Doc D cannabis seeds

Doc still has those on his mailing list and I believe a couple banks may still have them in stock also.


There’s a couple others doing reproductions of these reproductions


Iggypugffs posted pics of his grow of these on this very thread a while back. If I remember correctly, a few of the plants grew fasciated flowers and weren’t smokeable. So regardless of the ethical reasons involved in reproducing (or not reproducing), maybe it’s just not a line worth reproducing? I dunno.

I got two packs, planted half of one of them a while back. Some plants stalled out, the rest ended up male. Or something. I can’t remember why none were flowered. In any event, I sent the other half of that pack to somebody here. I’m gonna plant more from the second pack at some point, just to find out for myself.

All of that is just a long-winded way of saying yes, a lot were sent out haha.


Haha, thanks all! @minitiger @Seeds.of.liberty @Hemlock

I’m gearing up for a big citrus run and I was thinking, I should include these, then I was thinking, I’m going to need the cull hundreds of plants in that run, and maybe these should be reproduced.

Now I can’t decide if they’ll even make the 300-400 I’ll pop for the citrus run. I’m thinking no, so if anyone wants to check these out…


I grew a few out and they had a lemon seltzer kinda thing going on. Fantastic day smoke as well.


I grew out several of the Lemon Thai and did a full smoke report earlier this year in this thread if interested.


Lemon Thai really shines in its hybrids. Great vigor, potent high, cerebral effects, tart lemon acidic taste and smell.

Definitely worth chucking with.


Im about to pop some gg4 x DE and BE x DE shortly


oh, both of those should be fire. the be x de i have currently running looks pretty damn good, and i can imagine the GG4 being even better.


Welcome to OG!

Check out a few grow logs, maybe fire up one for your grow too :metal:


Man, these Vietnam Black x Sensi Star are ripping! 17 days from sprout and there are 3 VB x SS and 4 GG4 x AfPak from Doc all taking the 100 degree SoCal heat like a champ. Crazy growth on these, and I’m stoked to see the big leaves on the VB x SS, could be a crazy potent SS type.


Ohh weeee, I’m just loving the fan blades on that beauty (think I’m in love :blush: ). Can’t wait to see fat, thick ladies like that here. All my women skinny ewww :laughing:, I don’t like that…
K++ on the work, I’m outta likes


Docs Malibu Pure Kush x Lemon Thai19
Chopped around day 70 or so, this one started off with some leaf mutations and autoflowered, just started revegging and had to chop a little earlier than expected however left lower branches that were pollinated and needed a little more time. Had an insane sweet/tropical colada/citrus nose to it until this last week kind of dulled down. Looking forward to the smoke test.


Running a single pack of these and only got two girls to look at. Loudest plants in veg right now though. Thinking of doing a few more. Wondering if you found anything special? Thanks

Was expecting to see some narrower leaf plants… They’re only around 30 days in.
Will snap some pics after the weekend.
Have a good one!!


Has Doc done other stuff with the Malibu Pure Kush? Awesome he’s back. I don’t need that email killing my wallet every month though. Haha.


Wow, that looks a LOT different than the one I grew. I’m assuming you grew her outdoors? I’m only assuming that because you mentioned the re-veg thing. And also, she looks a lot different than the one I grew (indoors) haha.

I’ve noticed certain plants that have NLD genetics in the cross will often start out with fatter leaves than I was expecting, but then they get narrower as the grow progresses. I have a theory as to why that is, but I won’t type it now. I bet yours will thin out, though, the longer they go.

Or maybe they’re just AfPak-dominant haha…


I just learned today that Doc D Seeds and Doc Dank seeds are two different breeders! :sweat_smile:


I’m not too sure but hope he’ll do more with it in the near future @PatHealy Same here. Yeah outdoors @minitiger I got 3 others going that are a lot different structure but same smell. This one was short squat while others are tall. They started flowering as well for maybe a week or so but bounced back to veg.


Metal Haze x Dragon Energy

Day 73F

The correct plant now, Helps to read the label :grin:

