Doc D cannabis seeds

Yeah, I’m not worried about it haha, just something I noticed.


Vietnam Black 164 S1
Day 66
She’s wild and floppy. Needs a 3 ish more weeks.


Looks great, how does she smell?


Twilight language x Dragon energy phenos 1 & 2. The one with unique bud structure I actually thought might’ve been a male for awhile, it had very long spade shape preflowers, also had crazy vigor but I kept it in a 1 gal nursery bag for first 2 weeks of flower until I started seeing pistils then transplanted into 2 gal plastic pot. The one behind her is the #1 pheno and was the longest to strech and set flower in whole tent. The buds are more rounded with more traditional looking bracts. The smells are completely unlike anything I’ve smelled. Very floral, almost soapy sweet, bright and delicate flavor. It’s very hard to describe as I’ve never really smelled anything like it. That smell is very overwhelming in the second pheno with unique structure but the 1st pheno has that same smell but with a little bit of sour d kinda undertones.

Twilight language x Dragon energy pheno 1 back 2 is front. Black triangle x A5haze/Thai bx on left

Trying to show panoramic veiw of the tent. Starting back left (TK X Lemon Thai) front left from Copa genetics (Rainbow chip/tropical sleigh ride x Appalachia f4) center left “pointy buds”(Piff S1 x A5haze/Thai bx) center front Bandaid haze4.2 (BAH2.0 x A5haze/Thai bx) center right with tall rounded colas (black triangle x A5haze/Thai bx) back far right Twilight Language x Dragon Energy 1 in front of her #2 same strain.

Up close pics 1st (TK X LT), 2nd (Piff S1 x A5Htbx) 3rd BAH4.2. 4th (Black triangle x A5hazetbx) lastly (R.C.T.S.R x appyf4)


Thank you. She smells like mountain air, fresh paint, citrus. I’ve had samples of the 164 mom and she’s almost identical in smell and effects


I havent had time to take pictures and organize all my notes for a report, but im smoking right now some sour d x a5haze/thai and damn - its really good. A bit leafy in some phenos, a couple threw a couple sterile nanners (nothing unmanageable, no seeds), and i had some issues in veg (because of the way i stack so many plants in small spaces), but damn again, this is some of the best smoke ive ever grown.

I had 4 plants and basically all four were physically or aromatically different. 3 of them leaned towards the sour diesel side, 1 leaned towards the haze (from what ive been able to understand and from questions i made to doc, who by the way is incredibly generous).

Plant 1. so the pheno that leaned towards haze (and needed a 12+ days more than the rest to finish) was my least favorite during the grow but it has been the plant that i have smoked the most of. it was quite leafy, smell is earthy, but it was chunky, theres really not that much to like from its structure either hahaha but it is potent, it is mentally activating, it is relaxing but not really a downer, it can be a daytime weed but not to do things that need rational thinking (dont do your taxes on this shit).

Plant 2. Then there was another pheno with a subtle sour d aroma and the nicest frost of all 4, pretty much same potency as the haze pheno, maybe a little less, but in terms of high it is the same style, maybe a tiny bit more relaxing.

Plant 3. Then there was a citric/sweet pheno that is as potent as plant 2, but without the relaxation of plant 2 and 1. it heady with a non intrusive light body buzz (what i mean by that is, it never holds you down or give off a stoney effect)

Plant 4. didnt care much, maybe not as potent as the others and was quite leafy.


Hm, that’s interesting. I think Classicgenetix had the same issue with the plants that he grew. I wonder what that’s about? Like something in the way the Sour Diesel mom and the A5Thai dad combine just produces (sterile) nanners? How odd…

Sounds like great weed, though! Haha.


no idea why, thats something im actually curious in relation to sterile nanners (which ive had before) - whether if its genetic or just circumstantial.

there werent many and the majority showed up late in flower, but there was one plant that showed a couple early in flower that had me worried, but completely sterile. no seeds, nada.

and yeah it is really nice weed, black energy is also really nice but i found the sour d to have a bigger and longer punch, along with pleasant effects.


If it was just you, I’d say it’s circumstantial; the fact that Classic also had nanners (and they were really noticeable in the pics he posted) makes it feel like it’s a possible pattern. Which is odd, considering the Sour D x Dragon Energy I just grew didn’t have any bananas show up. And the few A5Thai crosses I’ve grown didn’t, either.

I could also be thinking of something totally different. Maybe it wasn’t Classic’s Sour Diesel x A5Thai that I’m thinking of, could’ve been a totally different cross haha. Either way, I have a pack of those in the fridge and I’m gonna plant them at some point, sterile nanners be damned haha.


Has anyone run the white haze dragon energy cross?


Just managed to score a few more Doc D packs I missed from the list (all of them) in a trade with an OG who wanted some pure sativas I’m probably not gonna get to or do justice in my setup, pretty stoked to get my grubby paws on these:


Sweet! I’m gonna write the “official” smoke report for the Malibu PK x LT at some point here pretty soon, but I like it so far. Just trying to get a handle on her. Sometimes it gets on top of me really quickly and seems super-strong, almost uncomfortably so; other times it’s fine right from the start, not too sure what that’s about.

My ex is in town and came over last night and she gave it a thumbs-down, so… I’m not sure what to make of that, except for the ol’ “everybody’s cannabinoid receptors are different” thing haha. She smokes a TON of weed, though, so I have to take her opinion into consideration.

Personally, I like it. So fuck my ex’s opinion haha!


Don’t believe you’ll have any problems . The LT is reputed to have tough shells , but haven’t heard of the crosses being that way . Can always scuff 'em & follow with a peroxide soak . I scuff & soak with fulvic , older / tougher get the peroxide . None of those 3 are what I’d call nute sensitive .


That sounds about right to me for the Lemon Thai, I’ve had it a bunch pure and the HPK/Malibu/whatever too, I grew that one in my first tent! It’s been almost ten years but I remember the Lemon Thai being jittery right off the start with a more electric version of that diesel blast off or maybe like Cinderella cut early etc. The Pineapple Thai we got was always much kinder, a lifted energetic happy sativa, vs the Lemon we smoked before going to work or going out to get fired up.


Looks like all of doc d’s hybrids made with bodhi’s ethiopian banana are retired / sold out.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the ethiopian banana is absolutely amazing, I highly recommend popping those packs if anyone has them.

So if anyone has bananastan, ethiopian flame, or banana soap,
give them a shot. I’m really curious what you’ll find.


As a public service Farmer Joe has some of Doc’s gear on Strainly for $20 a pk . I did see a Bananastan & 1 other nanner cross IIRC . Most of the Strainly’s asking waaay more for Doc’s gear . Farmer more known for his clones . Honest standup guy .


A Crowd Favorite… Black Energy


Almost certain I lucked out and popped a real nice candy hearts/ Strawberry nesquik pheno of the Strawberry Fog. No photos of that one yet, it’s in the back. The smell is unmistakable !!!
5 of 6 girls on the Goji Razz x Drogon Energy, " Raspberry Thunder "! Super virile strong and vigorous plants the Gogi…3x stretch on them. Buds are rock hard, nice oily resin… anticipation is killing me.

Grace and Peace, Ya’ll


Well done on those outrageous terps. Strawberry Milk crosses put out some serious winners.


Gawddamn! Are those “hash tips” on the, uh, tips of those flowers? Or is that bleaching? Looks like hash tips to me…

Are you doing anything special to get that to happen, like using lights at 660nm or whatever? I read an article about that years ago, can’t remember the specifics, all I remember is “660 nanometers” haha. Or are the plants just doing that on their own?