Doc D cannabis seeds

Somebody else here had something like that going on, but I can’t remember now if it was the straight Lemon Thai f5’s or if it was one of the Lemon Thai hybrids. I wanna say it was iggypuffs, but I can’t remember that right now, either haha. I think they posted those pictures on this thread, though.

Anyway, that’s cool you’re growing those, ‘bout time somebody did haha.


@Hippiechik had a Queen Anne’s Revenge doing it.


I grew out some of his Lemon Thai and it was pretty good.


I had fasciation on a PNW HP x SSDD plant once. First time I had ever seen it.

Then I noticed one of the wild rose bushes on my land had crazy fasciation.


The shape of the thick branches are more flat and are rounded on the sides.

This was my first time seeing this too.

I am hoping to find some very sativa dominant phenotypes.


The Royal Horticultural Society has a good page on faciation, they say it’s caused by a couple possible factors:

“Fasciation may be caused by:

  • Random genetic mutation or disruption
  • The bacterium Rhodococcus fascians
  • Viral infection
  • Damage to the plants by frost, animals (including insects), chemical or mechanical injury – even hoeing or forking around the plant have been implicated”

Where I live we grow a significant part of the US asparagus crop (tiny compared to California but A LOT relative to acreage) and I’ve seen a lot of fasciated asparagus sold locally, I think they sort it out for the regional distributors around here because folks are used to seeing it but someone who’s not around it all the time might find it weird or unappealing:

That’s from this cool little collection of photos from UDub Madison:


Definitely recommend culling that plant and replacing it if you can. Fasciated cannabis flower is bunk/waste of space.

I can’t add a pic for some reason but just Google and you’ll see what I’m talking about lol


Myself i check them out, even if they are most likely absolute junk, simply because different branches of a same plant can smell/taste/high differently.

One of the fasciated plants i had smelled of generic weed, but one branch was coconut marshmallow.

Fun stuff


I did just now and one of the images that came up was the exact thing I remember somebody posting a pic of on this thread (or maybe it was another thread haha)(pretty sure it was this one, though) not too long ago. This is the googled pic:


@iggypuffs Wasn’t that you that grew something that looked like that? Was it the straight Lemon Thai f5’s or was it one of the hybrids?

In any event, I’m certainly not getting rid of my last remaining pack of the Lemon Thai f5’s haha. I’ll just deal with it if something like that happens to the plants I grow. Kill the plant or maybe grow it, dry it, cure it and smoke it. I dunno haha…


I haven’t been overly aggressive with defoliation, although I did remove some lower branches and some leaves. But maybe that was enough? I appreciate the information.

I will have to look back and see if I can find them.

I have a couple of plants with this and don’t
have anything to replace them with. One has one branch and the other has two branches effected. I did some research on google and other forums and still unsure of what issues I would face by continuing to flowering them out. Would there be a problem with mold by having that much growth on one top?

It’s such a disappointment when you put a bunch of time into plants and end up having to toss them.


:grin:You guys really know how to bring out the Freaky!!!


Hey. I’ve had this happen to me a few times.
Once I left the plant and the bud wasn’t as good as the others due to the thickness of the stem and how the bud developed. Another time the cola got mold.

The other couple times I cut the flat cola and the rest of the plant grew unaffected. Now any time I see the flat stem like that, I top it and the rest of the plant should grow fine.


Some pics of fasciated Lemon Thai F5 at post #s1046 , 1065 in this thread.
I ended up composting the fasciated branches dew to mold. I should have culled those branches/plant early.

The Outside looked OK,?

The inside not good at all!!!

I would recommend culling the plant or at least any branches that have abnormal growth.


day 21 on the Tahoe og x thunder gun express already quite smelly has a cheesy oil rag funk with a slightly citrus backend a week behind the others in my tent and already as smelly if not more then the others going to get in there tonight and clean her up :call_me_hand:


Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.

After seeing these two posts I decided to cull the whole plants.


im currently flowering a Purple Corinto Budder x Dragon Energy and two Black Energy x Dragon Energy. Pictures coming in the next week or two when buds start to become interesting.

I had some Black Triangle x A5/Thai but were all males.

Im thinking of what Doc to sow next.

  • Apple Fritter x Dragon Energy
  • Purple Punch x Dragon Energy
  • Santa Cruz Pure Haze x Dragon Energy
  • Bandaid Haze
  • Black Triangle x A5/Thai
  • Mullum Oaxacan x Dragon Energy

The apple fritter makes me curious… what are your thoughts? im open to all of them.


I’d pop the Black Tri/A5Thai as a personal preference but that Apple Fritter/DE should throw down some fat stinky nugs.


Could be a speedster.


Hunting through 16 female Black Magic Haze plants. The way a few of them rooted into wool… Never seen anything so vigorous


The more I smoke of the Bandaid Haze nugs that I got from another grower, in addition to the BAH that I grew a while back, the more I’m starting to think that it’s probably my favorite cultivar ever. And if not my “favorite,” at least the most reliably awesome haha. I’d plant those seeds.

I was thinking about writing a little blurb about the Church pheno on my thread (again), just because I blazed some more of that one last night, but I guess I’ll just write it here. I do think that Bodhi’s description of it “healing all wounds” is incredibly apt. Whenever I smoke my favorite BAH’s, I have no desire to drink alcohol anymore or even smoke cigarettes. And I realize those aren’t “wounds” haha, but they are an issue.

In addition to the seemingly “healing” properties, it’s just awesome weed: very happy, very giggly, my appetite comes back (I haven’t been hungry lately, only been eating like once a day, I dunno what that’s about), not sleepy, not lethargic, but still relaxing, all’s right with the world etc etc etc haha. It’s pretty amazing.

So yeah, I’d plant those BAH seeds. Fuck Apple Fritter and Purple Punch haha…