Doc D cannabis seeds


Update on the Collab me and Doc did with his A5htbx maleā€¦There are still some A5 Haze/Thai bx crosses left but most of the crosses are pretty much sold out or low stock. The Afropips RGB cross is 100 percent gone.

There wonā€™t be any more made and there is no more A5 Mirakel stock going out to the seed banks.

Most of my keepers from the Mirakel A5 haze hunts like the BHix3 #2, BHix3 Church, BHix3 #6, Blue Scream, Nigerian Rafiki 8 etc etc are available through haze valley nursery in California or privately available through the forum.

I have seeds stashed away so I can still hunt more A5htbx lines for my own library but the publicly available seed stock is getting low and the window of opportunity is closing.


@nobodysnursery I saw some pictures of your lavender jack that thing looks unreal is that available through the forum?


I was just eying a few of those crosses on Headies, guess I better pull the trigger before theyā€™re all gone.


I donā€™t want to open a haze rabbit hole on the doc D thread but I do wanna say thisā€¦

As far as the controversy about weather there is Thai in the A5t and A5htbx my opinion is that there is Thai in it.
Thatā€™s based on me growing out hundreds of plants from that male and seeing the Thai influence in some of the progeny. Itā€™s not a dominant profile in some crosses but comes out more in others. For exampleā€¦you donā€™t see the thai phenos in the A5ix or BHix3 as much but they pop up a lot in the Wat Pho, lemon thai and J5. It depends on the cross. The A5 is the most dominant part of the male though.


Cool charts broā€¦
Cool story too. :joy::+1:


Gotta see the palms. Only way to know if this is a bot.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Dude, seriously, itā€™s like he just canā€™t NOT mention his own shit in every thread.

Interesting. Iā€™ve gotta take pics this morning to update my own log, Iā€™ll post the Wat Pho pics here and you can tell me what you think :joy::joy::joy:. They didnā€™t stretch at all, donā€™t look Thai-ish to me, but itā€™s just two females.

Iā€™m stoked about them either way, but yeah, I was definitely expecting some stretchier, taller plants. As it is, Iā€™ve got them on five-gallon buckets so that theyā€™re about the same height as the Cheese/Haze plants that stretched the way I was hoping they (and the Wat Phos) would.


So my 5 pack of Black Bobo x Franks Little Beauties ended up as follows:

2x stunted/runts that stopped growing after popping 1st set of real leaves. Both culled.

Sent remaining 3 for sex testing.

2x male. Both culled. I donā€™t make seeds if I have the choice.

1x female has been transplanted and is currently happily vegging in my tent. (Lower left corner of pic from a couple days ago)

Other plants from seed include 4x Kinky Temple, 1x Wake of the Dragon. BH7 & MM31 from clone are looking kinda unhappy in the back. They were just transplanted and moved from the seedling/clone tent. When I peeked last night they were already looking better.


Wow! Smacky posting pics! Sweet!

Which oneā€™s the Wake plant? Left-hand side in the middle row? I only ask because Iā€™m suuuuuper-interested in the Kinky Temple and it seems like itā€™d be easier to eliminate the Wake from that pic than telling me which four the Kinkys are haha.


I donā€™t think anyone really believes the Mirakel is pure Thai anymore. At best it was some kind of Thai hybrid. The male lineage was unknown thatā€™s why they were given out as freebies by Karma. It was an accidental pollination from the beginning


Alright, @nobodysnursery, here are the two Wat Phos I was talking about:

Those are seven-gallon pots theyā€™re in, just for size reference. They were also vegged for 60 days, so itā€™s not like they were something that got flipped straight from seed or anything. What do you think?


fuck, those look nice. i got a pack of em waiting for their turn. i recall you saying they didnt really smell like the citrus/lemon pledge/sour like the temple tho.


Yep. Wake of the Dragon (Dragonsoul x Blueberry Temple) is left side middle row. Process of elimination is definitely easier than trying to list which ones are Kinky Temple. :joy:


Ummmm, I donā€™t think I ever said anything about Temple smelling like that, just because Iā€™ve never grown straight Temple before haha. There were some ā€œsourā€ elements to a couple of Bodhiā€™s Mountain Temples that I grew, but not ā€œsourā€ in the way that everybody seems to be clamoring over lately (and that theyā€™ll never find, no matter how much they post on weed-growing forums about it hahaā€¦). Those Mountain Temples were more of a ā€œsour/soft fruitā€ thing, though, and not Sour sour. Definitely no ā€œlemon pledgeā€ thing at all, either.

The two Wat Phos in the picture above smell very ā€œtropical fruitā€ though, very good. That seems to me to be more indicative of the Temple female. But, again, I have extremely limited experience with those crosses, so, you knowā€¦


gotcha, i grew two v1 temples, they were very lemon/ a bit pledge/ a bit sour (dont think sourd) on the back endā€¦

maybe it wasnt you but someone said they didnt get any of that from their wat pho - tropical fruit sounds just as good tho. next run will be all a5/t crosses. so ill keep em posted here.


Yeah, I wasnā€™t really expecting any sorta ā€œlemon pledgeā€ from the Wat Phos. I mean, I wouldnā€™t mind it if they did end up smelling/tasting like that, I like lemon pledge flavors, but these are definitely more like ā€œIsland Blissā€ haha!

They smell good! Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to maintain that through the dry and cureā€¦

The plant morphology is definitely confusing, though haha. Theyā€™re short and squat (Williamā€™s Wonder influence, maybe?) and they smell like tropical fruit, so maybe a weird combo of the SSH in the Temple and the A5Thai? I dunno haha.


The Wat pho has several different phenos.
The ones I like smelled like the classic dutch haze C smell with some soapy tropical undertones similar to jack Herer but more tropical.
The best phenos have a more fluffy haze like structure and a sharp astringent metallic high note to the terps.

Hereā€™s a pic of my keeper wat pho female and maleā€¦
Just for reference / comparison.


The structure on those def has a lot of Northern Lights and Williams Wonder in the mix.


Itā€™s that ā€œdutch Thaiā€ smell if that makes sense. The same type of floral smells thatā€™s common in lemon Thai but not as lemony. Just floral. What ever all those seed bank thai hybrids were using back thenā€¦itā€™s that Thai smell. The Thai phenos from the Mirakel A5 have long fingers on the crowns and that distinct smell.

I donā€™t think itā€™s Land race or Thai stick type of Thai.