Doc D cannabis seeds

I’ve know him for years used to post lots on open grow Ive got him on Instagram. Just post a need help with mail forwarding to Canada from the US . I’m sure someone here would be more than happy to help you at getting them across the border .

He did mention speak easy ships to Canada but they might not have it in stock .


Thanks man, needed some good vibes today, life’s been beating me down for two months straight and it’s relentless…. Got some good vibes this morning which were much needed. Thank you :pray:t2:


No VIP here sadly or I would be all over that

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Sadly they don’t. From their website “ We are a USA shop in full complaince with the 2018 Farm Bill–this means we only ship to the United States.”


Ya I tried it before for the sky cuddler. No go

I sent him another message to see if he has a work around for ya .


You sir are awesome


haha i figured, i’d also like to find out how they turn out

@advancebuffalo dude, thanks for all of this, and i just realized we’re homies from RIU haha both you and minitiger have put this breeder on my list, the dragon energy crosses sound awesome


hey man i’m also canadian, i live in the us and i ship ebay orders over to canada all the time, almost everyday
you could order your seeds, and have 'em shipped to me, and i’ll take care of the rest, the catch is; i’ll take 2 seeds per pack haha nah but for real hit me up i’m happy to help a stoner canadian if i can


A White Haze × Dragon Energy showing red sap trait.


It’s sad how many won’t ship to Canada. I tend to just not give most of them my business but on occasion there is something I really need, like BOG seeds, so I get someone else to middle them for me. The thanks for that goes to the middle man of course since the seed sellers are normally no help at all. It really sucks to be in a legal country for both medical and recreational, have a medical grow license and still not be able to get seeds from across the border from so many. Dam agricultural laws.


One of my Colombian Gold/Dragon Energy plants did the same thing when I topped it the other day. Pretty cool.


I had 100% germ on the Lemon Thai f5s, 12hr soak pure water and Diy aloe vera gel, direct sewn next day in soil, they were up two and three days later no problems here. 7girls and 4boys in this pack!! Found 3Tri,s and 1 quad. These are 3wks from breaking ground.
Sweet lemon, melon odours , very happy gardener! Thanks Doc

Tri petole at the node.

Quad, 4x4 at the node

Grace and Peace, Ya’ll


@Chiefer88 I had great, enthusiastic reviews from the Ethiopian Banana x DE, which was the test run for the Ethiopian Flame V2.
Everyone really enjoyed those and are asking for more!


Any specifics on flavors/effects?


Sorry, doctors have put me on the bench, so I haven’t been able to smoke anything for a couple months. Put a jar up for future service and will do a smoke report soon as. Flowers smelled of sweet gas, lacquer fumes and skunk, real nice.


Sounds like a interesting strain any banana smells?


Nice! Good to hear. You know what’s funny? I gave those seeds ten days to sprout, only one did, so I tossed the soil from the pots I planted those seeds in back into one of my soil bins. A couple days later, I filled up a bunch of half-gallon pots to transplant into for veg. A few days after that, I had a little Lemon Thai f5 sprouting up through the mulch of the pot that one of my Soars was growing in haha. And a few days after THAT, I went into the garage and glanced at one of my soil bins and there was a suuuuuper-stretched out Lemon Thai f5 growing in one of the bins. Very little light in the garage haha, made it all stretchy and shit.

So I guess I ended up getting 75% germ rates on those seeds haha… Ended up killing them, though. They’re way too far behind everything else, no way to veg them properly.


Yes, I would say the sweet was the banana terp, I will be looking through a few more packs for the banana. There were a few phenos in that first pack mostly sweet and skunky, but I don’t know if the banana translates to flavor or aroma? Like to find a strong banana terp though.


That’s what caught my interests banana terpenoids would be a nice find .