Doc Wylder Genetics - Skippy Breath BX1 outdoor testers

Hey OG been a while since I showed anything I’ve been up to. I figured I should showcase the good bad and ugly of what I’ve got going on in my testing adventures with the CSTA.

I’m currently running a couple of Doc Wylders Skippy Breath BX1 testers outside just north of Toronto. This cultivar has been bred for Canada outdoor season. It’s and early triggering and fast finishing beast that’ll trigger around 14 hrs or less and finishes in late September.

This is my first try with these beans but I’ve been impressed so far. These were started indoors on Feb 28 and these two have been selected from a starting pack of 17.


#8 is in the big 100gal pot and #7 is in a 30 gal. Let’s see what they can do.


First off I’ve never heard of Doc Wylder but anyone with a pike on the package is good peoples in my book. What exactly is the makeup of Skippy Breath I’m assuming a PBB cross (I LOVE PBB) I’ll definitely follow along for the journey regardless I love seeing big ass outdoor ladies!


Hey thanks for popping in pal! Here’s the info from the breeder


Oooh that sounds killer And he’s Canadian, so I can actually order with zero issues! Yes , Awesome! Definitely on my radar now


The testers I have are a BX1 of the above


Gonna go check out his sight right now.


His gear is definitely worth the tent space for me.


Right on. He gaze some amazing haze crosses as well here’s a link to his site


They look like they could end up being huge!

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I really hope so. One of these is earmarked for my pops, I’d love to give him enough quality smoke that he doesn’t need to spend anything on weed. Last year the big plants became a bit overwhelming and the quality wasn’t there to justify the time to trim. I’m hoping I do better with these girls. Thanks for popping in @Floyd


Sounds interesting, good luck on your grow.


Thanks @CanuckistanPete appreciate it.

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Happy jump day OG. Here’s the Skippy Breath ladies soaking up the sun. Hope you’re all getting to do a bit of the same. All the best growmies.


Those look fantastic. I’m on a hunt for fast finishing stuff for outside. It starts gettin cold and wet quick at the end of the season and I’m always fighting PM. The sooner the finish the better

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Same here my friend. I’ve battled the pm and septoria every year. Between no tomatoes in the garden and these faster genetics I’m really hoping for a better season and loss fungal issues. Thanks for popping by!


Best of luck, I’m definitely pulling up a seat to see how these come out. :v:

It’s such a pain in the ass. We’ve been having cooler wet nights so it’s already started. At least for now I just douse em in neem oil lol finally got a good mix of that together where the leafs all have a nice sheen. Didn’t see a spot today.

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Good luck in your battles pal

Looking great @MonasticDank

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Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 and appreciate you stopping by. Have a great weekend!