Doc D cannabis seeds

Pretty sure you need to ask shoe directly for an invite


Ok thank you


Copied-and-pasted from the log:

Chocolate Blitz #2 (the only one of the three that didnā€™t herm) smoke report:

The CB #2 was this plant:

Those three little nugs weigh 2.9 grams and Iā€™m fine with that. Theyā€™re definitely ā€œairierā€ flowers, pretty loose, but I like that. Theyā€™ve got more of a greasy-type feel to them when breaking up, too, as opposed to super-sticky and Iā€™m also fine with that haha.

Smell: Smells similar to the Bandaid Hazes, with that ā€œplastic/spicyā€ nose, but thereā€™s also a very noticeable ā€œfruity/bitterā€ thing going on. My girl thinks it smells like lemons, but I disagree. Thereā€™s for sure a fruity thing going on, but I donā€™t think itā€™s ā€œlemon.ā€ Itā€™s more of a softer ā€œberryā€-type smell and not something like ā€œtropical fruit.ā€ And, I dunno, maybe lemony, too haha. I donā€™t think so, though. Itā€™s for sure not as lemony as some other truly lemon-smelling plants that Iā€™ve grown/smoked, anyway.

Taste: If the smell is ā€œplastic/spicy,ā€ the flavor is ā€œplastic/sweet.ā€ This one is definitely ā€œplastic-forwardā€ haha, but itā€™s not off-putting. Itā€™s more like,ā€œWhoa, okay, thatā€™s interestingā€¦ā€ The sweetness is also very noticeable, but I canā€™t place it. Maybe sweet like a ā€œfresh dewy grassā€ flavor? I dunno. It tastes really good, though and pretty unique.

High: I donā€™t wanna say,ā€œThis is definitely a ā€˜Sativa high,ā€™ā€ because who even knows what the fuck that means? But she sure isnā€™t what most people would think of when they think of ā€œIndicasā€ haha. I really, really dig this one. Even though the onset of the high is pretty immediate, it isnā€™t rushy or racy or anything. And it does continue to climb for a while, too, but it never gets uncomfortable. It isnā€™t something that makes me wanna run around like a tweaker, but it is for sure not something that Iā€™ll smoke after about 8pm. I mean, I have smoked her after 8pm a few times, before I got a handle on her, but knowing what I know now, no, I wonā€™t blaze her any later than probably 6 or 7 at the latest. Itā€™s kind of a weird (in a good way) high, because itā€™s more of an ā€œalertā€-type of feeling in my head and not necessarily something I feel in my body, although I have found myself feeling plenty comfortable just chilling on the couch, too. It also doesnā€™t make my mind race or anything, I donā€™t get lost in my own thoughts; in fact, Iā€™ve done really well watching Jeopardy! when Iā€™m baked on this one haha.

I kind of wanna say that itā€™s a super-ā€œcleanā€ or ā€œclearā€ high, but whenever somebody says that, I always think,ā€œOh, so you didnā€™t get baked at all then?ā€ This #2 Chocolate Blitz is for sure very stony. And also very clear. Itā€™s good and interesting weed, for sure.

Seems to have great legs, too. Iā€™m not really high for three hours, but I definitely feel the effects of it for that long, if not longer. The first time I smoked her, which was around 8pm, I started getting ready for bed a couple hours later and was worried that I wouldnā€™t be able to fall asleep (again, though, thatā€™s not because sheā€™s racy), but I didnā€™t stay awake any longer than I wanted to.

So, yeahā€¦ Really, I dunno haha! I do like this one a lot, though. So far the weed from this grow has worked out pretty well haha. Iā€™ve got the daytime stuff with this Chocolate Blitz #2 and my evening stuff with the Yesca x Jaro #3 plantā€¦ I guess itā€™s time to start getting into the Grapefruits and the Hasphplant D and the other plants now, too hahaā€¦


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m really stoned, or you edited while I was reading, everything shifted on me lol
2 hours after you wrote it?!!? Please tell me Iā€™m not tripping :sweat_smile:

Awesome report btw. And why is that we always disagree with our wives noses? Lol I go through that often


Hereā€™s the latest email from doc
Hey everyone!

Itā€™s been awhile and I wanted to give everyone an updateā€¦

First off, thanks to anyone whoā€™s reached out to say hi and check up on how things are goingā€¦ and well, a lot has changed in my life. Visiting friends and family in August gave me some clarity on my situation and Iā€™ve decided to separate from my wife and move back to the statesā€¦life can definitely throw you some curveballs.

Iā€™m grateful for my time in Mexico. I learned an immense amount about Mexican politics, culture, and history and made some excellent memories visiting places all over the country. I hope to speak on a podcast or two this spring about my experiences with the Mexican cannabis scene.

whatā€™s next for doc d seedsā€¦

Before leaving for Mexico I passed my friend Nobody Nursery some plants to work with and shareā€¦ He was able to make another round of A5 Haze/Thai bx hybrids using my male and both his female selections along with some moms I passed to him. Many have scored some of these limited packs and I encourage everyone interested to please check with Headiegardens for the last of the A5 Haze/Thai bx packsā€¦ the male is no longer around, so keep that in mind :wink:

also be sure to check with great lakes genetics and labyrinth seed co for available stockā€¦ They have the last remaining packs of several lines.

Iā€™ll be re-starting the mailing list this spring once I find a new house. Expect both pre-release lines and regular lines to be availableā€¦ At least what I have left. Itā€™ll mostly be my old work until I select new moms and dadsā€¦

Iā€™m inspired and ready to workā€¦ expect greater documentation, clone releases, collaborations, a discord channel, and even possible flower drops in the doc d seeds reboot :slight_smile: Iā€™ll be diggin deep into my collection to find and share the best unique and rare plants I can find.

Much love to everyone,

have a great fall and winterā€¦ check back with you guys in the spring :slight_smile:

take care, d


The pre release packs are the best shit ever. Can not wait for spring. Lol


Man, talk about a daybrightener!! That one email from Doc D opens doors to many possibilities. We are blessed to live in such good era of cannabis with people like Doc allowing us to share in the adventure. Onward!!


Thanks for posting that, looks like got dropped from his list though, no email for me haha.


Same here. I wonder why only some folks got it.


I know that toward the end Doc was running into problems with the list not fully sending. I contacted him and it got cleared up, but not for good I guess haha.


What would be considered a healthy portion of my monthly budget for Docs mailing list? Like 50%?


1125 for just the presale packs from the last list. thats 50% of them, 2250 for the whole presale list only
390 for 50% of the tested packs


Bummer heā€™s separating from his wife.


If I remember correctly he had too many subscribers and it wouldnā€™t send it out to everyone (from what I gathered it also gave no indication to him which email addresses didnā€™t receive it).

If people who did get the email can post when he sends the next one itā€™d be much appreciated, because this will likely be an ongoing problem (I checked, did not receive his most recent email).


Haha, no, youā€™re not tripping. I re-read it a couple hours later and realized that the pics of the dried flowers didnā€™t post, so I added them. I may have cleaned up a few sentences, too, canā€™t remember now.

Actually, my girl usually picks up on things that I donā€™t notice myself, but lately sheā€™s just been phoning it in, not interested in helping me out with the weed smells at all haha. I mean, I dunno, maybe that Chocolate Blitz does smell slightly lemony. She doesnā€™t smoke cigarettes and I do, so she could be on to something. I really donā€™t think so, though haha.


Excited to hear that Doc is moving back. Sorry to hear that he separating from his wife.


If people are gonna be dropping that much, Iā€™m gonna ask doc d to start sending us small timers an early email on the last day of the previous month so we have a chance to get some good stuff before itā€™s all reserved to high rollers. :rofl:


Could be a good thing. Women slow us down.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s a good thing for him. In order for him to undertake this itā€™s got to be less painful than staying


Then youā€™re with the wrong woman.