Doc D cannabis seeds

Is that YoSammy?


Interesting read.
I know you two are talking about Bandaid Haze, but Iā€™m curious about the A5 x Mirakel cross and who made it.

I know it was Karma G that reintroduced A5 to the scene back in 2014.
YoSammy believed A5 was lost due to mislabeling and he had to be convinced that Karma did have a buddy that did give him the A5 Haze, yet I continually hear YoSammy being credited for reintroducing the A5.

Post in thread ā€˜2015 A5HazeBX and LTDā€™s Project Thread.ā€™ 2015 A5HazeBX and LTD's Project Thread. | Page 2 | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums


All right so I found this.

Karma breaks it down again.


I believe there is doubt now that the Thai is in that cross, Iā€™m still looking for the mention from someone who would know, but in the meantime I found the first picture of BAH#7 from Doc D, I believe:

And what the pack from Bodhi said:


Not YoSammy. DocD knows though. No idea where to find him these days.


Iā€™m gonna have to agree with this statement. Iā€™ve tried the ā€œChurchā€ cut and the #7 (didnā€™t grow either, only smoked them) and while I liked the Church one better than the #7, I didnā€™t like either of those as much as I liked three of the four BAHā€™s Iā€™ve grown from seed so far.

Also, I realize that wasnā€™t you who said that, @Dirt_Wizard haha; thatā€™s just the way the ā€œquoteā€ thing looks. Iā€™ve read that thread before, but it was only like six pages long when I did, so Iā€™ll be sure to read the other eight when I get a chance.


Heā€™s talking about ET.

But on another note ā€¦
Katsu can EAD. Heā€™s a scammer plain and simple.


I still have F2ā€™s Doc made from his original pack :fire:

He sent me F2ā€™s of black triangle remix too that I seemed to have misplaced or given out lol wish I hadnā€™t as it was the only Deadly G genes I had in the stash lol


@Cannavore I actually just started three seeds (two made it) from one of Docā€™s BT Remix hybrids, @santero got it in a swap back then and passed it on to me to grow before it timed out. Hoping to see if I canā€™t get a male and a female, but going to keep whatever and try to see whatā€™s up before I pop the rest of the pack and make an Fgen of some sort with them:

On the right here


oh nice that sounds like a cool one for sure. love bangi!


Iā€™m really stoked man! First time with Bangi, BT, or the Deadly G


good luck!

when i tested P75 x Deadly G they never switched into flowering mode lol i remember being a few weeks into 12/12 and nothing was happening haha. cool looking veg plants though. i wonder if i still have any active pics at BreedBay, theyre probably there if so.


The Mirakel is the Thai, unless Karma and his friend lied about it being Thai.


This is so sad to hear


The A5HT A5/Mirakel things was talked about at the length in the haze thread not so long ago. Itā€™s the haze thread though, so put your tall boots on haha.


Yes the Mirakel is a mystery. You have to trust the story from that Spanish grower.


Always be leery of anybody who specializes in feminized seedsā€¦ haha.

Honestly, I donā€™t know enough about Katsu (although Iā€™ve read plenty) to say one way or another if heā€™s a scammer (because I donā€™t traffic in online gossip haha), never grown or even been interested in his gear, but it does seem like a lot of those seeds from ā€œfeminized specialistsā€ turn out shit. I dunno if thatā€™s what Windy meant by ā€œscammer,ā€ but either way, yeah, Iā€™ve just always instinctively felt like feminized stuff is something I ought to avoid.

Or they were misinformed and werenā€™t able to tell the difference.

This is what Iā€™ve noticed: somebody comes along and says,ā€Hereā€™s this cross,ā€ and people grow it and itā€™s good or itā€™s bad or it gains traction online or it doesnā€™t and people dig it or they donā€™t and then somebody else comes along and says,ā€Nuh uh! Thatā€™s not what it is! Because Iā€™ve GROWN Thai and my plants from this hybrid didnā€™t look/taste/smoke like Thai at all! Therefore, it CANā€™T ACTUALLY be a Thai hybrid.ā€

Or whatever hahaā€¦

Plant the seeds and grow the weed. Itā€™s always fun to know the stories and the lineage and the history and the lore, but ultimately all weā€™re looking for is good weed. I mean, just look at those posts from @DocGreenStone (and I really, truly do not mean any offense here), but dude doesnā€™t remember SHIT. I donā€™t remember a lot of stuff, either. I donā€™t think he and I are the only two people with bad memories hahaā€¦

Donā€™t take anybodyā€™s word as gospel, is all Iā€™m saying. Just grow the fucking plants. Youā€™ll either like them or you wonā€™t haha. And then youā€™ll move on to the next thingā€¦

Not talking about YOU specifically, @Dope_Heffalump. I just meant, in general, everybody. Grow the weed and quit sittinā€™ on the seeds.

Gasp! Did I just coin a new catchphrase??? Haha.


Gawd I hope not.
Iā€™m not emotionally invested in these claims, but I do find it funny how Karma lays it all out there that it was his friend that held the A5 Haze cut and Yo Sammy didnā€™t even know the guy and believed the cut was gone.
I assume that this A5 guy is the Ronni that made the
A5 Haze x Mirakel seeds that Karma gave away as freebies.
I donā€™t doubt that Bodhi and others may have also recieved these beans as well.

As far as these experts - deniers - who claim some sort of ownership through their experience.
Claims from someone who has somehow smoked every heirloom Thai or Southeast Asian to be so firm as to know whatā€™s what, is laughable in my opinion.


This is the CBH cut next to Bandaid progeny from a few years ago

The CBH has this trident grows patter that gets accentuated in some Bandaid


The A5t seems to get buried in many crosses but comes through better in #7 and some 2.0

For me the effect of Bandaids are more dreamy then the hazes I select and it seems like this comes in more from the CBH side to me. The back of pallet leather and metals are the A side. Incense of CBH doesnā€™t seem to have a profound flavor, but the incense notes from the Ocimene on Myrcene carry the incense to basement or touch of salt.

On a true ocimene church Something that is almost addictive or compulsory response like a salt from ocimene on the burn which changes from a sweet herbaceous type pipe tobacco in fresh state to vaporized frankincense in the air.

The only type similarly as high in ocimene to haze is some cheese lines. This brings in terpinolene and changes it from Skunk presumably. Cheese also still has that touch of salt compulsory that haze does from high ocimene.


As far as I remember,
YoSammy and his buddies held the A5 in their SoHolland crew.
Made its way to Spain.
Then to E.T. and Bodhi/Doc.

The A5 clone was pollinated with the Mirakel Thai, by somebody, to make a seedline, since the pure A5 like is gone to time.