Doc D cannabis seeds

Yeah, I did that with the pic of the #4 fan leaf :wink:
I just a total noob when it comes to digital photography. Really trying to get the pics to look as natural as possible, but until you make an actual print the images will look different on every system.

Yes… I’ll let you know when this round finishes, going to pollinate some lowers in the next couple days! :muscle: :v:

Thanks man, appreciate it. It nice to be able to see what’s up on a macro level. I tried all the cheap options , clip on lens for the phone, hand held microscope, ect.
Should have done this setup from the start. A decent macro lens on an older cheap body is the way to go!

Have a great weekend fellas :v:


Would certainly like to get in that “Beggars Line” also. Continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I got you covered @misterbee This is a rare line… And certainly worth some exploration.


A decent macro lens on an older cheap body is the way to go!

100%. A legit lens to shoot with is like working with top notch cannabis genetics. It creates great things. Not sure what DSLR body you are using, but go into the Color temperature settings and set it to the color temperature of your lights. It will help keep consistency in the Hue of your photos. Treat each color temp range like a filmstock(Kodachrome, Fuji Velvia, Kodak Ektar), you can even apply a LUT(look up table) to add a nice finish to the images.


Dragon Hammer (dragonsoul 55 x afpak) nobody’s nursery cut, cropped pic, withstood the issues in my garden.

Gonna post some updates on this later just wanted to say it’s definitely a hardy and beefy plant.


Just had my first sample in the vape of this DH cut off the drying rack - limey citrusy earthy with a really nice cozy high. Very nice.

I found it got a little unhappy mid-late flower with the top leaves all yellowing up early, maybe overwatering as the cause… rest of the raised bed didnt have issue.


I had the opposite issue as I was recovering from my hernia repair surgery and was very behind. So it didn’t get watered or fed often, beyond what I could. A lot of plants died or started eating themselves, this one didn’t.

Still catching up so this pic is a few days old, it should be starting to turn ripe.

I emailed this pic to doc d and he mentioned that the afpak definitely made it a hardy plant, compared to the needy dragonsoul 55 mom.

Nobody asked me what it smelt like in my “torture tent” and I got lemon pine with a cedary back end. Will see if that changes.


Also saw this quote the other day, made it kinda click what the utility of this plant / seedline is. I dislike it a little in veg (not as much as some others, mind you) but it really shows its strength in flower.


Day 67F
Pretty easy to grow them. Only fed lite once or twice in flower with LPF. Mainly water only.

#1 Posted the wrong plant, It was Malawi gold instead of MH X DE
future updates will have the correct female.

Lemon earthy scents, Little gas undertone. Leaning toward this one to keep, I will run both two and three again to see which I like more.

Slight Lemon upfront, gas earth kush scent overpowers the lemon.


Hey y’all,

Anyone have any experience growing the A5 x A5T? Basically a5 BX. I have some o wanted to pop but wanted a little more info before moving fwd.


I’d ask @nobodysnursery didn’t he do a whole a5thai collab with doc d


He did. Question is for anyone that’s grown it too. @nobodysnursery What is the progeny like? How hard does the mirakel male influence the mom A5? Woody, Musky, wet terps? How long to flower and whats the stretch?


The progeny form the A5ix are similar to the A5 clone but a little more resinous and louder. 80-100 days. Smells like leather, teakwood, incense with meaty tones in there too. Typical haze hybrid stretch. The mom and dad are so similar that the progeny is very uniform. It’s all in the brown haze /A5 range. I didn’t see anything else in there when I ran 100.

My keeper from the A5ix is in flower and I’ll have nugs available soon.
I’m letting out the clone in small batches so it will be making its way around the haze scene soon enough.


I have Apollo 11 Genius x Headbanger and Chem 91 JB x Headbanger in flower now from doc.

Apollo cross is rock solid, Chem 91jb cross had 4 out of 16 females with serious herms but all remaining are solid passed week 4.

All of my Ethiopian Banana x Headbanger plants hermed hard, maybe 3 that were stable but I killed them all.

The Dragon Energy male… It adds a ton of stretch, and typically causes nugs to take on a string of pearls structure. Honestly not something I’d want to pair with haze but to each their own. White haze would be the best to pair it with I think.

After hunting a few pairings I have liked it best with kush, chem, and fruit. Not a big fan of its dominant side, but it passes recessive traits where you get grapefruit berry fuel flavors and potent head focused highs. The high from DE reminds me of clean sour without the kush. Overall smoked like a warheads sour sorta plant.


Anyone run the Twilight energy?


@CamTheCannaman Did, would love to hear a report on that one!


I ran it last year, I think I posted pictures on here awhile back.


I only grew two Ethiopian Banana x A5T, but one of them also hermed big-time and very early on in flower, too. I think it was around day 14, so she got trashed. The other one was fine, though, chopped her last week, was just about to post pics of that one.

I wonder if it’s the Ethiopian Banana responsible for the herms or what? Either way, I’m not done with those seeds.

That sounds really intriguing. I’m assuming that’s an older cross?


Alright, so here’s the aforementioned Banana Soap, the #3 plant, on veg day 40:

I flipped the next day. I wanna say that flipping so early isn’t something that I ordinarily do, but I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot lately haha. It really was just for this one grow, though, just so I could squeeze something in before it started getting insanely hot.

Anyway, here she is on flower day 14:

And just for comparison’s sake, here’s the other one, the one that hermed, also on flower day 14:

Pretty different-looking. I really wish she would’t have gone all nuts on me haha.

Here’s the #3 on flower day 22:

And flower day 32:

She really didn’t stretch much at all, shortest plant in the tent.

Flower day 42:

Flower day 54:

Flower day 62:

And flower day 80, which is when I chopped her:

The above pic is before I snipped off a bunch of leaves, just because she was very, very leafy and I was worried about mold. Here she is after the trim:

She was leaning, obviously, but I didn’t bother to stake her. Also, notice the purple leaves. Doc’s Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5T also did the same thing. It’s obviously some sort of deficiency, but I don’t know what it is, nor did I care enough to try to “correct” it haha. Seems like it’s just something some of those A5T crosses do.

Here’s some (horrible) closeups on chop day:

I really wasn’t in a pic-taking mood the night I chopped her haha. I also wasn’t very impressed with her while she was growing until maybe the last week. She got really, really sticky, with that sort of Super Glue-ish, tac-y resin profile or whatever it’s called, the kind where you have to sorta pull your fingers apart.

I also really like the shape of her flowers, all “deadly”-looking and shit, like you could stab somebody with them haha. I’m gonna trim her tomorrow, smoke report will be posted… I dunno… Eventually haha…


Just came across these and didn’t realize I had them… I don’t see much lemon Thai around, should these be reproduced, or were there a lot sent out?