Doc D cannabis seeds

Thank you @Dirt_Wizard for this information. This helps.

I plan on giving some updates and posting photos here and hopefully there will be some interest. I am sure many people are holding a pack or two after this doc repro.


Started trimming on the Ethiopian banana/ sensi
Stronggg tropical/ fruit smells … nothing else … makes you just want to eat em its amazing but now its on to the next ! Maybe some platinum skittles x dragon energy and gg4 x a5haze/ Thai…I grew some of the platinum skittlez cross quite a while back but didn’t do the best job .but it was pretty nice ! … I’m tempted to pop some of the purple Corinto/ dragon energy but I had terrible luck with them last time and they hermed like crazy


Tahoe og x thunder gun express female 1

Tahoe og x tge female 2

Taking clones of these to run next round non pollinated but will be putting these with some pagoda (a11 x Appalachia) males when I do a open pollination with them

@minitiger will be documenting them more with the clones when I run them next round for flower


Going to be doing a few of those outdoors next year the primal haze sounds nice stoked to see what you find


I better get to popping em aye … I wish I found doc d earlier than I did … he was getting out like a month after I stumbled upon him… lots of good stuff and the price was deff right !


Oooh! Nice! Look at those fans! Gotta be a decent amount of Tahoe in those plants, right? Either way, looking great.


That’s what I’m thinking at least number 2 I’m guessing is more Tahoe leaning maybe black triangle remix seeing the deadly g was suppose to be super dominant hoping I find one with a bit of the Panama gold influence doc was saying his favorite tge phenos where the hybrid 11-12 week phenos @minitiger


Here’s the Tahoe OG from FJ I’ve got in veg if that helps for reference.


The 2nd female looks very similar to the growth of the Tahoe I super appreciate you posting that @iamyou_youareme


Yeah, after I posted that I thought it maybe could be from the Black Triangle, too. Those plants are pretty cool-looking regardless, definitely making me think I should pop a few of those SHADYNASTY seeds pretty soon and get a little Thunder Gun Express action happening here haha.


Hey all! I was wondering if anyone could tell me if any of the bandaid haze versions are shorter flowering than the others? I was wanting to run some light dep next year, but I’m north of the 45 so shorter flowering would really help. :v:

Really can’t wait for the newsletter to start back up! :slight_smile:


Apparently the bh4.2 is the faster flowering version but I’ve never tried it nor grown it


Thanks Windy! I’m sorry, I know I asked ya on IG. I was just making sure before I pop seeds. Good news is I have two packs of the 4.2. :v:


Three of the four BAH ix 3.0 (is that right?) were done around day 76 (indoors); the fourth looked like she wanted to go at least 100 days, but I chopped her at the same time as the others because aphids showed up. The one that wanted to go 100 days was my least favorite, had a super-heavy comedown despite being chopped about a month early. All three of the 76-day plants were excellent smoke.


Awesome! Thank you minitiger! I think I have all of the versions, I was hoping for something that will finish a little quicker, and 76 days is super doable. :+1:


Anyone else get Docs Dragonsoul f2s back in the day? I messaged him about em and figured I’d share what he said about em


Dragon Temples x2 on the right side of the tent. They got a little away from me and some bleached tops, but they’ll make it.


Giants! Lookin great! :beers:


There are shorter flowering phenos. I’m pretty sure @vernal said the shorter flowering ones are what you want. He said the longer flowering phenos aren’t worth the extra time. It’s at the beginning of the thread.
You should be fine with the dep.


I got an alert that @SiCKNeSs “liked” my post with the grow pictures of the Chocolate Blitzes I grew and just wanted to do a quick little update about the smoke of the #2 plant, which was the only one of the three that didn’t herm. That one is pretty much all I’ve been smoking the past week or so; it’s really, really, reeealllyyyy good weed. Very happy, very giggly, totally “functional,” but I can blaze it before getting ready for bed, too, and I just fall asleep all happy haha, just a great all-around smoke. Seriously, it’s fucking excellent weed.

I’m thinking I may wait three months minimum before I write smoke reports from here on out, because that #2 Chocolate Blitz was pretty good when I wrote what I had to say about it, but she seems to have changed a lot lately haha. I liked it then; I LOVE it now.

Bummer about the herms on those other Chocolate Blitz plants, though haha…