Doc D cannabis seeds

I was driving from LA to Vegas and I remember we were driving up a very big hill and there was a sign that said “turn off your air conditioning or your car will overheat no we’re not kidding”

I remember traffic, Manhattan beach, marina del Ray, Venice, Santa Monica, and a laundromat that was also a bar where I got a chicken burger with avocado.


Oh, dude, well there’s your problem. You were spending all your time on the West Side.

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I’m from a big city so I’m unimpressed by big city issues/amenities. The first time I went to New York I sarcastically said “wow a tall building” and got elbowed in the ribs.

I had a nice time in LA. Vegas not so much. And I was a professional gambler for almost a decade.


I’m not sure how anybody could complain about a city filled with gorgeous women who just wanna party. Unless you have no game. Then, I get it.

I will never understand the appeal of Vegas. The first time I went there, I thought it was, like, an actual city. Showed up and was just,“What the fuck is this? It’s a bunch of hotels with casinos on the first floor.” Maybe that was my bad, I dunno. I’ve embraced almost every vice, but gambling is not one of them. I’m not sure why anybody would fly from all across the country just to go lose a bunch of money in Vegas.

I did have a gorgeous girl who lived up in Henderson that I hung out with for a while. She was my favorite part about the Vegas area.

Anyway, here’s the Mexican Melon #1, took these pics on day 53, we’re on day 56 today:

Some of you have already seen these pics on my grow log, but for those of you who haven’t, this plant grew really tall and fast when I flipped. Filled out so quickly that she snapped around day 28. So the pics right here, those are just the secondary branches that’re left. Or whatever you wanna call them. I’m super-impressed with the size of these flowers, would’ve loved to see how the main colas produced. Cash-cropper, for sure, if that’s what you’re interested in.

And my favorite plant of this entire grow, the Mexican Melon #2:

She’s gonna take at least twelve weeks, pretty certain of that. Probably won’t ever end up developing those chunky “calyx-y”-type flowers, either, which is fine. I’ve been looking for those delicate, spindly “Sativa” flowers for a while, pretty sure that’s what the #2 is gonna produce.


Very nice buds.

The best way to describe my experience in Vegas is that by the time I was done I needed a shower to wash off the cocaine/urine residue that’s all over the damn place.

Hayseeds renting Ferraris and blowing down the strip high on drugs stopping to find hookers


What?!? Don’t wash it off! Bust out a credit card, scrape it off your body and sniff the rest of that shit! Washing it off… What a waste…

Never got into the whole,”Pee on me, baby,” thing. I’ve known a few chicks who liked it, though.

Fuck hayseeds. And Ferraris. Hookers are all good in my book, though. Never paid for one, but I’ve dated a few escorts… I don’t judge. How you make your money is how you make your money.


Hey 10 bucks is 10 bucks.

I once spent a really nice evening with a prostitute.

“Wanna dance?”
“I’m a working girl.”
“Well I won’t hold that against you if you’d like to dance.”

It was a fun time and no money changed hands.

You’d think as a gambler I would have enjoyed Vegas, but nope. Made some money, still gross.


Only once? I really like sex workers of any kind. A lot of my closest friends have been strippers, escorts and porn stars. They’re really putting in the work. I don’t think I could do it, anyway. Maybe porn. Definitely not stripping or escorting, though. Those girls really GET me, though. And I get them. Lovely ladies, no doubt about it.

Mhm. Vegas really is just nasty. Bunch of people from Ohio (no offense if you’re from Ohio) walking around with fanny packs and daiquiris, stinking up the joint. Always grosses me out when I go up there. So I never do haha.

Anyway, back to Doc D…


Still trying to process someone saying something nice about Missouri.


Or Florida.

Also, I would be pretty ok living in LA just so I could be eating Al Pastor tacos from Leo’s in the regular…not to mention all the other great food


Mhm, yep, tons of great food here. You can’t get that with a monoculture. Just like how growing plants works, the more diversity, the better.

I was born and raised in Tampa and you’re right. I will never say anything good about that place haha…


Am I the only one who was able to resist Doc D’s mailing list this month? Even though I really wanted the Chocolate Blitz and some of the new AfPak prereleases, I am bordering on too many seeds, so I didn’t place an order. (I know…sacrilege.)


I resisted as well. Almost pulled the trigger a couple of times. Held out for the lemon Thai crosses coming up though


Saw he has some Sensi Star crosses due to be released in the coming months. Holding out for those if I can.


Yep, there were a few offerings I was mighty tempted by, but decided to hold out this time around.


Its an ebb and flow, next time y’all will buy more packs than you intended. :laughing:


plugging ears and singing off key

I’m trying not to hear that…
…because it’s probably true. :sweat_smile: :rofl:


It is honestly mind boggling how doc d is able to release so many unique crosses for different cultivar types (Chem, OG, Haze, Sour, Thai, etc) while maintaining such consistency. For my taste he just never seems to miss. My wallet is scared for the upcoming list.


Not anymore than bodhi really, 104 variants.


Save your money and wait for the Lemon Thai releases in October.

Or, er, I mean, yes, spend all of your money on the next email haha. September’s list is what you should spend all of your money on.

Just took pics of my Mexican Melons. I fucking LOVE them. I’ll post pics here in a little bit.

Oh, is that all? Only 104? Haha…