Doc D cannabis seeds

Dragon Hammer 3 (NN cut) day 61 in that photo. Coming down day 65 ish


That male looks almost better than the female, Haha!!
Iā€™ve seen that female pic somewhere?!? She is a looker too!
Please, Let us know if you release some seeds from those.


One top on one of the plants kind of looks like that pic of your female, with that sorta ā€œroundā€ structure, but the other tops on her are totally pointy haha, so I really have no idea. If the plants were stationary and stayed in the same place all the time, I might chalk it up to that, but I move everything every-other-day when I water, soā€¦ Who fucking knows? Haha.

And Iā€™ve already said it, but Iā€™ll say it again: that male looks fucking unbelievable hahaā€¦

That does make sense. I know what youā€™re talking about, anyway.


Been sampling some of one of the Purple Corinto Budder x Dragon Energy I grew outdoors last summer. I had it hanging in a tent (RH is pretty low in the winter) and didnā€™t do anything with it until a few days ago. Did a quick trim job and tossed the buds in my cool cure (no doubt I couldā€™ve just bucked and trimmed it all, let it sit for a day or two then toss into jars, but itā€™s easier being lazy).

Itā€™s nice, seems about the same as when I sampled some in the fall. Parsnip-dominant flavor, pleasant and dreamy high, not too strong but definitely there.

I have no idea how this is going to work out, but I have a cut of one of the outdoor plants thatā€™s been in the flowering tent for awhile, in a small container, and itā€™s definitely flowering but only just getting going after a long while in there. Doesnā€™t look that happy, but itā€™s living through fairly tough conditions. Admittedly Iā€™ve been underfeeding it for awhile (will address that) and I probably shouldā€™ve up-potted it at some point. Gets underwatered frequently. Also thereā€™s the whole itā€™s in an unheated building problem (I did put a heating pad under the tent, but for whatever reason that pad doesnā€™t seem to work as well as the one in the veg tent, or maybe the sensor is just further down in one pot than the other).


Nice work on the Dragon Hammer :+1:


You should feel free to move this to its own thread since it has very little to do with Doc D seeds and more to do with proving that you can copy images from various sources on the internet.


Thereā€™s 1 side

Lemon Thai day 40 of flower. They are very hard to keep happy. Becoming very resinous.

They have an overwhelming smell of great value lemon furniture cleaner. I donā€™t use any furniture polish, but if I did it would probably be a cheap knockoff.


Nice smell description, kinda making me think I should get back into those sooner rather than laterā€¦

Whatā€™d you do with the fasciated plant? Are you keeping her around?


I culled the first two fasciated plants. But, then I started hacking off branches when they formed on other plants because I wouldnā€™t have had many plants left. It looks like a civil war battlefield with all the limbs missing.

To be honest, if this isnā€™t really good weed I am going to be bummed out from all the problems I have had. Generally I pollinate a few lower branches in case I want to grow it again, but if it isnā€™t in my top 5 of the best I have ever smoked, I will never grow lemon Thai again. Who knows if the branches I pollinated are still there anyways, lol

If I were to do it again I would choose something else to run. But, many people could probably manage these much better than me.


What problems have you experienced with the LT?


I dunno. Iā€™ve only seen pics of those Lemon Thais from you and Iggy and both of yā€™all had that weird fasciated shit going on. If problems arise with one person, I just chalk it up to whatever. Two peopleā€™s like almost a trend haha.

Iā€™m still gonna plant mine at some point, though.


My last several grows have been very easy with no problems so I am complaining when I should have gratitude. I think people with more experience growing difficult strains might have better results? I donā€™t know

The fasciation has been a problem, but I thought it would get worse on a plant when I hacked off a branch. But, no plant had more than one fasciated limb. I have also had a lot of trouble dialing in my nutrients as each plant seems to have different needs.

Maybe at the end it will be worth the trouble? I will try and do a grow report at the end to summarize everything.


Itā€™s E.T. that I was referrring to. We were friends a super long time ago and reconnected through Doc D. Thanks for jogging the olā€™ memory bank.


Great Pix! Are you still growing CBH? What about the Bandaid Haze #7?


I grew the Vietnam Black x Lemon Thai and it was a righteous pain in the ass. Small flowers, thin stems, the plant ended up looking like a beehive because I had to braid and bondage it up like none before. With that said, it was some of my favorite smoke and Iā€™m actually getting some Lemon Thai from a friend later today because Iā€™ve been missing it. It was worth the hassle for me, but I was cursing that stupid fucking plant the whole grow lol.


Sativas can be be fussy, compared to hybrids, with nute and soil requirements. But overcome those obstacles and the will reward you. :grin:


Oh for sure, Iā€™ve worked with some of the craziest landraces and heirlooms, but never had a plant with absolutely zero rigidity in itā€™s stems, just an octopus on the floor naturally. Very strange but as Iā€™ve often found, some of the runtiest, weirdest phenos produce some of the best smoke.


I wonder if it comes from the vietnam. I grew tk x lemon thai and they were the sturdiest fuckers with dense and big yields. Flavor and high were not my fav tho.


Thatā€™s interesting to hear about the TK x LT, what was the high like? Iā€™m sitting on a pack of the Malibu Pure Kush x Lemon Thai that I was thinking might be a nice pairing, but Iā€™m after effect first and foremost so curious what the TK cross was like for you.