my notes for a report, but im smoking right now some sour d x a5haze/thai and damn - its really good. A bit leafy in some phenos, a couple threw a couple sterile nanners (nothing unmanageable, no seeds), and i had some issues in veg (because of the way i stack so many plants in small spaces), but damn again, this is some of the best smoke ive ever grown.

I had 4 plants and basically all four were physically or aromatically different. 3 of them leaned towards the sour diesel side, 1 leaned towards the haze (from what ive been able to understand and from questions i made to doc, who by the way is incredibly generous).

Plant 1. so the pheno that leaned towards haze (and needed a 12+ days more than the rest to finish) was my least favorite during the grow but it has been the plant that i have smoked the most of. it was quite leafy, smell is earthy, but it was chunky, theres really not that much to like from its structure either hahaha but it is potent, it is mentally activating, it is relaxing but not really a downer, it can be a daytime weed but not to do things that need rational thinking (dont do your taxes on this shit).

Plant 2. Then there was another pheno with a subtle sour d aroma and the nicest frost of all 4, pretty much same potency as the haze pheno, maybe a little less, but in terms of high it is the same style, maybe a tiny bit more relaxing.

Plant 3. Then there was a citric/sweet pheno that is as potent as plant 2, but without the relaxation of plant 2 and 1. it heady with a non intrusive light body buzz (what i mean by that is, it never holds you down or give off a stoney effect)

Plant 4. didnt care much, maybe not as potent as the others and was quite leafy.