Doc D cannabis seeds

Not only did I look…I replied.

I’m weak. The Chocolate Blitz was still calling my name and I caved.
Then I caved some more and added a couple of the prerelease AfPak crosses to my list.
And more as I added a couple of the A5 Haze/Thai bx crosses to my list.

I need a seed hoarders anonymous meeting stat!


I hear that. Those mullum/oaxacan x A5 haze/thai calling my name. Sent him an email to grab some


The White x Dragon Energy



Purple Pakistani x Afkansastan/X18…… I accidentally nudged this one and thought I saw a puff of pollen fly. Looked closer, and saw the consequences of my own negligence :sweat:

For what it’s worth all of the females (including this he-she) are pretty damn frosty early. It’s hard to tell through pictures, but I see purple calyxes developing on several of them. I’m not worried about the stability of this line just yet — I’ll chalk this up as grower error because I have been letting the tent get a little too dry lately. Plus at a quick glance the other girls don’t seem to be throwing stamens.

It’s late as fuck where I’m at, and I have to be up at the ass crack of dawn. I’ll inspect more thoroughly tomorrow. Maybe even provide some pics of some purple.


man thats rough. looks like straight hermie? 3-4 weeks in? Sounds like you’re gonna have some seeded girls too… :confused:


Yeah… I saw a few seeds forming already, but nothing crazy. 97% of the lower pistils on the others are still stringy & white. I’m gonna check thoroughly after work. But this is my own fault: shudda been checking :man_shrugging:t4:

Thank god half the tent is in it’s final days, and the herm was near the edge (result of possible light leak).


@stONER775 God that sounds divine!! keep us updated!

@MantisTobogganMD I’m super pumped for this cross. Have been waiting for it to come back in stock. I’m popping 48 seeds and am hoping to find a heavy mom leaner that brings heady psychedelic effects with a banana type flavor. That ethiopian banana cut is a bucket list plant for me.

@numbskull You bet Ill be updating everyone here on progress!

@Vagabond_Windy There are two scenarios where I will cull. First will be an obvious runt plant that grows badly no matter what I give it. In that situation I know that I would never run it because of awful growth characteristics. This is honestly a very rare scenario. I have only culled 5 or 6 plants out of the thousand or so that I have grown from seed this past year. Runts from good seed stock are rare and IMO most are just user error.

Second situation would be with the breeder’s guidance, assuming I need the space. In this situation, Doc knows how to ID mom/dad leaners so if I have 8 extra females… Ill cull the ones that Doc describes as dad leaning in structure. But this is only if there are space limitations and the male expresses in an obvious way, like the X18/Paki does. I really don’t like doing this though and will try my best to make more space when I can. Id rather chop lowers off and run single cola totem poles with higher plant density, rather than kill plants for this reason.

I will cull further along in the flower cycle if things get too insane. Like a haze/thais stretching and hitting the ceiling only halfway through stretch. Last resort situations where there are no other options, basically.

I also re veg the entire room during testing. Ill dry/cure/smoke test while things are re vegging and will only cull after the selection process is complete. I really try to avoid cutting corners because it usually comes back to bite me in the ass later. I cut corners on my first hunt and lost a really good pheno from RBJF’s seed stock. Ill never make that mistake again.

@minitiger I have 3 flower rooms and capacity for quite a few plants. Its a full time job and a lot of work, but its incredibly rewarding. Hunting is my favorite part of this process. I just love testing all the varieties to see what the plant is capable of.

@HolyAngel Its really nice. Sprite terp front will dominate most, but some will have tropical melon as well. The back end ranges from sharp sour funk to skunky woody goodness. My keeper is really Temple up front with really nice sprite/melon terps, and then transitions to a sour woody back end. The resin is really greasy and the citrus smells will stay on your hands for a long time after handling the plant. The high on mine is uplifting and stress melting.

There are some phenos in there that are devastatingly potent. I think that would be williams wonder coming out? The super potent pheno that I found had a very airy structure and mild melon notes. But when I ground it up it was just hazy skunk funk.


Quick update:

I just want to confirm that the herm I posted last night WAS caused by a light leak; my own stoopid fault. It was the closest one to the zipper, and I have been known to leave the zipper cracked.

Everything else (including non-Doc stuff) is fine. With that being said…. Two females have the prettiest, tackiest resin on them. Several already have some delicious smelling terps on them and it’s only week (I don’t remember; but it’s early-ish). Anyways, here’s some random shots of the lowest lowers (2 diff females)


Oh yeah, dude, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. If I had the amperage, I’d be running way more plants than I usually do, even though I only smoke a lot when I find something I love. It’s a crap shoot, for sure, but a super-fun one. And when I find that pheno or cross I love, it’s on… But if I don’t, I barely smoke at all and I’m like,”Alright, I guess I gotta plant more seeds…” I don’t mind.

Wha’d I say a while back? “It’s all a journey…” haha!


Tent full of doc d genetics.


Cool. What you got in there?


The shorter ones on the far right are HPK x Uzbekistan HP. All the rest are The White x Dragon Energy


That’s what’s up.
I got some of doc’s White Haze x Dragon Energy. I think might run it alongside the White Haze × Chem DDF2


Beautiful plants. If I may, where did you get those trays @clownbaby


They black trays are 72 site hydrofarm trays that come with their propagation domes. The green ones also came with propagation domes I bought off Amazon but can not remember the name. Give me a bit and I can figure it out for ya.
But, pretty much any 72 cell cloner or propagation tray will be this size. They fit very well in the vivosun 2x4 tents.


You sure write pretty


Um thanks I guess. Lol . It might be because I used to rap. Either that or your



I like rap and I’m really high.


Popping one pack of the Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy and the one pack of Banana OG x AfPak on the full moon later this month. Might even toss in the 3 Vietnam Black Fems as well since he gave them to me unexpectedly :green_heart: Thanks Doc


I’ll be watching.
I’m super tempted to pop some bananastan,
TK × afpak and GG4 × afpak. Got too much going already tho. We’ll